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VI. Какими наиболее близкими по смыслу словами или выражениями

из текста можно объяснить выделенные в нем слова?

1. _________________________________________________________

2. _________________________________________________________

VII. Опираясь на информацию текста, напишите на английском языке,

какие должности предусматриваются Реестром государственных

должностей государственной службы РФ, и какие полномочия они

предполагают ( 3 -4 предложения ).

VIII. Озаглавьте каждый параграф текста. Из предложенных 6 вариантов

( af ) выберите тот заголовок, который, по вашему мнению, наиболее

точно передает основное содержание параграфа; один из вариантов –


Параграф 1 _________________________________________________

Параграф 2 _________________________________________________

Параграф 3 _________________________________________________

Параграф 4 _________________________________________________

Параграф 5 _________________________________________________

a) The Executive Grade in the Civil Service

b) Grades within the Civil Service

c) The Powers of the Administrative Grade of the Civil Service

d) The Table of Ranks of Russian Civil Service

e) The Duties of the Clerical Class

f) The Role of Political Executives in Government Activities

IX. Переведите текст 9-го урока на русский язык.

X. Задайте к тексту 5 - 6 вопросов разного типа, отражающих его

основное содержание.


  1. Which of the following is not a function of the minister?

A. direct public policy decision-making

B. evaluation of public programmes on the national level

C. outlining future plans

D. acting for and in place of the President

2. Which of the following positions do not enter the clerical staff of the

civil service?

  1. reviewers

B. secretaries

C. typists

D. clerks

II. Заполните пропуски словами из текста, приведенными ниже; поставьте

их в соответствующей форме, где необходимо.


  1. A ______ is a head of a government department, often a member of

the Cabinet.

  1. A ______ is a member of a council and a professional ______ who performs

advisory and supervisory functions.

3. A _______ is a civil servant responsible for comprehensive research analysis

making available new information for the ______ to take a decision.

III. Замените подчеркнутое в предложении слово, используя один из

предложенных вариантов (A, B, C, D), который, на ваш взгляд, наиболее

точно передает значение всего предложения:

The administrative grade of civil service is composed of chief officials

in charge of departments and ministries.

  1. asked to pay for

  2. responsible for

C. accused of

D. at the price of

Text B


I.Прочитайте текст. Опираясь на информацию текста, найдите ответы

на следующие вопросы:

1. What psychological factors influence manager-subordinate relations?


2. Who is usually more dependent in manager- subordinate relations ? Why?


3. What should a superior and subordinate both remember to successfully

manage a situation of mutual dependence?


II. Письменно своими словами изложите основное содержание текста на

русском языке.

III. Задайте к тексту 6 – 7 вопросов разного типа.


(1) The relationships between managers and subordinates have never been smooth throughout its history. The problem of how a modern manager can be democratic in relations with subordinates and at the same time maintain necessary authority and control has always been most acute. One aspect of the problem concerns the effect of hierarchical status and the subordinate acceptance of the superior. The difficulties in relationships between a superior and a subordinate often come from misperceiving reality, from oversimplified misperceptions of a manager on the part of the employees. Many workers have been brought up to consider employers and managers as their natural enemies. Introduction of labour-saving machinery may be perceived as a threat to one’s job. An invitation to discuss company policy - as an elaborate trap to show employee’s incompetence. Delegation of increased authority may be regarded as a danger of a long - expected promotion. Too often, managers are entirely unprepared for these interpretations, and they seem dishonest and unfair to them. However, wise and flexible superiors always try to provide a company development program that can help employees get some sense of where they are going within the company.

(2) There are some psychological factors in manager–subordinate relations that cannot be ignored. The first one is a psychological distance that permits employees to accept manager’s authority without resentment. A manager should avoid too close superior–subordinate relationships. While friendliness with subordinates is a must, the executive is never intimate with them. Personal feelings must never be a basis for actions concerning them.

(3) Another and still more subtle factor may intervene superior and employee relationships - the psychological difficulty of being a subordinate. It is not easy to be a subordinate. Although a superior-subordinate relationship is one of mutual dependence, it is also one in which the subordinate is typically more dependent on the boss than the other way around. This dependence inevitably results in the subordinate feeling a certain degree of frustration, sometimes anger, when actions or options are constrained by the boss’s decisions. This is a normal part of life and occurs even in the best of relationships. Some people’s instinctive reaction under these circumstances is to rebel against the boss’s decisions. Seeing the boss almost as an institutional enemy, this type of worker will often, without being conscious of it, fight with the boss just for the sake of fighting. Psychologists call this pattern of reactions counterdependent behavior. A counterdependent person is difficult for most superiors to manage and usually has a history of strained relationships with superiors. To make dependency tolerable, clear lines must be drawn between the decisions that are the prerogative of the superior and those that can be made by or in consultation with the subordinate. Managing a situation of mutual dependence in superior-subordinate relations requires on the superior’s side: 1) good understanding of strengths and weaknesses, work styles and needs of the other person and himself; 2) developing and managing healthy working relationships taking into account mutual expectations and the most critical needs of the other person. A subordinate should understand and appreciate his superior’s goals and pressures as well as strong and weak points, preferred style of working.

(4) Some of the barriers in superior-subordinate communications arise from manager abilities to criticize without the worker feeling that he or she is personally being demeaned. How can criticism be impersonal and still effective? The importance of adequate communication at this point is twofold. Not only a long-range damage could be done to employee morale, but also a quite specific short-range effect can result in the employee inability to do what is expected of him. Understanding that subordinates become threatened when confronted with negative criticism, managers can convey the message about the required improvement without putting the subordinate in a position where he or she has to defend his or her actions. Mistakes are inevitable. What we must expect of the employees is that they learn from their mistakes, not that they never make them. So, a great amount of manager’s time is required for counseling, guidance, explanation, and correction of subordinates’ mistakes. It should be the executive concern to watch the long-term growth of employees to see that their successes, as they learn, increasingly overweigh their failures. The worker must see the executive as the individual most interested in and helpful toward the worker’s growth.

(5) The complexities of managing working relations with employees increase with the number of employees. Practitioners emphasize the complexity of managing more than a few subordinates and distinguish several types of superior-subordinate relationships that require managerial attention: (1) direct single relationships, (2) direct group relationships, (3) cross relationships. The direct single relationships, relate the superior directly and individually with his immediate subordinate. The direct group relations exist between the superior and each possible combination of subordinates. Cross relationships are created when subordinates must consult with one another. A well–trained subordinate requires not only less time of the manager but also fewer contacts with other subordinates. In every organization it must be decided how many subordinates a superior can manage. It is supposed that the ideal number of subordinates to be four at the upper level of organization and eight to twelve at the lower levels. A supervisor in the lower levels of organization can normally manage a larger number of subordinates than managers in the upper levels, since the work at lower levels is more specialized and less complicated.

(6) With a clear understanding of both of the superior and the subordinate one can establish a way of working together that fits both to be more productive and effective. The balance in the relationship between manager and subordinates is arrived at by interaction – direct or indirect - between the two parties.


subordinate (n) подчиненный

superior (n) начальник

misperceive (v) иметь неверное представление

simplify (v) упрощать

trap (n) ловушка

resentment (n) чувство возмущения, обиды

intervene (v) помешать; вмешиваться

constrain (v) ограничивать

rebel (v) возмущаться

escalate (v) обострять

strained (adj) натянутый, напряженный

draw a clear line четко разграничивать

demean (v) унижать

twofold (adj) двойной

convey (v) сообщать

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