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Resumes: fact or fiction?

Exaggeration Is Common, But Risky

People are sometimes “creative” when they are writing their resumes. That doesn’t surprise Edward C. Andler. “Cheating on resumes is very common,” says Andler. He is a resume detective and the author of The Complete Reference Checking Handbook. “Many people are getting away with it, so more people are trying to do it.”

Andler’s surveys show that about one-third of all resume writers exaggerate their background and accomplishments. Approximately 10 per cent of job seekers “seriously misrepresent” their work histories. In some fields, such as sales, the numbers are even higher.

Typical lies include fictional degrees, false job titles, exaggerated responsibilities, and the changing of dates of previous employment to hide times of unemployment. Some resume lies, such as fake degrees, are easy to discover. Other lies, particularly exaggerations, are harder to check. “Most companies will only give you dates of employment, and that’s it, no details,” Andler says.

However, Andler uses other techniques to discover lies on resumes. For example, when he checks references, he asks the name of another work colleague. A call to that person helps him find untruths. “A person who gives a reference is supposed to say good things. They are prepared and they don’t want to be negative. However, when you call another colleague, you often get more truthful answers.” Still, many applicants get away with their lies. And that is why so many people continue to do it. “Our message to people who cheat is just don’t do it,” says Andler. “We may not catch you now, but sooner or later, somebody will.”

  1. R eading comprehension

Write true (T) or false (F). Correct the statements that are false.

___ 1. People are often untruthful on their resumes.

_ __ 2. People never lie about college degrees.

___ 3. A lie is more difficult to check than an exaggeration.

___ 4. People who write references are usually truthful.

___ 5. It can be dangerous to lie on your resume.

  1. Vocabulary: employment terms

Fill in the blanks with the correct word from the list below.











lay off







1. His previous employer gave him a very good … because he was an excellent worker.

2. You don’t need experience for that job. The company will … you.

3. You shouldn’t hire a clearing company to clean your home unless their workers are … .

4. The restaurant will … many waiters when the tourist season is over.

5. When you write your …, you should include your education, skills and work experience.

6. Mario wants to quit his job. He doesn’t like working the night … .

7. When Joe applied at the store, the manager told him there were no jobs ... at that time, but there would be some openings in about a month.

8. Knowing a second language is an … if you work in a hotel.

9. Besides a good salary, the company offers many … such as medical insurance, pension plan and a three week paid holiday.

10. He works at a fast food restaurant. His hourly … is eight dollars.

11. He won’t get the job. He doesn’t have the necessary … .

12. A … is an organization of workers.

13. It is .. to have a car if you are a travelling salesman.

14. John earns $10,000 an hour, but his boss promised to give him a … in a few months. He’s probably be making $11,50 an hour then.

15. Most workers … by the age of 65.

16. You should apply to ABC Co. right away. I hear they are planning to .. twenty new employees.

17. The boss is going to … John because he is always late.

W e write a CV, or curriculum vitae, to present information about our education, skills and work experience to an employer. If you are looking for a job you will need a good general CV, but you may need to adapt this when you apply for particular jobs.