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  1. Read the text again and say if the following statements are true (t) or false (f):

1. We can infer that physics is a fundamental branch of knowledge.

  1. In paragraph 2, the study of energy is said to be a part of chemistry.

  2. The author writes that every animate and inanimate thing in the universe is governed by general principles.

  3. According to the author, even though there are unsolved secrets in nature, principles govern these secrets.

  4. The author believes that if chemists "advance the frontiers of knowl­edge", they will "contribute to the well-being of humanity".

  5. To truly enjoy nature, the author thinks, we must have some knowl­edge of chemistry.

  6. If you are studying to become a veterinarian (a doctor for animals), you will have to take courses in chemistry.

  1. Read the text once again and entitle its paragraphs.

  1. Write out a) key words out of each para­graph; b) the sentences expressing the main idea(s) of each paragraph.

  1. Retell the text briefly in your own words making use of the key words and the sen­tences you've written out.

  1. As you know, there are more than thirty branches of chemistry. Below you're given the names of a few chemical sciences. See if you know what this or that branch deals with. Match the numbers and the letters. Then write the com­plete definitions. Pay attention to the different meaning and usage of the verbs in the middle column of the table:

No. Field of Chemistry

The Subject Matter

  1. Organic chemistry

  2. Inorganic chemistry

  3. Analytical chemistry

  4. Physical chemistry

  5. Biochemistry

  6. Radiochemistry

  7. Electrochemistry

  8. Magnetochemistry

  9. Stereochemistry

  10. Enzimology

deals with



treats of

concerns itself with

is concerned with

a) radioactive elements.

b) chemical properties and reactions involving ions in solutions.

c) compounds of carbon.

d) methods of separating pure sub­stances from mixtures.

e) elements other than carbon.

f) effects of chemical structure on physical properties of matter.

g) substances contained in living organisms.

h) spatial arrangement of atoms in molecules.

i) complex substances produced by living cells.

j) the magnetic properties of com­pounds.

  1. Here are two expressions of the role of chemistry. Do you share them? Express your opinion to each one.

  1. Chemistry and physics played a very important part in the 20th century. Physics has solved many vital problems, but the present great progress in the production of man-made materials is due to (благодаря) chemistry. We know three long periods in the history of human progress, named after the basic material used - the stone, the bronze and the iron ages. Now we live in the ages of chemistry, which produces synthetic materials. Due to the great discoveries of the past two decades we are able to go over to a new ages - the age of synthetic polymers. Chemistry is to remake (преобразовывать) existing materials and create new ones. Natural materials have to give way to (уступить дорогу) the man-made ones. Synthetic materials will play a still more important part in future.

  2. The total of chemical knowledge is so enormous that no one could learn all of it in one’s lifetime. Science is dull and abstract and virtually impossible for the average person to understand. It has little immediate relevance to our lives. It is not necessary to be a professional chemist or scientist to enjoy natural phenomena.

Unit III.