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  1. Read the text and answer the following questions:

  1. What kind planet was it?

  2. What were the names of the astronauts?

  3. What was the air on that planet?

  4. Was there any intelligent life on it?

  5. What happened then?

  1. What is your opinion about the end of this story? Think over and write down about the fate of the astronauts.

  1. Render the contents of the last paragraph into Indirect Speech.

Unit II.

The science of chemistry Part a

1. Learn the following words and word-combinations:

artificial – искусственный

carbon – углерод

composition – состав

compound – смесь, соединение

condition - условие

deposition - осаждение

hydrogen – водород

liquid - жидкость

matter – материя

measurement - измерение

molten – расплавленный, жидкий

pressure – давление

property – свойство

solution – раствор

solid – твердое тело

substance – вещество

volume – объем

to be concerned with – касаться, иметь отношение к

to be composed of – состоять из

to be linked with – быть связанным с

to change – изменять

to convert into – превращать, преобразовывать

to create – создавать

to deal with – иметь дело с, рассматривать

to decompose – разлагать, разложить

to discover – открывать, обнаруживать

to introduce – вводить

to obtain – получать, добывать

to occur in nature – встречаться в природе

to result in – приводить к

to undergo – подвергаться

on the one hand – с одной стороны

on the other hand – с другой стороны

as well as – так же, как и

since – так как

whereby – посредством чего

  1. Translate the words without dictionary.

absorption, accompany, analytical, automation, colloidal, concept, electrochemistry, electronics, energy, form, manufacture, material, man-made, metal, method, mineral, organic, plastics, reaction, synthesis, transformation, structure, typical.

  1. Translate the following sentences paying attention to the different meanings of the word "matter":




matter содержание

предмет (обсуждения)

вопрос, дело

иметь значение

as a matter of fact - фактически, на самом деле; в сущности

1. Mass is the quantity of matter in a special specimen (образец). 2. Chemistry is the branch of science which deals with different substances or varieties of matter. 3. It is a matter of common observation (наблюдение) that matter exists in three states. 4. Though this substance is of organic origin it is still a matter of some doubt (сомнение) whether it is of animal or vegetable origin. 5. As a matter of fact this discovery was not a new one, but still-it was very interesting. 6. No matter what results we get we shall continue our work. 7. It doesn't matter when he comes, we shall begin our experiments without him, and later we shall show him the results. 8. Changes in matter can't be without changes in energy. 9. Matter is that which makes up the universe (мир, вселенная), matter is the reality. 10. It is known that mass is a quantity of matter that makes a body. 11. The concentration of mineral matter in sea water slowly increases. 12. Sea water contains approximately 3.6 per cent of mineral matter in solution. 13. The forms of motion of matter are diverse.