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Lorne H. Blackbourne-Surgical recall, Sixth Edition 2011.pdf
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Chapter 65 / Surgical Intensive Care 477

What is the best way to report urine output in the ICU?

What are the possible causes of fever in the ICU?

24 hrs/last shift/last 3 hourly rate “urine output has been 2 liters over last 24 hrs, 350 last shift, and 45, 35, 40 cc over the last 3 hours”

Central line infection Pneumonia/atelectasis UTI, urosepsis Intra-abdominal abscess Sinusitis

DVT Thrombophlebitis Drug fever

Fungal infection, meningitis, wound infection


What is the most common bacteria in ICU pneumonia?

What is the acronym for the basic ICU care checklist (Dr. Vincent)?

Gram-negative rods





Thromboembolic prophylaxis

Head-of-bed elevation (pneumonia prevention)

Ulcer prevention Glucose control


What is CO?

What is the normal CO?

What factors increase CO?

What is CI?

Cardiac Output: HR (heart rate) SV (stroke volume)

4–8 L/min

Increased contractility, heart rate, and preload; decreased afterload

Cardiac Index: CO/BSA (body surface area)

478 Section II / General Surgery


What is the normal CI?

2.5–3.5 L/min/M2

What is SV?

Stroke Volume: the amount of blood


pumped out of the ventricle each beat;


simply, end diastolic volume minus the


end systolic volume or CO/HR

What is the normal SV?

60–100 cc

What is CVP?

Central Venous Pressure: indirect


measurement of intravascular volume status

What is the normal CVP?


What is PCWP?

Pulmonary Capillary Wedge Pressure:


indirectly measures left atrial pressure,


which is an estimate of intravascular


volume (LV filling pressure)

What is the normal PCWP?

What is anion gap?

What are the normal values for anion gap?

Why do you get an increased anion gap?

What are the causes of increased anion gap acidosis in surgical patients?


Na (ClHCO3)


Unmeasured acids are unmeasured anions in the equation that are part of the “counterbalance” to the sodium cation

Think “SALUD”:


Alcohol (ethanol/methanol)

Lactic acidosis

Uremia (renal failure)


Define MODS.

Multiple Organ Dysfunction Syndrome

What is SVR?

Systemic Vascular Resistance:


MAP – CVP / CO 80 (remember,


P F R, Power FoRward; and


calculating resistance: R P/F)

What is SVRI?

Systemic Vascular Resistance Index:




Chapter 65 / Surgical Intensive Care 479

What is the normal SVRI?


What is MAP?

Mean Arterial Pressure: diastolic blood


pressure 1/3 (systolic–diastolic




(Note: Not the mean between diastolic


and systolic blood pressure because


diastole lasts longer than systole)

What is PVR?

Pulmonary Vascular Resistance:


PA(MEAN) – PCWP / CO 80 (PA is


pulmonary artery pressure and LA is left


atrial or PCWP pressure)

What is the normal PVR value?

What is the formula for arterial oxygen content?

What is the basic formula for oxygen delivery?

What is the full formula for oxygen delivery?

What factors can increase oxygen delivery?

What is mixed venous oxygen saturation?

100 50

Hemoglobin O2 saturation (SaO2) 1.34

CO (oxygen content)

CO (1.34 Hgb SaO2) 10

Increased CO by increasing SV, HR, or both; increased O2 content by increasing the hemoglobin content, SaO2, or both

SvO2; simply, the O2 saturation of the blood in the right ventricle or pulmonary artery; an indirect measure of peripheral oxygen supply and demand

Which lab values help assess adequate oxygen delivery?

SvO2 (low with inadequate delivery), lactic acid (elevated with inadequate delivery), pH (acidosis with inadequate delivery), base deficit

What is FENa?

Fractional Excretion of Sodium (Na ):


(UNa Pcr / PNa Ucr) 100

What is the memory aid for Think: YOU NEED PEE U (Urine)

calculating FENa?

N (Na ) P (Plasma); UNa Pcr; for


the denominator, switch everything,


PNa Ucr (cr creatinine)

480 Section II / General Surgery

What is the prerenal FENa value?

How long does Lasix® effect last?

What is the formula for flow/pressure/resistance?

What is the “10 for 0.08 rule” of acid-base?

What is the “40, 50, 60 for 70, 80, 90 rule” for O2 sats?

One liter of O2 via nasal cannula raises FiO2 by how much?

1.0; renal failure from decreased renal blood flow (e.g., cardiogenic, hypovolemia, arterial obstruction, etc.)

6 hours LASIX LAsts SIX hours

Remember Power FoRward: Pressure

Flow Resistance

For every increase of PaCO2 by 10 mm Hg, the pH falls by 0.08

PaO2 of 40, 50, 60 corresponds roughly to an O2 sat of 70, 80, 90, respectively


What is pure respiratory acidosis?

What is pure respiratory alkalosis?

What is pure metabolic acidosis?

What is pure metabolic alkalosis?

List how the body compensates for each of the following:

Respiratory acidosis

Respiratory alkalosis

Metabolic acidosis

Metabolic alkalosis

What does MOF stand for?

What does SIRS stand for?

Low pH (acidosis), increased PaCO2, normal bicarbonate

High pH (alkalosis), decreased PaCO2, normal bicarbonate

Low pH, low bicarbonate, normal PaCO2

High pH, high bicarbonate, normal PaCO2

Increased bicarbonate

Decreased bicarbonate

Decreased PaCO2

Increased PaCO2

Multiple Organ Failure

Systemic Inflammatory Response


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