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Lorne H. Blackbourne-Surgical recall, Sixth Edition 2011.pdf
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354 Section II / General Surgery


What is a liver abscess?

What are the types of liver abscess?

What is the most common location of abscess in the liver?

Abscess (collection of pus) in the liver parenchyma

Pyogenic (bacterial), parasitic (amebic), fungal

Right lobe left lobe

What are the sources? Direct spread from biliary tract infection or

Portal spread from GI infection (e.g., appendicitis, diverticulitis)

Systemic source (bacteremia)

Liver trauma (e.g., liver gunshot wound) Cryptogenic (unknown source)

What are the two most common types?

Bacterial (most common in the United States) and amebic (most common worldwide)


What are the three most common bacterial organisms affecting the liver?

What are the most common sources/causes of bacterial liver abscesses?

What are the signs/ symptoms?

What is the treatment?

Gram negatives: E. coli, Klebsiella, and Proteus

Cholangitis, diverticulitis, liver cancer, liver metastasis

Fever, chills, RUQ pain, leukocytosis, increased liver function tests (LFTs), jaundice, sepsis, weight loss

IV antibiotics (triple antibiotics with metronidazole), percutaneous drainage with CT scan or U/S guidance

What are the indications for operative drainage?

Multiple/loculated abscesses or if multiple percutaneous attempts have failed


Chapter 52 / Liver 355





What is the etiology?

Entamoeba histolytica (typically reaches


liver via portal vein from intestinal



How does it spread?

Fecal–oral transmission

What are the risk factors?

Patients from countries south of the


U.S.–Mexican border, institutionalized


patients, homosexual men, alcoholic



What are the signs/

RUQ pain, fever, hepatomegaly, diarrhea


Note: chills are much less common with


amebic abscesses than with pyogenic



Which lobe is most

Right lobe of the liver

commonly involved?


Classic description of

“Anchovy paste” pus

abscess contents?


How is the diagnosis made?

Lab tests, ultrasound, CT scan

What lab tests should be

Indirect hemagglutination titers for


Entamoeba antibodies elevated in 95%


of cases, elevated LFTs

What is the treatment?

Metronidazole IV

What are the indications for

Refractory to metronidazole, bacterial

percutaneous surgical

co-infection, or peritoneal rupture



What are the possible

Erosion into the pericardial sac

complications of large left

(potentially fatal!)

lobe liver amebic abscess?






What is it?

Usually a right lobe cyst filled with


Echinococcus granulosus

356 Section II / General Surgery


What are the risk factors?

Travel; exposure to dogs, sheep, and


cattle (carriers)

What are the signs/

RUQ abdominal pain, jaundice,


RUQ mass

How is the diagnosis made?

Indirect hemagglutination antibody test


(serologic testing), Casoni skin test,


ultrasound, CT, radiographic imaging

What are the findings

Possible calcified outline of cyst

on AXR?


What are the major risks?

Erosion into the pleural cavity,


pericardial sac, or biliary tree


Rupture into the peritoneal cavity


causing fatal anaphylaxis

What is the risk of surgical removal of echinococcal (hydatid) cysts?

When should percutaneous drainage be performed?

What is the treatment?

Rupture or leakage of cyst contents into the abdomen may cause a fatal anaphylactic reaction

Never; may cause leaking into the peritoneal cavity and anaphylaxis

Mebendazole, followed by surgical resection; large cysts can be drained and then injected with toxic irrigant (scoliocide) into the cyst unless aspirate is bilious (which means there is a biliary connection) followed by cyst removal

Which toxic irrigations are

Hypertonic saline, ethanol, or cetrimide









What is it?

Blood draining via the common bile duct


into the duodenum

What is the diagnostic triad?





RUQ pain



Guaiac positive/upper GI bleeding




What are the causes?

Trauma with liver laceration, percutaneous


transhepatic cholangiography (PTC), tumors

Chapter 53 / Portal Hypertension 357

How is the diagnosis made? EGD (blood out of the ampulla of Vater), A-gram

What is the treatment? A-gram with embolization of the bleeding vessel

C h a p t e r 53



Identify the anatomy of the portal venous system:

1.Portal vein

2.Coronary vein

3.Splenic vein

4.IMV (inferior mesenteric vein)

5.SMV (superior mesenteric vein)

6.Superior hemorrhoidal vein

358 Section II / General Surgery

Describe drainage of blood from the superior hemorrhoidal vein.

Where does blood drain into from the IMV?

Where does the portal vein begin?

What are the (6) potential routes of portal–systemic collateral blood flow (as seen with portal hypertension)?

To the IMV, the splenic vein, and then the portal vein

Into the splenic vein

At the confluence of the splenic vein and the SMV

1.Umbilical vein

2.Coronary vein to esophageal venous plexuses

3.Retroperitoneal veins (veins of Retzius)

4.Diaphragm veins (veins of Sappey)

5.Superior hemorrhoidal vein to middle and inferior hemorrhoidal veins and then to the iliac vein

6.Splenic veins to the short gastric veins

What is the pathophysiology

Elevated portal pressure resulting from

of portal hypertension?

resistance to portal flow

What level of portal

10 mm Hg

pressure is normal?


What is the etiology?

Prehepatic—Thrombosis of portal vein/


atresia of portal vein


Hepatic—Cirrhosis (distortion of


normal parenchyma by regenerating


hepatic nodules), hepatocellular


carcinoma, fibrosis


Posthepatic—Budd-Chiari syndrome:


thrombosis of hepatic veins

What is the most common

Cirrhosis ( 90% of cases)

cause of portal hypertension


in the United States?


How many patients with

Surprisingly, 1 in 5

alcoholism develop




What percentage of patients with cirrhosis develop esophageal varices?

