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підручник англійська мова.docx
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  1. T hink about it

  1. Match the name of the prominent Ukrainian poet or writer and some facts of his/her biography.

Pavlo Zahrebelnyi

Lina Kostenko

Ivan Kotliarevsky

Olena Teliha

Panteleimon Kulish

Mykola Bazhan

1. He was reunited with Kostomarov and others of the Cyril-Methodian "Brethren" and participated in the Ukrainian journal Osnova (The Foundation).

2. His epic-style poem is considered to be the first literary work published wholly in the modern Ukrainian language.

3. One of his best known novels is Roksolana (1980), about the life of Anastasia Lisovska, a Ruthenian girl from Galicia who became a wife of SultanSüleyman the Magnificent and played a prominent role in the sixteenth century Ottoman Empire.

4. When he was nominated for a Nobel Prize in 1970, he was forced by Soviet authorities, likely due to his Ukrainian heritage, to write a letter refusing his candidature.

5. In 1979 this poet followed with one of her greatest works the historical novel in verse, Marusia Churai, about at 17th century Ukrainian folksinger.

6. This poet was arrested by the Gestapo and executed, aged 35, in Babi Yar in Kiev

B) Find photos of these famous Ukrainian writers and poets.

a .

b .

c .

d .

e .

f .

L esson 65.



Match these words with their definitions below:






  1. somebody who reviews new films

  2. a very famous actor or actress

  3. what a critic writes about a new film

  4. the person who tells the actors and actresses what to do

  5. one small part of a film

2 . Reading

Read the text

The first newsreels were made and shown in 1896, by A. Fedetsky, artist and photographer from Kharkiv. Their regular production began in 1907.

An animated cartoon studio was set up in Kharkiv in 1927 and later transferred to Kyiv. Among its directors were V. Levanovsky, I. Lazaruk and others.

During World War II Ukrainian film-makers made trips to the front. They showed war films about the country’s heroic defense.

O. Dovzhenko is one of the founders of Ukrainian cinematography. O. Dovzhenko became an important figure in national and world cinematography. His motion pictures “Arsenal”, “Earth” were named among the best films of all times. He worked for the Odesa and Kyiv studios. Since 1946 he stayed to work at the Mosfilm Studio. Apart from a number of feature films he made documentaries. Besides he wrote script-like stories and plays. The Kyiv Studio bears his name nowadays. The Dovzhenko Prize was instituted in 1983.

There are four state film studios in Ukraine now. Bohdan Stupka, Ada Rohovtseva, Olha Sumska – these and many other names are very popular with movie and theatre-goers. They have successfully appeared in domestic and foreign productions.