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Lorne H. Blackbourne-Surgical recall, Sixth Edition 2011.pdf
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Chapter 27 / Surgical Infection 175

When should an abdominal CT scan be obtained looking for a postoperative abscess?

What CT scan findings are associated with abscess?

What is the treatment?

What is an option for drainage of pelvic abscess?

All abscesses must be drained except which type?


After POD #7 (otherwise, abscess will not be “organized” and will look like a normal postoperative fluid collection)

Fluid collection with fibrous rind, gas in fluid collection

Percutaneous CT–guided drainage

Transrectal drainage (or transvaginal)


What is it?

Bacterial infection of underlying fascia


(spreads rapidly along fascial planes)

What are the causative

Classically, group A Streptococcus


pyogenes, but most often polymicrobial


with anaerobes/gram-negative organisms

What are the signs/

Fever, pain, crepitus, cellulitis, skin


discoloration, blood blisters (hem-


orrhagic bullae), weeping skin, increased


WBCs, subcutaneous air on x-ray, septic



What is the treatment?

IVF, IV antibiotics and aggressive early


extensive surgical débridement, cultures,


tetanus prophylaxis

Is necrotizing fasciitis an

YES, patients must be taken to the O.R.







What is it?

Clostridial muscle infection

What is another name for

Gas gangrene

this condition?


176 Section I / Overview and Background Surgical Information

What is the most common

Clostridium perfringens

causative organism?


What are the signs/

Pain, fever, shock, crepitus, foul-smelling


brown fluid, subcutaneous air on x-ray

What is the treatment?

IV antibiotics, aggressive surgical


débridement of involved muscle, tetanus






What is it?

Infection/abscess formation in apocrine


sweat glands

In what three locations does

Perineum/buttocks, inguinal area, axillae

it occur?

(site of apocrine glands)

What is the most common

Staphylococcus aureus

causative organism?


What is the treatment?



Incision and drainage (excision of skin


with glands for chronic infections)




What is it?

Antibiotic-induced colonic overgrowth


of C. difficile, secondary to loss of


competitive nonpathogenic bacteria that


comprise the normal colonic flora


(Note: it can be caused by any antibiotic,


but especially penicillins, cephalosporins,


and clindamycin)

What are the signs/

Diarrhea (bloody in 10% of patients),


fever, increased WBCs, abdominal


cramps, abdominal distention

What causes the diarrhea?

Exotoxin released by C. difficile

How is the diagnosis made?

Assay stool for exotoxin titer; fecal


leukocytes may or may not be present;


on colonoscopy you may see an exudate


that looks like a membrane (hence,




Chapter 27 / Surgical Infection 177

What is the treatment?

PO metronidazole (Flagyl®; 93% sensitive)


or PO vancomycin (97% sensitive);


discontinuation of causative agent


Never give antiperistaltics




What are the indications for

Accidental wounds with heavy

prophylactic IV antibiotics?

contamination and tissue damage

Accidental wounds requiring surgical therapy that has had to be delayed Prosthetic heart valve or valve disease

Penetrating injuries of hollow intra-abdominal organs

Large bowel resections and anastomosis Cardiovascular surgery with the use of a

prosthesis/vascular procedures Patients with open fractures (start in ER) Traumatic wounds occurring 8 hours

prior to medical attention

What must a prophylactic antibiotic cover for procedures on the large bowel/abdominal trauma/appendicitis?

What commonly used antibiotics offer anaerobic coverage?

What antibiotic is used prophylactically for vascular surgery?

When is the appropriate time to administer prophylactic antibiotics?


Cefoxitin (Mefoxin®), clindamycin, metronidazole (Flagyl®), cefotetan, ampicillin-sulbactam (Unasyn®), Zosyn, Timentin®, Imipenem®

Ancef (if patient is significantly allergic to PCN—hives/swelling/shortness of breath—then erythromycin or clindamycin are options)

Must be in adequate levels in the blood stream prior to surgical incision!

178 Section I / Overview and Background Surgical Information


What is it?

Infection of the parotid gland

What is the most common


causative organism?


What are the associated risk

Age older than 65 years, malnutrition,


poor oral hygiene, presence of NG tube,


NPO, dehydration

What is the most common

Usually 2 weeks postoperative

time of occurrence?


What are the signs?

Hot, red, tender parotid gland and


increased WBCs

What is the treatment?

Antibiotics, operative drainage as







What is a “stitch” abscess?

Subcutaneous abscess centered around a subcutaneous stitch, which is a “foreign body”; treat with drainage and stitch removal

Which bacteria can be found

Anaerobic—Bacteroides fragilis

in the stool (colon)?

Aerobic—Escherichia coli

Which bacteria are found in

Streptococcus viridans, S. aureus,

infections from human bites?

Peptococcus, Eikenella (treat with



What are the most common

Gram-negative organisms

ICU pneumonia bacteria?


What is Fournier’s

Perineal infection starting classically in


the scrotum in patients with diabetes;


treat with triple antibiotics and wide


débridement—a surgical emergency!

Does adding antibiotics to peritoneal lavage solution lower the risk of abscess formation?

