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26. Укажите, какие предложен» соответствуют содержанию текста б. Подтвердите свои ответы фактами из текста.

  1. Generally speaking, metamorphic rocks have been developed from ores.

  2. Marble, slate and phyllite belong to the group of metamor­ phic rocks.

  3. As is known, unlike granite metamorphic rocks have a schis­ tose structure.

  4. It is quite obvious that the role of water in metamorphism is great.

  5. As a rule, low-grade metamorphic rocks are characterized by the absence of water.

  6. Flaky materials cause the rock to split into thin sheets.

  7. It should be noted that marble and quartzite are foliated metamorphic rocks.

  8. The structure of metamorphic rocks shows the nature of older pre­ existing rocks and the mechanism of metamorphic deformation as well.

  9. All metamorphic rocks are non-foliated.

27. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

  1. Do you know how metamorphic rocks have been formed?

  2. Which rocks belong to the group of metamorphic?

  3. Does gneiss have the same structure as granite?

  4. Is the role of water great in metamorphism?

  5. What rocks do we call foliated? What can you say about non- foliated metamorphic rocks?

  6. How can geologists trace the original structure of metamorphic rocks?

  7. Why are metamorphic rocks often called crystalline schists?

28. I) Найдите в правой колонке русские эквиваленты следующих слов и сочетаний слов:

1. as a result of the chemical а) полоса (или прослоек) угля

and physical changes б) составляющие пород

2. constituents of rocks в) расщепляться на отдельные слои

Unit 5


3. to be subjected to constant


  1. to undergo changes

  2. excess of water

  3. low-grade ores

  4. coal band

  5. to cleave into separate layers

  6. traces of original structure

10. generally speaking

г) вообще говоря

д) в результате химических и

физических изменений

е) избыток воды

ж) изменяться

з) находиться в постоянном


и) низкосортные руды к) следы первоначальной структуры

б) Найдите в правой колонке английские эквиваленты следующих слов и сочетаний слов:

  1. иметь значение

  2. упомянутые выше

  3. сланцеватая структура

  4. в отличие от гранита

  5. недостаток воды

  6. существовавшие ранее породы

  7. слоистые породы

  8. мрамор и сланец

  9. гнейс

  1. давать возможность

  2. определять структуру

а) unlike granite

б) to be of importance

в) r) mentioned above

д) schistose structure

е) to give an opportunity (of doing


ж) to define (determine) rock texture

з) deficiency of water и) flaky rocks

к) marble and slate л) gneiss

29. Заполните пропуски в предложениях, используя следующие слова: cleave cleaves cleavage

  1. Metamorphic rocks which have a schistose structure can ....

  2. As a result of splitting ... is formed.

  3. Generally speaking, the constituents of gneisses are distributed in bands or layers and the rock ... easily.

relate related relationship relating (to)

  1. The ... between rock pressure and temperature is interdepen­ dent.

  2. The role of water in metamorphism can be characterized at least by four variable geologically ... parameters.

  3. These parameters ... to each other.

  4. At the Institute the students study the full range of subjects ... to mining, geology as well as mining mechanics.