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підручник англійська мова.docx
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  1. T hink smart!

Match the poem with its Ukrainian translation and find the poet.

Thoughts, away, you heavy clouds of autumn!

For now springtime comes, agleam with gold!

Shall thus in grief and wailing for ill fortune

All the tale of my young years be told?

Твої очі, як те море Супокійне, світляне; Серця мого давнє горе, Мов пилинка, в них тоне.

«Коли до губ твоїх …»

Г. Чубай

Day dawns, then comes the twilight grey, The limit of the live-long day; For weary people sleep seems best And all God's creatures go to rest.

Коли до губ твоїх лишається пів подиху,  Коли до губ твоїх лишається півкроку —  Зіниці твої виткані із подиву,  В очах у тебе синьо і широко.

«Contra spem spero!»

Леся Українка

She came unwaited, uninvited, I couldn't welcome her the way I should, She came from fog of shy desire From mist woven by dreams of youth

Гетьте, думи, ви, хмари осінні!

То ж тепера весна золота!

Чи то так у жалю, в голосінні

Проминуть молодії літа?

«Твої очі, як те море...»

Іван Франко

When I am half a breath from you, When I am half a step from your lips Your pupils are weaved from wonder. There is something blue and wide in your eyes.

І смеркає, і світає, День божий минає, І знову люд потомлений І все спочиває.

«Вона прийшла»


Thine eyes are like the deep, deep sea, Calm and peaceful, shining bright; In their depths my old-time sorrow, Like a speck, sinks out of sight.

Вона прийшла непрохана й неждана, І я її зустріти не зумів. Вона до мене випливла з туману Моїх юнацьких несміливих снів.

«І мертвим, і живим, і ненародженим»

Т. Шевченко

  1. R eading

Fill in the blanks with one suitable word and read about one of the greatest contemporary Ukrainian poets.

Vasyl stus


















Vasyl Stus born not far from Kyiv but spent his childhood and youth in the Donbas Region. In this area of (1) _____, people speak mainly Russian, and it was a wonder that the young man could preserve his (2) _____ tongue. After graduating from the local Teacher Training College he worked as a teacher of Ukrainian (3) ______ and literature. In 1963 he decided to continue his education and moved to Kyiv, where he started to (4) _____ literary theory. There he published his first collection of (5) _____ “The Circuit”, “The Winter Trees”, and the “Merry Cemetery”. Both in his poetry and in his public speeches Vasyl protested (6) _____ the repressions of the Ukrainian intelligentsia. Though it was a (7) _______ of the so-called “political thaw” of 1961-1965, he was expelled (8) ______ his graduate programme. In 1972 Vasyl was arrested, charged with anti-Soviet propaganda, and (9) _____ to 5 years in prison and 3 years of exile. There Vasyl continued (10) _____ and his prison poetry “A Candle in the Mirror” and “Palimpsests” are considered the heights of his creative (11) ______. In his poem Vasyl wrote about life and (12) _____, fate and destiny, individual choice and responsibility. In 1979 Vasyl Stus (13) ______ to Kyiv only to be imprisoned again for (14) _____ 10 years and 5 years of exile. But his undermined health could not (15) ______ the absence of freedom and he died in a camp for political (16) ______ in the Urals when he was only 49 years old. Like with many other outstanding writers the (17) _____ of this talented Ukrainian poet will outlive their creator.