No (“Dilution is the solution to pollution”)


Chapter 27 / Surgical Infection 179

What is the classic

Green exudate and “fruity” smell

finding associated with a


Pseudomonas infection?


What are the classic

Ampicillin, gentamycin, and

antibiotics for “triple”

metronidazole (Flagyl®)



Which antibiotic is used to

Metronidazole (Flagyl®)

treat amoeba infection?


Which bacteria commonly

Staphylococcus epidermis

infect prosthetic material


and central lines?


What is the antibiotic of

Penicillin G (exquisitely sensitive)

choice for Actinomyces?


What is a furuncle?

Staphylococcal abscess that forms in a


hair follicle (Think: Follicle Furuncle)

What is a carbuncle?

Subcutaneous staphylococcal abscess


(usually an extension of a furuncle), most


commonly seen in patients with diabetes


(i.e., rule out diabetes)

What is a felon?

What microscopic finding is associated with Actinomyces?

What organism causes tetanus?

What are the signs of tetanus?

What are the appropriate prophylactic steps in tetanus-prone (dirty) injury in the following patients:

Three previous immunizations?

Infection of the finger pad (Think: Felon Finger printing)

Sulfur granules

Clostridium tetani

Lockjaw, muscle spasm, laryngospasm, convulsions, respiratory failure

None (tetanus toxoid only if 5 years since last toxoid)

180 Section I / Overview and Background Surgical Information

Two previous

Tetanus toxoid



One previous

Tetanus immunoglobulin IM and tetanus


toxoid IM (at different sites!)

No previous

Tetanus immunoglobulin IM and tetanus


toxoid IM (at different sites!)

What is Fitz-Hugh-Curtis

Right upper quadrant pain from


gonococcal perihepatitis in women

C h a p t e r 28

Define postoperative fever.

What are the classic W’s of postoperative fever? (5)

Give the classic postoperative timing for the following causes of postoperative fever:

Atelectasis (Wind)

UTI (Water)

Wound infection (Wound)



Drug fever (Wonder drugs)

What is the most common cause of fever on postoperative days 1 to 2?


Temperature 38.5 C or 101.5 F


Water—urinary tract infection (UTI) Wound—wound infection Walking—DVT/thrombophlebitis Wonder drugs—drug fever

First 24 to 48 hours

Anytime after POD #3

Usually after POD #5 (but it can be anytime!)

PODs #7 to #10



What is a “complete” fever workup?

What causes fever before 24 postoperative hours?

What causes fever from postoperative days 3 to 5?

What is an anesthetic cause of fever INTRAoperatively?

What causes fever from postoperative days 5 to 10?

What causes wound infection on postoperative days 1 to 2?

What can cause fever at any time?

Chapter 29 / Surgical Prophylaxis 181

Physical exam (look at wound, etc.), CXR, urinalysis, blood cultures, CBC

Atelectasis, -hemolytic streptococcal or clostridial wound infections, anastomotic leak

UTI, pneumonia, IV site infection, wound infection

Malignant hyperthermia—treat with dantrolene

Wound infection, pneumonia, abscess, infected hematoma, C. difficile colitis, anastomotic leak

DVT, peritoneal abscess, drug fever

Pulmonary embolism, abscess, parotitis


Clostridia (painful bronze-brown weeping wound)

1.IV site infection

2.Central line infection


C h a p t e r 29



What medications provide

H2 blockers, PPI (proton-pump inhibitor)

protection from postoperative


GI bleeding?


What measures provide

Incentive spirometry, coughing, smoking

protection from postoperative

cessation, ambulation



What treatments provide

Low-molecular-weight heparin (LMWH),

protection from postoperative

subcutaneous low-dose unfractionated


heparin, sequential compression device


(SCD) for lower extremities, or both;


early ambulation

182 Section I / Overview and Background Surgical Information

What measures provide

Shower the night before surgery with

protection from wound

chlorhexidine scrub


Never use a razor for hair removal


(electric shavers only)


Ensure adequate skin prep in O.R.


Do not close the skin in a contaminated case


Ensure preoperative antibiotics in the


bloodstream before incision


Ensure no excess Bovie (necrotic tissue)

Why not use a razor to remove hair?

How long should “prophylactic antibiotics” be given?

What treatment provides protection from oral/esophageal fungal infection during IV antibiotic treatment?

Micro cuts are a nidus for bacteria and subsequent wound infection

24 hrs

PO nystatin

What measures prevent

Head of bed 30 , handwashing, patient


oral hygiene, avoidance of gastric

pneumonia (VAP)?


What is the classic


Bowel prep: Lower bacterial count in

preoperative “bowel prep”?


colon by catharsis (GoLYTELY or






PO antibiotics (neomycin, erythromycin)






Preoperative IV antibiotic with spectrum



versus anaerobes (e.g., Cefoxitin)

Is there any evidence that a


“bowel prep” decreases






What treatment provides protection from OPSS after splenectomy?

What treatment provides protection from endocarditis with faulty heart valve or prosthetic heart valve?

Immunization against H. influenzae, Streptococcus, Meningococcus, and penicillin when illness/fever occurs

Antibiotics prior to dental procedure or any surgery

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