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  1. Translate the words in the brackets into English.

1. Chemistry is the science which (рассматривает) materials and their properties. 2. The connection of chemistry with energy (связана с изменениями энергии) that accompany chemical transformations of matter. 3. All changes of one kind of matter into another (сопровождаются) by the absorption or liberation of energy. 4. Physical chemistry (рассматривает) those parts of chemistry (которые тесно связаны с физикой). 5. This scientist (внес большой вклад) both in chemistry and physics. 6. All his life he worked in the field of chemistry, and we can say that he (посвятил) his life to science. 7. All the changes which (сопровождали) this reaction play a very important role. 8. Later Lavoisier (ввел) the concept of the chemical elements. 9. This article (касается) the development of our industry.

  1. Ask questions to the words in bold type:

1. Chemistry is linked with biology. 2. Chemistry is concerned with different forms of matter. 3. Now there are more than 30 different branches of chemistry. 4. Substances may be obtained directly or indirectly from minerals, ores and other sources. 5. In 1869 D.I. Mendeleyev discovered regularities in the properties of the elements. 6. Many great Russian chemists made a great contribution to world science. 8. Rapid development of chemical industry will help to understand many new phenomena.

  1. Write a plan in form of questions to the text and retell the text according to it.

  1. Translate the text into English.

Наука химия имеет дело со свойствами, составом и структурой веществ (material), из которых состоит наш мир, изменениями, при которых эти вещества превращаются в другие вещества, и с сопровождающими их энергетическими изменениями. Химия имеет отношение к различным формам материи. Материя существует как твердые вещества, жидкости или газы. Соединение - это вещество, которое может быть разложено на два или более веществ. Химические реакции - это процессы, которые превращают вещества в другие вещества.

Part B

  1. Listen to a short communication given by a university professor. Make notes. After that ask questions to clarify the points of the lecture you don't understand. The expressions of clarification and the strategy of asking questions come handy. You are also given notes and words to understand the communication better.


I'm afraid it's not quite clear what you mean by...

I'm sorry I didn't quite follow what you said about...

I'm afraid I don't understand what... mean(s).

When you say..., do you mean that...?


I'd like to know what/when/why/how/who/if...

Could you tell me what/when/why/how/who/if...?

I wonder what/when/why/how/who/if...

Would you tell me what/when/why/how/who/if...?

It's interesting to know (to find out) what/when/why/how/who/if...


1. most of the elements — большая часть элементов

2. breaking down — разложение

3. it's taken for granted — принимается как должное


to accompany — сопровождать

behaviour — поведение

density — плотность

determination —- определение

drug — лекарство

dye — краситель

hardness — твердость, жесткость

insecticide — средство от насекомых

liberation — высвобождение

paint — краска

smell — запах

solubility — растворимость

(J. В.) Ladies and gentlemen! Let me begin by introducing my­self. I'm John Brown, and I'm going to teach you chem­istry during the first semester. The purpose of today's lecture is to provide an introduction to chemistry. As you probably know, chemistry is an experimental and theoretical science, studying the composition of matter and the changes that take place in it. Let me remind you that chemical changes involve changes in composition of matter, accompanied by energy changes. Physical chang­es involve changes in the position, location, or size of matter without any alteration in its composition. Energy changes may be explained as the liberation or ab­sorption of energy in the form of light, heat, or electrici­ty. Another thing to remember is that all forms of matter, and we'll discuss it in detail in other lectures, consist of either pure substances or mixtures of two or more sub­stances.

Right? What are the building blocks of matter?... Yes, they are elements. And compounds are combinations of elements. Most of the elements are metals and most of them unite with other elements and form compounds. Now, the formation of a compound from simpler sub­stances is known as synthesis. Another process, analysis, is breaking down a compound into simpler substances or elements, and in this way determining its composition. Remember, please, that the composition of a pure sub­stance never changes.

Furthermore, every substance has physical and chemical properties. Physical properties include... what do they include?

(STUDENT) Oh... colour, smell... well, what else?... solubility, density ah... probably hardness... oh, yes and boiling and melt­ing points.

(J. В.) Right. They include colour, smell, solubility, density, hardness, and boiling and melting points. As for chemical properties, they include the behaviour with other materials. Now, a few words about matter. It exists in three states. What are they?

(STUDENT) Ah... solid, liquid, oh, yes, and gas, gaseous state.

(J. В.) Quite true. The solid, the liquid, and the gaseous state. Usually a substance can be transformed from one state to another under the changes of its... what?

(STUDENT) Temperature.

(J. В.) Yes, temperature. Let me conclude by saying that chem­istry is so much a part of our lives that it's very easily taken for granted. Metals, glass, plastics, dyes, paints, drugs, insecticides, plants, paper and a lot more are made of chemicals. Now, do you have any questions? Is every­thing clear?