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  1. Find in the text the English equivalents to the following Russian words and word-combinations:

Цель науки; исследовать природные явления; иметь место в природе; моделируя (воспроизводя) обстоятельства; предсказывать явления; обогащенные знания; собирать факты; открывать вещи неизвестные и удивительные; делать новые открытия; извлекать больше пользы; делать возможным; существование неизвестных элементов; расширять горизонты человеческих знаний; давая новый толчок (импульс).

  1. Read the text. Point out the main idea of each paragraph. Use the expressions: I think, I believe, to my mind, in my opinion, it seems to me, as far as I know.

  1. Read the third paragraph. Give your own examples to prove that science is important to the understanding of technology and to our understanding of the world. Science studies the Universe and how to use its possibilities for the benefit of men.

  1. Make up a summary (аннотация) of the text in English (use Appendix – приложение).

  1. Retell the text using your own examples about the significance of scientific theory.

  1. Express your own opinion. Do you agree that:

  1. In recent years, scientific and technological developments have drastically (резко) changed life on our planet as well as our views both of ourselves as individuals in society and of the Universe as a whole.

  2. Today, science and technology are closely related. Each advance in pure science creates new opportunities for the development of new ways of making things to be used in daily life. In turn, technology provides science with new and more accurate instruments for its investigation and research.

  3. In a sense, (в известном смысле) the history of science and technology is the history of all humankind.

Part B

  1. Read the words and expressions and guess what this text is about?

the surface of the planet – поверхность планеты,

to descend [di`send] – спускаться,

to breathe [bri:ð] – дышать,

oxygen (nitrogen) – кислород (азот),

helmets – шлемы,

intelligent life – разумная жизнь,

to rescue – спасать.

A science fiction story

The spaceship flew around the new planet several times. The planet was blue and green. They couldn't see the surface of the planet because there were too many white clouds. The spaceship descended slowly through the clouds and landed in the middle of a green forest. The two astronauts put on their space suits, opened the door, climbed carefully down the ladder, and stepped onto the planet.

The woman looked at a small control unit on her arm. It's all right she said to the man. We can breathe the air ... it's a mixture of oxygen and nitrogen. Both of them took off their helmets and breathed deeply.

They looked at everything carefully. All the plants and animals looked new and strange. They couldn't find any intelligent life.

After several hours, they returned to their spaceship. Everything looked normal. The man switched on the controls, but nothing happened. “Something's wrong”, – he said. “I don't understand ... the engines aren't working”. He switched on the computer, but that didn't work either. “Eve”, – he said. “We're stuck here ... we can't take off!”

“Don't worry, Adam”, – she replied. “They'll rescue us soon”.