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Theme 1: Lexicology as a Branch of Linguistics. The Word as the Basic Unit of Lexicology

  1. Comment on the terms:

  1. lexicology, subject of lexicology, system, vocabulary as a system, lexical units, a set-expression, language and speech, synchrony, diachrony, general/ special lexicology, contrastive lexicology, etymology, descriptive lexicology , sociolinguistics, semaciology, phraseology;

  1. indivisibility, positional mobility, uninterruptability, phonetic variants, morphemic variants, morphological variants, lexico-semantic variants, root-morpheme, affix (suffix, prefix, infix), free/ bound morphemes, pseudo- morphemes, semi-affixes.

  1. Establish the number and types of morphemes making up the word:

friendliness, merciless, effective, long-legged, gentleman, good-looking, ex-husband, unbutton, handrail, pocket, time-consuming, unwrapped, snowflake.

  1. Give examples of free and bound morphemes (5 – 7 of each type).

4. Find a word with an inflection:

worker, darkness, books, rewrite.

5. Find a word with a derivational affix:

night, heartless, Ivanov’s, papers.

  1. Find a word with two free morphemes:

unbearable, childhood, merry-go-round, first-nighter.

  1. Find a word with two bound affixational morphemes:

kindness, snow-white, uneatable, book-keeper.

  1. Find a word with a pseudo-morpheme:

rewrite, remain, speaker, lady-killer.

  1. Find a word with a semi-affix:

red-hot, long-haired, self-possessed, undisputable.

  1. In which word a root-morpheme has transformed into an affixational morpheme?

actress, friendship, question, childish.

Theme 2: English Etymology

  1. Comment on the terms:

native component (Indo-European element, Germanic element, English Proper element), borrowed component (Celtic. Latin, Scandinavian, French, Greek, Italian, Spanish, Russian, Dutch), causes of borrowings (social, linguistic), types of borrowings (transliteration, transcription, translation-loans, semantic loans, etymological doublets, international words, hybrid words), assimilation (phonetic, grammatical, semantic), degree of assimilation (complete, partial).

  1. Identify the period of the following Latin borrowings:

wall, cheese, intelligent, candle, major, moderate, priest, school, street, cherry, music, phenomenon, nun, kitchen, plum, pear, pepper, datum, cup, wine, philosophy, method.

3. Study the map of Great Britain and write out the names of the cities and towns ending in:

a) caster (chester) (Lat. – military camp),

b) wick, Thorpe, by (Sc. - place).

4.In the given sentences find examples of Scandinavian borrowings:

1. He went on to say that he was sorry to hear that I had been ill. 2. She was wearing a long blue skirt. 3. Two eyes – eyes like winter windows, glared at him with ruthless impersonality. 4. The sun was high, the sky unclouded, the air warm with a dry fresh breeze. 5. It’s not such a bad thing to be unsure sometimes. It takes us away from rigid thinking.

5.Explain the etymology of the following words. Translate them into Russian:

coup d’etat, tete-a-tete, enfant terrible, beau monde, bon mot, persona grata, etc., e.g., a.m., p.m., sputnik, kindergarten, opera, piano, potato, tomato, czar, violin, coffee, alarm, cargo, blitzkrieg, steppe, banana, balalaika.

6. Identify the degree of assimilation of the following words:

pen, hors d’oeuvre, ballet, butter, skin, take, cup, police, distance, monk, garage, phenomenon, wine, large, justice, lesson, criterion, gay, port, river, autumn, uncle, law, lunar, skirt, bishop, regime, eau-de-Cologne.

7. State the origin of the following translation loans:

five-year plan, wonder child, masterpiece, first dancer, fellow-traveller.

8. State the origin of the following etymological doublets:

captain-chieftan, canal-channel;

shirt-skirt, shrew-screw;

gaol-jail, corpse- corps;

shadow-shade, off-of.

9. Supply the adjectives of Latin origin corresponding to the following nouns. Comment upon their stylistic characteristics:

nose, tooth, sun, hand, child, town, sea, life, youth