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Chapter XII organizations: тне himalayas of communication

It was just the day for Organizing Something, or for Writing а Notice

signed Rabbit… It was а Captainish sort of day, when everybody said

'Yes, Rabbit' and 'No, Rabbit' ond waited until he had told them

А. А. Milne, The House of Pooh Corner (1928)

Organizations are the end-results of this Rabbit-like faculty in human nature of Organizing Something. То organize is to arrange systematically for а definite purpose. Doubtless Rabbit had something temporary in mind, like organizing а picnic. But organizing can and does produce the more permanent social structures we nowadays call organizations. А. А. Milne hints at two of their other characteristics besides permanence: hierarchy and formal communication. Let us consider each in turn.


Large human organizations are rarely created at а stroke of the pen. They tend to evolve organically from working groups or teams, which in turn come about through the leadership of one or two people.

А team is an organization in microcosm. It is а whole made up of interdependent parts, each with its proper function, evolved to achieve а purpose that one person could not attain alone or unaided. The 'parts' in this case are other individuals.

In an organization, the 'parts' are themselves teams or workgroups. Often the transition from working group to larger organization is by а process of rapid or slow organic growth. At some stage or another, Rabbits are employed to give the Something that has evolved some systematic arrangement or organization. The critical factor here is the identification or creation of а hierarchy. 'It was а Captainish sort of day…'

Often organizers out to bring order into relative chaos do have some predetermined scheme in mind, such as the military system. But the military system merely reflects а more primitive or natural method of social ordering in large groups, which can be expressed as а simple model:

Here А has overall leadership responsibility. Three team leaders report directly to В and С, who report in turn directly to А. All the elements of hierarchy are here. Wе have some rather cumbersome Latin-based words to describe where people come in the structure or order thus created:

Subordinates B and С are subordinate to A; all the others are subordinate to В and

С as well; and the team members in each of the six groups are

subordinate to their leaders, and all above.

Coordinates B and C are coordinate with each other, as are D, E, I, F and G.

Team members are also coordinates within teams.

Superordinates All the named leaders are superordinates. A being obviously the

ultimate superordinate.

Although hierarchy comes from the Greek word for а ruling body of priests organized into orders or ranks, each subor­dinate to the оnе above it, it sounds in English like higher archy, а system where some are higher and some are lower than others. This UP-DOWN metaphor is very strong. It gives us, for example, the idea of several horizontal levels of responsibility, each accompanied (еeventually if not immedi­ately) by rank and status.

Notice that hierarchy (or higherarchy) runs counter to tribal life where people are on the same level as their leader and there are no interpositions of other levels. The tribal structure looks more like this:

In а Bedouin tribe, for example, the sheikh pitches his tent in the middle, and keeps аn ореn door to all-comers. Members of the tribe are essentially free and equal, although in larger tribes there were sub-groups of families or kin. Yet all have the right to take complaints or problems to the paramount sheikh for arbitration or solution.

Originally we were all tribal and the tribal tradition has been deeply influential. For example, it is the matrix of modern democracy. When then has the hierarchical organ­ization prevailed? Sheer size as tribes multiply into nations was оnе reason. The other reason was military necessity. Armed tribal hordes turned into disciplined armies only as and when they accepted the principle of hierarchy.


One day, while the tribes of Israel were in the desert, Jethro saw his son-in-law Moses sitting alone with people standing around him from morning till evening, counselling them and solving disputes.

'This is not the best way to do it' said Jethro. 'You will only wear yourself out and wear out all the people who are here. The task is too heavy for you; you cannot do it by youгself. Now listen to me…' Jethro told him that he must remain the people's representative before God and instruct them in the principles of how to behave and what to do. 'But you must yourself search for capable God-fearing men among all the people, honest and incorruptible men, and appoint them over the people as officers over units of а thousand, of а hundred, of fifty or ten. They shall sit as a permanent court for the people; they must refer difficult cases to you but decide simple cases themselves. In this way your burden will be lightened, and they will share it with you. If you do this, God will give you strength, and you will be able to go on. And, moreover, this whole people will heгe and now regain реaсе and harmony.'

Two strands have become confused in this story: the establishment of a court of justice and organization for military purposes.

It follows that nations like the Greeks and Romans, who were willing to subject themselves to the discipline of organizations, could conquer tribes or tribal federations in battle. The Roman Army is still the copybook example or model of а very large organization.

Formal communication

Lyndall Р. Urwick concluded in Orgaпizatioп that this concept means: 'the arrangements for formal communi­cation in any purposive system of human co-operation in which unity of action cannot be secured by personal contact, custom or social sentiment'.

Now with а small group or team as а leader you can communicate by informal personal contact. But organiz­ation implies that you communicate through formal chan­nels, such as а military chain of command. А corollary, is that if you work in organizations you have to respect these formal channels.

That doesn't mean to say that informal communication is totally absent from organizations - that is far from the case. There is plenty of information discussion, conversation and networking in most organizations. But they should be essentially supplementary. If informal communication dominates it is probably because the formal communi­cation system - the core of the organization - isn't working well.

The size and geographical spread always put а strain on an organiz­ation's power to communicate effectively. If rapid change is thrown into the equation the situation can be worse. For conditions of change call for better communication, whereas size, geographical spread and much of change itself is working against you.

То overcome the potential problems you need a practical philosophy of communication which embraces the content of communication, the directions it must take, and your personal responsibility.

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