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6. Укажете, какие предложения соответствуют содержанию текста. Подтвердите свои ответы фактами из текста.

  1. Coal, water power and atomic energy are the only sources of energy available to man today.

  2. Coal, wood and peat represent natural group of solid fuels.

  3. As a rule fossil fuels are found in sedimentary rocks.

  4. Crude oil is widely used for producing solid fuels.

  5. Petroleum can be found in porous sedimentary rocks.

  6. Gas is used to produce synthetic materials.

  7. Not all types of fossil fuels burn.

7. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

  1. What fuels are often referred to as fossil fuels?

  2. What does the word fossil mean?

  3. What rocks are most abundant hi fossil fuels?

  4. What types of fossil fuels do you know?

  5. Is coke a natural or manufactured solid fuel? And what can you say about coal and peat?

  6. How are coke and charcoal produced?

  7. What rocks is petroleum usually associated with?

  8. What are the advantages of gaseous fuels?

Unit6 _ 143

8. А) Найдите в право! колопе русские эквиваленты следующих слов • сочетали ело*.

  1. fossil fUel а) дерево и торф

  2. raw material б) небольшое количество аргиллита

  3. crude oil в) органическое топливо

  4. the chief sources of energy г) сланец и известняк

  5. to refer to д) сырье

  1. any direct or indirect e) материалы, содержащие углерод evidence of the deposit ж) главные источники энергии

  1. shale and limestone з) любые прямые или косвенные

  2. carbon-containing materials признаки месторождения

  3. wood and peat и) сырая (неочищенная) нефть

10. the small amount of mudstonet к) относиться к (чему-л.);

ссылаться на (что-л.)

б) Найдите в правой колонке английские эквиваленты следующих слов и сочетаний слов.

  1. древесный уголь и кокс a) to collect data

  2. жидкое топливо б) charcoal and coke

  3. накапливать в) to be composed of limestones

  4. собирать данные г) liquid fuel

  5. происходить от д) to accumulate

  6. получать хорошие результаты 'е) to derive from

  7. богатый горючими сланцами ж) to obtain good result»

  8. состоять из известняков з) abundant in oil shales

9. Определите, какой частью речи являются выделенные слова. Переве­ дите предложении:

  1. Mineral fuels such as oil, oil shale, gas and coal are com­ monly called fossil fuels.

  2. These fossils are organic materials accumulated in the geologic past.

  3. As a rule oil deposits are usually associated with water and natural gas.

  4. Salt deposits form folds in which petroleum can be found.

  5. Liquid is one of the states of matter.

  6. Liquid fuels are derived from petroleum.

  7. Coke manufacture depends on certain (определенный) grades of coal.

  8. Chemical plants manufacture synthetic materials from natural gas.

10. Заполните пропуски в предложениях, используя приведенные слова

accumulation ^accumulate accumulate

1. Fossil fuels were formed as a result of the ... of vegetable matter.

144 Unit 6

  1. These fossil fuels are organic materials that ... in the geologic past.

  2. Coal, for example, deposited from vegetable remains ... in swamp (болото) areas millions of years ago.

  3. As is known, any natural ... of mineral of some volume in the Earth's crust is a mineral deposit.