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Verbs in newspaper reports

Use these common newspaper verbs below:






  1. Pensioner Sam Mac Donald .. how his attackers laughed as they stole his money.

  2. Police in Brighton have .. for witnesses after a man was attacked in the town centre late last night.

  3. Angry friends and relatives have … an inquiry after a man died in police custody yesterday.

  4. 500 new jobs will be created in the Health Service, the Government …yesterday.

  5. Nobody has … responsibility for the bomb which exploded in central London yesterday.

L esson 80.


1.1 Look at the following photographs.

W hich of these people could be on the cover of a magazine? Why?

1.2 Now, look at the following magazines.

1.3. Could any of those people be on the cover of one of these magazines? Which?

1.4. Do you read this kind of magazine?

1 .5. What do you look for when you read them? Choose from the following topics:

1.5. Would you like to be on the cover of a teen magazine? Why?

1.6. Is it possible for anyone to be on the cover of a teen magazine?

1.7. Look at the pictures above and try to spot any similarities between them.

1.8. Can the perfect image be an illusion?


Read the text.

Having a positive body image

Actors and models are always portrayed with glamour and celebrity by the media, and their magic of creating idyllic beauty works most of the time to captivate us in their magnetism.

It’s important to realize that it is an illusion and that it is not a part of real life. The entertainment and fashion industries invest a lot of hard work and resources in crafting the ideal image and a flawless form for their products, and the models and actors have full time jobs working with personal trainers and in some cases inducing themselves to diet at dangerous malnutrition levels.

All of that hard work is still usually not enough, so the tricks of the trade in photographic image enhancement and cosmetic surgery cut out the slight imperfections that remain. There is also often an entourage of lighting, make-up and fashion expert to make sure that the cameras keep the view on the best angles. Trying to fit your own physical image or your own lifestyle to the ideals set by the very visible media is a pursuit of futility and is a daunting goal that is probably unattainable. In practical terms, relating to your health and well-being, forcing yourself through extreme measures to try to match the perfect images you see in magazines can lead to poor nutrition, sickness, and certainly a poor self-image.

You are a unique individual and it’s a shame if you don’t recognize the fact that your combination of traits and qualities makes you a priceless being that no one else can judge. Take pride in who you are and that’s all you need to get a stellar self-image.


2.1. Find synonyms for the following words:









2.2. Go through the 3rd paragraph of the text and find evidence for the followingideas.

a) The perfect image of actors and models is manipulated.

b) It’s not worth trying to imitate the models portrayed in the media.

c) The consequences can be not only physical but also psychological.

2.3. Answer the questions using your own words.

a) Why do the media depicts actors and models so glamorously?

b) Who are the professionals that guarantee the perfect photos you see in magazines?

c) Do you agree with the advice given in the last paragraph? Explain.


Read the dialogue. A good read?

Clare: That’s not your magazine, is it?

Laura: Yeah. Why?

Clare: I’m surprised you care what hairstyle Victoria Beckham’s got, or what restaurant Brad Pitt and what’s-her-name have been to.

Laura: Angelina Jolie.

Clare: Whatever. You’re too intelligent for that.

Laura: What? Are you saying celebrity gossip magazines are just for thick people?

Clare: Yes, basically.

Laura: That’s ridiculous!

Clare: Oh, sorry, I forgot – it’s really educational to find out which famous actress looks a bit fat in her bikini on holiday. Everyone needs to know that.

Laura: Why should everything you read be educational? What’s wrong with reading for a bit of fun?

Clare: Well-

Laura: You’ve never read this magazine, have you?

Clare: I don’t need to. I know it’s rubbish.

Laura: So you don’t know what you’re talking about.

Clare: I do know there are more important things in the world than Brad Pitt and Angela Jolie-

Laura: Angelina.

Clare: Whatever! Why don’t you go and get a serious newspaper?

Laura: Oh, give me a break. Reading about the world’s problems all the time is so depressing – and it doesn’t make things any better, does it? And do you really think reading this means I can’t read the papers as well? I can do both.

Clare: I still think it’s sad that someone like you buys that every week.

Laura: Not as sad as Brad and Angelina, though. They might split up. What do you think will happen to their kids?

Clare: Oh, I give up.

Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F), or if the text doesn’t say (D).

1. Clare says she has also read the magazine she and Laura are talking about.

2. Clare thinks intelligent people shouldn’t read celebrity gossip magazines.

3. Laura says it is possible to read serious newspapers and celebrity gossip magazines.

4. We find out at the end of the conversation that Clare does want to know what is in the magazine.

5. Laura thinks that reading should always be educational.

6. Clare has never read any kind of celebrity gossip magazine.

7. At the start of the conversation Clare wasn’t sure if the magazine was Laura’s.

8. Laura changes her mind during the conversation and begins to agree more with Clare.

Answer the questions below.

1. What examples of subjects in celebrity gossip magazines do the two women give during the conversation?

2. What does Clare think Laura should read instead of the magazine?

3. How often does Clare think Laura buys her magazine?

4. Whose name does Clare get wrong?

5. At one point in the conversation one of the women says something sarcastic. What is it?

6. Laura gives two reasons for reading other things apart from serious newspapers. What are they?

7. Why do you think Clare says ‘I give up’?

8. What do you think is the relationship between Clare and Laura, and why?