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Computer reader.doc
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  1. Read and memorize the following words and word-combinations:

requirement - вимога, умова

humidity - вологість

to edge - порівнювати

to implement - виконувати, забезпечувати виконання, здійснювати

technically sophisticated - технічно досвідчений

robust - міцний, здоровий, сильний

multiple - багаточисленний

application - застосування

to imply - припускати

PC - персональний комп'ютер

II. Read and translate the following text:

The emergence of the X Window System is the culmination' of several important technology trends. In­dustry - standard networks such as Ethernet were once used only in offices but are now being extended into the factory, making it simpler to move information around an organizationelectronically. In addition, workstations and minicomputers are less expensive per unit of com­puter power. A single Мірof processing power might have cost over. $4.000 several years ago now costs less then $1.000. And powerful standard graphics processors, such as the TMS34010 from Texas Instruments, Austin, are now available and inexpensive.

In addition, the quality and reliability of com­puter systems operating in the manufacturing environ­ment have improved^ Specifications of workstations or microcomputers today are more likely than past hard­ware to meet the environmental requirements of the factory with regard to temperature, humidity, and vi­bration .

In software, there is a big move to industry standards that, utilize currently available hardware. UNIX soon may edge DOS as the operating system of choice in the factory. DOS became the de facto operat­ing - system standard for the factory because it was relatively easy to learn and use. UNIX, on the other hand, is more difficult to implement. Although consid­ered a robust programming environment by express, it is not well understood by even the most technically so­phisticated Users. Until recently it was not considered a practical operating system for the factory because most manufacturing personnel could not use it.

On the other hand, the biggest problem with DOS as a standard is that it does not utilize advanced hardware well. For example, while new hardware is ca­pable of running several applications at once, DOS is not multitasking. And while networking implies use of com­puters by multiple users simultaneously, DOS is not multi-user. UNIX is multitasking and multi-User.

In addition, PCs present their own set of prob­lems. It is difficult for PCs to communicate graphics data across networks of computers. The problem is that graphics communication on PCs depends on special software. Display hardware, which includes a monitor and graphics controller chip that manipulates the dis­play screen, needs control software to ensure that graphics can be displayed. This software is called a /driver. '

If the driver software cannot use available dis­play hardware, the application does not run. The ne­cessity of using special software drivers to operate hardware makes it difficult for applications to use all hardware on a network. Therefore, PCs in networks are usually set up to both run the application and manipu­late the graphics.


I. Answer the questions:

  1. What is the culmination of several important technol­ogy trends?

  2. What is less expensive per unit of computer power?

  3. What kind of processor are now available and inex­pensive?

  4. Are specifications of modern workstations or micro­computers likely to meet the environmental require­ments of the factory?

  5. What is more difficult to implement?

  6. When and why wasn't it considered a practical op­erating system for the factory?

  7. What is it difficult for PCs?

  8. What is called a driver?

II. Give the English equivalents:

  • комп'ютерна потужність;

  • конструктивні елементи;

  • надійність комп'ютерної системи;

  • промислові стандарти;

  • графічні дані;

  • коло проблем.

III. Communicative situation:

You are a specialist in the field of computer sci­ence. You consider that there are also other ways of changing manufacturing. What are they?


I. Read and memorize the following words and word-combinations: to offer- пропонувати multiple- повторний icon- піктограма foreground- передній план toclick- натиснути та відпустити option- опція

edgeofthescreen- край екрану tobeaccessed- бути доступним hierarchical- ієрархічний todragonto- переміщати tocustomize- пристосовувати tolookfor- шукати

IL Read and translate the following text:

Windows 95 offers a great way for beginners to keep track of their applications-with multiple applications open it can be easy -to lose one behind another. The Windows 95 Taskbar runs along the bottom of the screen and displays an icon for every application that is running. To bring an application to the foreground simply click once on its icon on the Taskbar. More experienced users may want to use the space occupied by the Taskbar for other things, in which case right clicking on the Taskbar and choosing Properties will allow you to check "Auto hide". With this option selected, the Taskbar is only displayed when you move the mouse to the edge of the screen You can also position the Taskbar along whichever edge you prefer.

The Taskbar is home to the Start Menu, from where all your applications can be accessed. You can edit Start Menu to display icons in a hierarchical tree. The easiest way to add applications or documents to the Start Menu is to simply drag their icons onto the Start button, Shortcuts will then appear in the top level.

If you then select Explore after right clicking on the Start button, you can move the icons to wherever you want them to appear in the tree.

There are almost limitless ways of customizing Windows 95 to work exactly the way you want: far too many to cover here, but look for more tips in future issues of WUME.

EXERCISES: Answer the following questions:

  1. What does Windows 95 offer for beginners?

  2. What for may more experienced users want to use the space occupied by the Taskbar?

  3. What is the Taskbar to the Start Menu?

  4. What is the easiest way to add applications or documents to the Start Menu?

  5. In what case can you move the icons to wherever you want them appear in the tree?

II. Choose appropriate words:

  1. In order to bring an application to the foreground you just (press, click) once on its icon on the Taskbar.

  2. You can (place, position) the Taskbar along any edge you prefer.

  3. The Taskbar is home to the Start Menu from where all your applications can be (accepted, accessed). .

  4. One can edit the Start Menu to display icons in a hierarchical (method, tree).

5. There are almost infinite ways of (applying, customizing) Windows 95 to work the way you want.

III. Give the English equivalents:

повторне застосування;досвідчений користувач; вибрана опція; ієрархічне дерево;

найлегший спосіб; верхній рівень;

правильне натискання; засіб пристосування.

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