How many patients with cirrhosis develop portal hypertension?

What is the most common physical finding in patients with portal hypertension?

What are the associated CLINICAL findings in portal hypertension (4)?

Chapter 53 / Portal Hypertension 359


Approximately two thirds

Splenomegaly (spleen enlargement)

1.Esophageal varices


3.Caput medusae (engorgement of periumbilical veins)




Caput medusae


What other physical findings are associated with cirrhosis and portal hypertension?

What is the name of the periumbilical bruit heard with caput medusae?

Spider angioma, palmar erythema, ascites, truncal obesity and peripheral wasting, encephalopathy, asterixis (liver flap), gynecomastia, jaundice

Cruveilhier-Baumgarten bruit

360 Section II / General Surgery

What constitutes the portal– systemic collateral circulation in portal hypertension in the following conditions:

Esophageal varices?

Caput medusae?

Retroperitoneal varices?


Coronary vein backing up into the azygous system

Umbilical vein (via falciform ligament) draining into the epigastric veins

Small mesenteric veins (veins of Retzius) draining retroperitoneally into lumbar veins

Superior hemorrhoidal vein (which normally drains into the inferior mesenteric vein) backing up into the middle and inferior hemorrhoidal veins

What is the etiology?

Cirrhosis (90%), schistosomiasis,


hepatitis, Budd-Chiari syndrome,


hemochromatosis, Wilson’s disease,


portal vein thrombosis, tumors, splenic


vein thrombosis

What is the most common


cause of portal hypertension


outside North America?


What is Budd-Chiari

Thrombosis of the hepatic veins



What is the most feared

Bleeding from esophageal varices

complication of portal




What are esophageal

Engorgement of the esophageal venous


plexuses secondary to increased collateral


blood flow from the portal system as a


result of portal hypertension

What is the “rule of 2/3” of portal hypertension?

2/3 of patients with cirrhosis will develop portal hypertension

2/3 of patients with portal hypertension will develop esophageal varices

2/3 of patients with esophageal varices will bleed from the varices

In patients with cirrhosis and known varices who are suffering from upper GI bleeding, how often does that bleeding result from varices?

Chapter 53 / Portal Hypertension 361

Only 50% of the time

What are the signs/symptoms?

What is the mortality rate from an acute esophageal variceal bleed?

Hematemesis, melena, hematochezia


What is the initial treatment of variceal bleeding?

As with all upper GI bleeding: large bore IVs 2, IV fluid, Foley catheter, type and cross blood, send labs, correct coagulopathy (vitamin K, fresh frozen plasma), / – intubation to protect from aspiration

What is the diagnostic test of choice?

EGD (upper GI endoscopy)

Remember, bleeding is the result of varices only half the time; must rule out ulcers, gastritis, etc.

If esophageal varices cause bleeding, what are the EGD treatment options?

1.Emergent endoscopic sclerotherapy: a sclerosing substance is injected into the esophageal varices under direct endoscopic vision

2.Endoscopic band ligation: elastic band ligation of varices

What are the pharmacologic options?

Somatostatin (Octreotide) or IV vasopressin (and nitroglycerin, to

avoid MI) to achieve vasoconstriction of the mesenteric vessels; if bleeding continues, consider balloon (Sengstaken-Blakemore tube) tamponade of the varices, -blocker

What is a SengstakenBlakemore tube?

What is the next therapy after the bleeding is controlled?

Tube with a gastric and esophageal balloon for tamponading an esophageal bleed (see page 268)

Repeat endoscopic sclerotherapy/banding

362 Section II / General Surgery


What are the options

Repeat sclerotherapy/banding and treat

if sclerotherapy and


conservative methods fail to


stop the variceal bleeding or

Surgical shunt (selective or partial)

bleeding recurs?

Liver transplantation

What is a “selective” shunt?

Shunt that selectively decompresses the


varices without decompressing the portal



What does the acronym

Transjugular Intrahepatic Portosystemic

TIPS stand for?


What is a TIPS procedure?

Angiographic radiologist places a small


tube stent intrahepatically between the


hepatic vein and a branch of the portal


vein via a percutaneous jugular vein route

What is a “partial shunt”?

What is a Warren shunt?

Shunt that directly decompresses the portal vein, but only partially

Distal splenorenal shunt with ligation of the coronary vein—elective shunt procedure associated with low incidence of encephalopathy in patients postoperatively because only the splenic flow is diverted to decompress the varices

What is a contraindication to the Warren “selective” shunt?

Define the following shunts: End-to-side portocaval shunt

Side-to-side portocaval shunt

Synthetic portocaval


Chapter 53 / Portal Hypertension 363


“Total shunt”—portal vein (end) to IVC (side)

Side of portal vein anastomosed to side of IVC—partially preserves portal flow (“partial shunt”)

“Partial shunt”—synthetic tube graft from the portal vein to the IVC

(good option for patients with alcoholism; associated with lower incidence

of encephalopathy and easier transplantation later)

Synthetic mesocaval

Synthetic graft from the SMV to the IVC



What is the most common perioperative cause of death following shunt procedure?

What is the major postoperative morbidity after a shunt procedure?

Hepatic failure, secondary to decreased blood flow (accounts for two thirds of deaths)

Increased incidence of hepatic encephalopathy because of decreased portal blood flow to the liver and decreased clearance of toxins/metabolites from the blood

What medication is infused

Nitroglycerin IV drip

to counteract the coronary


artery vasoconstriction of IV




What lab value roughly correlates with degree of encephalopathy?

What medications are used to treat hepatic encephalopathy?

Serum ammonia level (Note: Thought to correlate with but not cause encephalopathy)

Lactulose PO, with or without neomycin PO

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