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A Course of Business English Learning.doc
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II. Места

Вводящее слово







где (там, где)

I found the book

where I had left it.


где бы ни, куда бы ни

They’ll find him

wherever he is.

Further Practice

IV. Express the following sentences in Russian.


  1. Before they built the bridge (мост), we had to cross by ferry (паром).

  2. I didn’t believe it until I saw her myself.

  3. I found her ring (кольцо) after she had gone.

  4. As long as I live I’ll never forget it.

  5. He could stay as long as he liked.

  6. Where have you been since we parted?

  7. We had done our job when he returned.

  8. The door has not been opened since he entered the house last night.

  9. Since they left London every year on the same date I have always received a letter from them.


  1. You can see him from where you are sitting.

  2. I will go wherever she likes.

  3. The town where we live is not large. It’s situated in such a district of the North where summer is the shortest in the country.

  4. There are many holiday homes where you can rest very well.

  5. Could you tell me where Trafalgar Square is?

  6. Here's the hotel where you can stay.

  7. Nick often waits for his wife in the library where she works.

  8. At last I see the places where I have lived for 10 years.

  9. He said that he had visited Stratford-on-Avon where Shakespeare was born and lived many years.

2. Word Building Exercises

V. Form nouns with the help of the suffixes and translate them into Russian /consult Table 4/:

-age: pilot, parent, pack (пакет), percent, coin, cover /крышка, покров/

-dom: king, free, wise (мудрый)

-hood: child, brother, mother, neighbour (сосед)

-i(ty): minor, electrical, mortal (смертный)

-al: arrive, refuse (отказывать), propose, betray (предавать), dispose (располагаться)

Таблица 4

Суффиксы -age, -dom, -hood, -I(ty), -al, -y, образующие абстрактные существительные


Исходная форма

Производная форма


существительное mile (миля)

существительное mileage (расстояние в милях)


глагол leak (течь)

прилагательное free (свободный) существительное martyr (мученик)

leakage (течь)

существительное freedom (свобода) существительное martyrdom (мученичество)


существительное (child)

существительное childhood (детство)

-I (ty)

прилагательное original (оригинальный)

существительное originality (оригинальность)



глагол deny (отрицать)

существительное: denial (отрицание), geology, biology, geography (название наук)

3. Vocabulary Exercises

  1. Give Russian equivalents for:

Geology, metrology, biology, anthropology, political economy, sociology, morphology, geodesy, geometry, philosophy, philology, psychology, demography, chemistry.

  1. Find the best way of expressing the international words in Russian:

Cooperation, financial, credit, rouble, international, bank, million, system, project, session, equivalency, intensification, crisis, capitalist system, expedition, barrier, language barrier, economic categories, industrial production.

  1. Give Russian equivalents for:

Long-term credit, short- term credit, in accordance with the decision, in the interest of their planned economic cooperation.

  1. Point to remember:

«One» can be used as:

  1. numeral (количественное числительное);

  2. pronoun (неопределенное местоимение, выступающее в роли формального подлежащего неопределенно-личного предложения);

  3. pronoun (неопределенное местоимение как заменитель ранее упомянутого существительного).

  1. Translate the following sentences and pay attention to «one»:

  1. These articles are more difficult than the ones we translated last week.

  2. One must go in for sports.

  3. One never knows what may happen.

  4. Thank you for taking me to see this film. I certainly enjoyed it. Next time, we’ll go to the one you like.

  5. Those are nice apples. I’d like one.

  6. I’d like a red one.

  7. I’d like the red one.

  8. I’d like the red ones.

  9. I’d like them (apples) all except the brown one.

  10. I’d like two green ones.

  11. I’d like two green ones and the yellow one.

  12. One can choose any apple he likes best of all. Which one do you like most?

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