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Lesson 3 further steps of evolution of the computer (part 1)

L Read and memorize the following words and word

combinations: all over the world - в усьому світі

mathematician - математик

to lay (laid, laid) down - закладати

at the same time - в той же самий час

counterpart - копія, дублікат, двійник

analytical engine- аналітичний двигун

to conceive - задумувати

wooden tablets - дерев'яні дощечки

to inscribe - надписувати, вирізати

to move about - (тут) рухатися з місця на місце

keyboard - клавіатура, комутатор

to manipulate - управляти, маніпулювати

to spring (sprang, sprung) from - з'являтися

punched card - перфокарта

to feed (fed, fed) - подавати, живити

punched card machine - машина на перфокартах

electromagnetic relay - електромагнітне реле

digital computer - цифровий комп'ютер

II. Read and translate the following text):

Burkhardt in Germany, Odhner in Sweden and Burroughs in America were three of the important de­velopers and the results of their work are embodied in mechanical calculators of the kind we see today in banks, offices, shops and laboratories all over the world.

It was Charles Babbage, the 19th century Cam­bridge mathematician, who really laid down the princi­ples of our modern computers in mechanical form.

At about the same time as Babbage was working on his machine another mathematician was putting forward some new ideas which have since found ex­pression in the modern counterparts of the «analytical engine*. This was George Boole.

In 1866 W.S. Jevons conceived the idea of a «logical abacus” using wooden tablets, each inscribed with the symbols for a particular statement or proposi­tion, which could be moved about in a frame. He added a key board and apparatus for manipulating the tablets and so produced a complete machine for solving logical problems, which was demonstrated to the Royal Society in 1870.

Another significant development sprang from the punched cards with which Babbage proposed to feed numbers into his machine. These were actually based on cards invented by a Frenchman, Jacquard, for control­ling complex loom operations. In 1889 the idea was taken up by Hollerith in America and was used in sort­ «read» and calculations performed by mechanical method, while in another kind everything was done by electromagnetic relays.

Returning to the story of the digital computer, there were no more attempts in this direction for about 70 years.


Answer the following questions:

  1. Where do we see some of the developers' results of work all over the world?

  2. Who laid down the principles of our modern comput­ers in technical form?

  3. At what time was George Boole putting forward any new ideas which have since found expression in the modern counterparts of the «analytical engine”?

  4. What idea did W.S. Jevons conceive in 1866?

  5. When was a complete machine for solving logical problems demonstrated to the Royal Society?

  6. What did Jacquard invent the punched cards for?

IL Give the English equivalents:

закласти основу;



запропонувати (висунути) нові ідеї;

виконаний механічним методом;

електромагнітне реле.

III. Translate the following sentences into English:

1. Результати роботи вчених втілені в електронних калькуляторах (лічильниках), які ми бачимо сьогодні в банках, офісах, крамницях та лабораторіях в усьому світі.

  1. Приблизно в той самий час інший математик висунув декілька нових ідей, які знайшли втілення в сучасній копії «аналітичної машини».

  2. В 1866 Джевонс задумав ідею «логічної рахівниці», використовуючи дерев'яні таблички.

4. Він додав клавіатуру (комутатор) та апаратуправління табличками і таким чином створив досконалу машину для розв'язання логічних проблем.

5. Ідея була використана в пристрої, що складала основу перших ЕОМ.

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