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Баракова. Первый Курс.doc
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7. Укажите, какие предложения соответствуют содержанию текста. Подтвердите свои ответы фактами из текста.

1. After school Terpigorev decided to work in a mine.


  1. Terpigorev collected material for his graduation paper which dealt with mining thick seams in the Donbas.

  2. For more than three years Terpigorev worked at the Sulin mines.

  3. In 1922 Terpigorev accepted an offer to take charge of the mining chair at the Moscow Mining Institute.

  4. He investigated the problems of mine safety.

  5. He was one of the first to work on the problem of gasification of coal.

8. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

  1. When and where was Terpigorev born?

  2. What institute did he graduate from?

  3. What material did he collect while he was working in the Donbas?

  4. Where did Terpigorev work from 1900 till 1922?

  1. At what institute did Terpigorev head the chair of Mining Bedded Deposits?

  1. What did Terpigorev take a particular interest in?

  2. What works by Terpigorev do you know?

  3. What problems do Terpigorev's works deal with?

  4. What was the result of his investigations on mine safety?

9.«) Найдите в правой колонке русские эквиваленты следующие слов • сочетаний слов.

  1. to fulfil the task а) охрана труда в шахтах

  2. to accept an offer б) подтверждать

  3. fire damp в) добыча угля

  4. flat seam г) эксплуатация месторож-

  5. mine safety дений

  6. to collect the material д) метан

  7. to confirm e) принять предложение

  8. exploitation of deposits ж) выполнить задачу, задание

  9. coal winning з) горизонтальный пласт

и) собирать материал

б) Найдите в правой колонке английские эквиваленты следующих сочетаний слов. ,

  1. поступить в институт a) descriptive course

  2. решать важные проблемы б) to choose a profession

  3. выдающиеся исследователи в) to enter an institute

  4. успешно провести экспери- г) to solve important problems менты д) safety measures

  5. выбрать профессию с) outstanding (prominent)

  6. описательный курс researchers

  7. происхождение железной ж) to carry out experiments руды successfully

8. начальник шахты з) the origin of iron ore

9 мероприятия по охране труда и) the manager of a colliery

10. Заполните пропуски • предложениях, выбрав соответствующий предлог (of, for, in, at, to, during, with, from, on):

One ... the professors ... our Institute is known (известен) ... his work... the field,.. geology. He finished school... St.Petersburg and entered ... the Institute of Mining there.... the Institute he studied the full range ... subjects relating... geology and mining.... his practical training he visited many coal-fields and collected material... his graduation paper ... the stratigraphy of the Urals. After graduating... the Institute he worked as a geologist in the Kuzbas. He investigated geological conditions and their influence (влияние)... the choice ... methods... mining useful minerals.

11. А) Заполните пропуски глаголами to be или to do т отрицательной форме Present Simple или Present Continuous.

Образец: They aren't watching television now.

They don't watch television every evening.

  1. He listening to the radio right now.

  2. He listen to the radio every day.

  3. They do their homework in class.

  4. They doing their homework right now.

  5. I see any students in that room.

  6. Where's your brother? — he seeing your sister home?