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Lorne H. Blackbourne-Surgical recall, Sixth Edition 2011.pdf
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280 Section II / General Surgery

Why is it thought that the postoperative survival is so much higher in Japan?

Aggressive screening and capturing early cancers


What is it?

GastroIntestinal Stromal Tumor

What was it previously


known as?


What is the cell of origin?

CAJAL, interstitial cells of Cajal

Where is it found?

GI tract—“esophagus to rectum”—most


commonly found in stomach (60%),


small bowel (30%), duodenum (5%),


rectum (3%), colon (2%), esophagus (1%)

What are the symptoms?

GI bleed, occult GI bleed, abdominal


pain, abdominal mass, nausea,



How is it diagnosed?

How are distant metastases diagnosed?

What is the tumor marker?

What is the prognosis?

What is the treatment?

Is there a need for lymph node dissection?

What is the chemotherapy for metastatic or advanced disease?

CT scan, EGD, colonoscopy

PET scan

C-KIT (CD117 antigen)

Local spread, distant metastases Poor long-term prognosis: size 5cm,

mitotic rate 5 per 50 HPF (high power field)

Resect with negative margins, / chemotherapy


Imatinib—tyrosine kinase inhibitor


Chapter 42 / Bariatric Surgery 281





What is it?

Mucosal-Associated Lymphoproliferative



What is the most common

Stomach (70%)



What is the causative agent?

H. pylori

What is the medical

Nonsurgical—treat for H. pylori with


triple therapy and chemotherapy/XRT in


refractory cases





What is it?

Twisting of the stomach

What are the symptoms?

Borchardt’s triad:


1. Distention of epigastrium


2. Cannot pass an NGT


3. Emesis followed by inability to



What is the treatment?

Exploratory laparotomy to untwist, and



C h a p t e r 42

Bariatric Surgery

What is it?

Weight reduction surgery for the


morbidly obese

Define morbid obesity. 1. BMI 40 (basically, 100 pounds above ideal body weight) or

2.BMI 35 with a medical problem related to morbid obesity

What is the BMI?

Body Mass Index

What is the formula for BMI? Body weight in kg divided by height in meters squared

282 Section II / General Surgery

What is a formula for a rough estimate of BMI without using metric measures?

What medical conditions are associated with morbid obesity?

What are the current options for surgery?

Define gastric bypass.

Wt (pounds) 703

(Ht in inches)2

Sleep apnea, coronary artery disease, pulmonary disease, diabetes mellitus, venous stasis ulcers, arthritis, infections, sexhormone abnormalities, HTN, breast cancer, colon cancer

Gastric bypass (malabsorptive)

Vertical-banded gastroplasty

Stapling off of small gastric pouch (restrictive)

Roux-en-Y limb to gastric pouch (bypass)

How does gastric bypass


Creates a small gastric reservoir



Causes dumping symptoms when a



patient eats too much food or high-



calorie foods; the food is “dumped”



into the Roux-en-Y limb



Bypass of small bowel by Roux-en-Y




Which operation works best overall?

What are the possible postoperative complications after weight reduction surgery?

What is the most common sign of an anastomotic leak after a gastric bypass?

What is the incidence of anastomotic leak?

What is the mortality rate of an anastomotic leak?

What is a lap-band?

Chapter 42 / Bariatric Surgery 283

Gastric bypass (mean weight loss 50% of excess weight)

Gallstones (if gallbladder in situ), anastomotic leak, marginal ulcer, stenosis of pouch/anastomosis, malnutrition, incisional hernia, spleen injury, iron deficiency, B12 deficiency


3% (1%–5%)


Laparoscopically placed band around stomach with a subcutaneous port to adjust constriction; results in smaller gastric reservoir

What is a Petersen’s hernia? Seen after bariatric gastric bypass— internal herniation of small bowel through the mesenteric defect from the Roux-en-Y limb

284 Section II / General Surgery

C h a p t e r 43


Define the following terms:



Operation that connects the GI tract to


abdominal wall skin or the lumen of


another hollow organ; a man-made fistula


Opening of the ostomy (Gr. “mouth”)


G-tube through the abdominal wall to


the stomach for drainage or feeding


J-tube through the abdominal wall to the


jejunum for feeding

Kock pouch

“Continent ileostomy”


Pouch is made of several ileal loops


Patient must access the pouch with a


tube intermittently


Connection of colon mucosa to the


abdominal wall skin for stool drainage

End colostomy

Proximal end of colon brought to the skin


for stool drainage

Mucous fistula

Distal end of transected colon brought to


the skin for decompression; the mucosa pro-


duces mucus, an ostomy is a fistula, and,


hence, the term mucous fistula (proximal


colon brought up as a colostomy or, if the


proximal colon is removed, an ileostomy)

Hartmann’s pouch

Distal end of transected colon stapled


and dropped back into the peritoneal


cavity, resulting in a blind pouch; mucus


is decompressed through the anus


(proximal colon is brought up as an end


colostomy or, if proximal colon is


removed, an end ileostomy)

Double-barrel colostomy

End colostomy and a mucous fistula


(i.e., two barrels brought up to the skin)


Chapter 43 / Ostomies 285

Loop colostomy

Loop of large bowel is brought up to the


abdominal wall skin and a plastic rod is


placed underneath the loop; the colon is


then opened and sewn to the abdominal


wall skin as a colostomy

Ileal conduit

Loops of stapled-off ileum made into a


pouch, anastomosed to the ureters, and


then brought to the abdominal wall skin


to allow drainage of urine in patients


who undergo removal of the bladder



Brooke ileostomy

Ileostomy folded over itself to provide


clearance from skin

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