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Баракова. Первый Курс.doc
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31. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на разные значения и функции глаголов to be и to have:

  1. The various methods of mining involve production faces which are either long (longwall) or short (shortwall) or room- and-pillar.

  2. Until mining machines were developed, short faces predomi­ nated.

  1. The aim was to reduce the volume of development work by using the longwall method.

  2. Some disadvantages of shortwall work are a considerable loss of mineral which may reach and exceed 40 per cent, and the dif­ ficulty of ventilation.

  3. In gassy mines each face with its development workings has to be ventilated with its own air current.

  4. Cutter-loaders are being widely applied underground now because these machines are the most progressive means for mecha­ nising coal winning.

  5. It is necessary to study all the factors which influence the choice of the mining method.

  6. There are special methods of extracting seams which are close together (сближенные).

  7. The shield method of mining has to be introduced in thick seams, dipping at an angle of not less than 55-60", with regular occurrence and hard coal.

10. They have to introduce new mining equipment as soon as possible.

32. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на разные способы вы­ ражения отрицания:

  1. As the longwall method permits an almost 100 per cent re­ covery of coal, all the seam is extracted and there is no coal left in the form of pillars, except the shaft pillar.

  2. No fissures were found.

  3. We do not use the room-and-pillar method on a wide scale because it is characterized by high losses of coal.

  1. Nothing was said about special ways of extracting thick seams.

  2. In manless faces no men operate the machines, you can see nobody in such faces as all the processes are fully automated.

  3. A level is a horizontal road with no direct access to the sur­ face.

Units 207

33. Выразвте несогласие • подтвердите свою точку зрения фактами из текста б, используя следующие разговорные формулы:

od the contrary; to my mind; In my opinion; as far as I know; as Is known; I'd like to stress that; I'd like to say that; let us consider

1. We say that the method of mining is rational if it guarantees only safety of the men and maximum output of mineral.

2. It is rather difficult to define which method of mining (longwall or shortwall) is more often used in Russia.

  1. The shield method of mining is used where short faces are worked. It is used in all the coal-fields of Russia.

  2. The problem of extracting thick seams is not difficult. As a rule, such seams are not extracted to full thickness.

  3. In applying hydraulic mining powerful cutter-loaders win coal and transport it to the surface.

34. Суммируйте содержание текста б. При этом ответьте на следующие вопросы:

  1. What does the method of mining mineral deposits under­ ground involve?

  2. What main requirements should mining methods satisfy?

  3. What types of production faces do the methods of mining in­ clude?

  4. What can you say about their application in different coal- producing countries?

  5. What methods of mining are practised in the Kuznetsk coal­ field?