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Кременецький обласний гуманітарно-педагогічний

інститут імені Тараса Шевченка

кафедра іноземної філології



для спеціальності 6.010100 Педагогіка і методика середньої освіти. Мова та література. Англійська мова.

ВИКЛАДАЧ: канд.філол.н

Воронцова Н.Г.

Кременець, 2009

I semester

LECTURE 1 (4 hours)

Introduction to the course of English Lexicology


  • to introduce the students into the problems of modern English lexicology;

  • to acquaint the students with main notions of the lexical system of the language;

  • to inform them on the methods and approaches to the study of the English vocabulary;

  • to give the analysis of the semantic system in manifold hierarchy of interrelations of its elements.


  1. English Lexicology as a part of science of the word. Types of Lexicology.The main lexical problems.

  2. Connection of lexicology with other brunches of linguistics (grammar, phonology, stylistics).

  3. Methods and approaches to the study of the language.

  4. The notion of the semantic systems of the language.

Recommended literature:

  1. Aнтрушина Г.Б., Афанасьєва О.В., Морозова Н.Н. Лексикология английского языка.: Учеб. пособие для студентов – Москва. „Дрофа” – 2000. – 288 с.

  2. Kveselevich D.I., Sasina V.P. Modern English Lexicology in Practice. – Nova Knyha Publishers. – Вінниця – 2003. – 128 с.

  3. Arnold I. The English Word. – M. – L., «Просвещение», 1977.

  4. Раевская Н.М. English Lexicology. Видавництво „Вища школа” – Київ, 1971.


General characteristics of the word in me


  • to acquaint the students with main problems on the theory of the word;

  • to inform them on problem of word motivation;

  • to give the analysis of different approaches to the study of the word meaning.


  1. Word as the basic unit of the vocabulary, its definition in ML. Main features of the word. General problems of the theory of the word.

  2. The problem of word motivation.

  3. The problem of word meaning. The referential approach to the study of the word meaning.

  4. The functional approach to the study of word meaning.

Recommended literature:

  1. Aнтрушина г.Б., Афанасьєва о.В., Морозова н.Н. Лексикология английского языка.: Учеб. Пособие для студентов – Москва. „Дрофа” – 2000. – 288 с.

  2. Kveselevich D.I., Sasina V.P. Modern English Lexicology in Practice. – Nova Knyha Publishers. – Вінниця – 2003. – 128 с.

  3. Arnold I. The English Word. – M. – L., «Просвещение», 1977.

  4. Раевская Н.М. English Lexicology. Видавництво „Вища школа” – Київ, 1971.


The Etymological Background of the English Wordstock.


  • to acquaint students with main etymological problems;

  • to inform them on main peculiarities of loans;

  • to give the analysis of different kinds of assimilation of borrowings


  1. Basic etymological terms in English lexicology.

  2. The words of native origin in English vocabulary.

  3. The role of loan words in the formation and development of the English vocabulary.

  4. Classification of loans.

Recommended literature:

  1. Aнтрушина г.Б., Афанасьєва о.В., Морозова н.Н. Лексикология английского языка.: Учеб. Пособие для студентов – Москва. „Дрофа” – 2000. – 288 с.

  2. Kveselevich D.I., Sasina V.P. Modern English Lexicology in Practice. – Nova Knyha Publishers. – Вінниця – 2003. – 128 с.

  3. Arnold I. The English Word. – M. – L., «Просвещение», 1977.

  4. Раевская Н.М. English Lexicology. Видавництво „Вища школа” – Київ, 1971.