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Computer reader.doc
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  1. Read and memorize the following words and word-combinations:

to confuse- змішувати, сплутувати

via American- через американський варіант

англійської мови

familiar- добре знайомий

toconvey - передавати, повідомляти

adjectivally- як прикметник

hyphen- дефіс

tobeaccustomedto- звикнути до conversation- розмова unintelligible- незрозумілий rapidly- швидко layman- нефахівець

to fall (fell, fallen) out of use- вийти з використання

to discard- відмовлятися

tokeep (kept, kept) track of- слідкувати за розвитком

  1. Read and translate the following text:

The terminology of Computer science includes a growing number of words and expressions not used in everyday English. In fact the language in which com­puter scientists communicate with each other is some­times lightly called "computerese" - an invented word oh the model of Japanese or Portuguese, This should not be confused, of course, with computer languages such as PASCAL, C++, etc., though they are all invented words.

Most of the invented words enter/English j and in general the spelling of "computerese'1 terms is American rather than British English. A good example is the word ' "program", which is always spelt with a singlem,- as opposed to the British spelling ''programme".

However, many computer terms are not in fact new words but familiar words used to convey special technical meanings. Such words as "create, merge, de­lete, locate, send, lock, retrieve", which are known to anyone with an intermediate command of English, will appear, in a computer science, context with a special significance of their own.

Another feature of "computerese" which is per­haps typical of American English is the use of nouns as verbs. The word "contact" for example, was until quite recently used in English mainly as a noun: "to make contact with someone = to get in touch with someone". It could also be used adjectivally to form compound nouns such as "contact" - lense, "contact" - print, etc., sometimes-spelled without the hyphen. But most of us are now accustomed to seeing "contact" used as verb: "He promised to contact us as soon as he arrived". There are many such uses in the language of Computer science. A third characteristic of "computerese" is the very common use of abbreviations, such as VDU for "Visual Display Unit". This includes groups of initials which are easily pronounced as though they were Words e.g. RAM (Random Access Memory). Such combinations are called "acronyms". Their use in conversation can make "computerese" almost unintelligible to the layman.

Because Computer science is developing so rap­idly, the terminology in current use also changes. Not only do; new words Pi uses appear, but older terms fall out of use and are discarded. It's really quite difficult, sometimes to keep track of what is happening in the "language". Somehow, you will have to devise a system of doing so.

EXERCISES: I. Answer the following questions:

1. What does the terminology of Computer Science in­clude?

  1. What should not be confused with computer lan­guages such as PASCAL, C++ ?

  2. Why are many computer terms not in fact new words?

  3. In what way do most of the invented words enter English?

  4. Where will such words as "create, merge, delete .„" appear with a special significance of their own ?

  5. What is the feature of "computerese" which is per­haps typical of American English?

  6. What can you say about the use of the word "contact" in "computerese"?

.8. What other characteristics of "computerese" do you know?

  1. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words:

  1. Most of the ... words enter English via American.

  2. Many computer terms are ... words used to convey special technical meanings.

  3. The very use of abbreviations, such as VDU für "Visual Display Unit" is a third-, characteristic of "computerese".

  4. The use of acronyms in conversation can make "computerese" almost ... to the layman.

  5. The terminology in _. use changes as well as Computer science does;






III. Retell the text.

IV. Communicative situation.

You are a programmer.

Discuss the problem of rapid changing of «computerese» with your colleague.


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