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12 Speak on one of the following topics.

  1. The State Duma: current composition, the Speaker.

  2. Latest news and recent activities of the State Duma.

  3. The Council of Federation: composition principles, the Speaker.

  4. Latest news and recent activities of the Council of Federation

  5. How a Bill becomes a law.

  6. A current Bill in progress: stages passed and expected

  7. Committees and permanent commissions of the Council of Federation: work in progress

  8. Committees and permanent commissions of the Sate Duma: work in progress

  9. From centuries-old to modern forms of legislative institutions in Russia.

Make use of the following sites

  • www.council.gov.ru

  • www.parliament.ru

  • www.duma.gov.ru

Unit 7: The Executive Branch of the Government of the Russian Federation


Study the following words and word combinations and use them when answering the questions.

Ежегодное послание Президента Федеральному Собранию

Государственный Совет

Совет Безопасности

Администрация Президента

Верховный Главнокомандующий

Генеральный прокурор

субъекты федерации

Совет глав правительств Содружества Независимых Государств (СНГ)

Председатель Правительства

вести заседания правительства

обладать правом решающего голоса

временно исполнять обязанности

(временно) исполняющий обязанности президента

уставной орган

органы государственной власти федерального уровня

право законодательной инициативы

отклонить закон

кандидатуры на замещение государственных должностей

противоречить Конституции

ближайшие, среднесрочные и долгосрочные цели и задачи

в рамках своей компетенции

квалифицированное большинство

консультативный орган при (ком-то)

подать в отставку

введение военного положения

чрезвычайное положение

срок действия полномочий

the President’s Annual Address to the Federal Assembly

the State Council

the Security Council

The Presidential Executive Office

Сommander in Сhief

Prosecutor General

constituent territories

the Council of the Heads of Government of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS)

the Prime Minster

to chair meetings of the Government

to have the decisive vote

to take over the duties of

Acting President

the charter agency

federal governmental bodies

right to submit draft legislation

to veto legislation

candidates for official state positions

contravene the Constitution

short-, middle- and long-term objectives and targets

within the bounds of their authority

a majority specified by law

an advisory body under the auspices of

hand in its own resignation

the introduction of a martial law

a state of emergency

the term in office

Ministries of the Russian government

the HEAD of the Ministry

The Ministry

Министр финансов

Minister of Finance

Министерство финансов

Ministry of Finance

Министр иностранных дел

Minister of Foreign Affairs

Министерство иностранных дел

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Министр внутренних дел

Minister of Interior Affairs

Министерство внутренних дел

Ministry of Interior Affairs

Министр обороны

Minister of Defense

Министерство обороны

Ministry of Defense

Министр юстиции

Minister of Justice

Министерство юстиции

Ministry of Justice

Министр промышленности и энергетики

Minister of the Industry and Energy

Министерство промышленности и энергетики

Ministry of the Industry and Energy

Министр экономического развития и торговли

Minister of Economic Development and Trade

Министерство экономического развития и торговли

Ministry of Economic Development and Trade

Министр регионального развития

Minister of Regional Development

Министерство регионального развития

Ministry of Regional Development

Министр здравоохранения и социального развития

Minister of Health and Social Development

Министерство здравоохранения и социального развития

Ministry of Health and Social Development

Министр культуры и массовых коммуникаций

Minister of Culture and Mass Communications

Министерство культуры и массовых коммуникаций

Ministry of Culture and Mass Communications

Министр образования и науки

Minister of Education and Sciences

Министерство образования и науки

Ministry of Education and Sciences

Answer the following questions.

Strategy Points: how to provide the best answer to the question

  • Make use of various sources of information (text-books, multimedia materials, the Internet, etc) to obtain necessary data, facts, information

  • Use appropriate vocabulary when answering a question (refer to Glossary)

  • Use a variety of vocabulary and grammatical structures.

  • Make sure you keep to the topic.

  1. What are the powers of the Russian President?

  2. How is the coordinating role of the President exercised?

  3. What type of document is the Address to the Federal Assembly?

  4. What administrative bodies assist the President in his work?

  5. How is the Government formed?

  6. What is the President’s participation in composing the government?

  7. To what extent is the President involved in the government’s work?

  8. What are the presidential powers in case of no confidence in the government?

  9. What are the duties of the Prime Minister?

  10. What is the CIS?

  11. What may not Acting President do?


Strategy Points: how to make the best presentation

  • Make use of various sources of information (text-books, multimedia materials, the Internet, etc) to obtain necessary data, facts, information

  • Avoid making your presentation purely factual or theoretical, make references to present actual situations, people, events, etc

  • Use appropriate vocabulary (refer to Glossary)as well as a variety of vocabulary and grammatical structures.

  • You must not read your source material when reporting the ideas in discussion,.

  • Focus on getting the main idea across clearly.

  • Check that you have made yourself clear, an eye-contact with the listeners is a must.

  • Involve the audience in the topic through your own questions, examples, jokes, etc

  • Arrange the information in the written form.