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Глюкова Ю.Н. Пивень Е.И. Английский языкдля асп...doc
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II. Answer the questions in the written form.

  1. What were the early functions of the jury system in Great Britain?

  2. How did the functions the jury change under Henry II?

  3. What document governs jury trials?

  4. Describe the procedure of reaching a verdict.

  5. Why do juries decide a tiny minority of cases in the criminal justice system?

  6. Where are the offence such as assaulting a police officer or drink-driving dealt with?

III. Translate in written form the 1st and 4th paragraphs of the text.

IV. Match the words from the box with the definitions below.

Defended, action, preponderance of evidence, plaintiff,

counterclaim, complaint

  1. Formal written charge that a person has committed a criminal offence.

  2. The party, who begins an action, complains or sues.

  3. A person charged with a crime.

  4. Claim presented by a defendant in opposition to the claim of the plaintiff.

  5. Proceeding taken in court synonymous to case, suit, lawsuit.

  6. The weight of evidence presented by one side is more convincing to the trier of facts than the evidence presented by the opposing side.

V. Match the following English expressions with their Russian equivalents.

  1. Evidence for the plaintiff

1. доказательство из первых рук

  1. convicted defendant

2. подсудимый, содержащийся под стражей

  1. first hand evidence

3. доказательство в пользу истца

  1. witness by plaintiff

4. свидетель, выставленный ответчиком

  1. defendant in custody

5. осужденный

  1. to call the plaintiff

6. вызвать истца в суд

VII. Explain the meaning of the following words and expressions.

  1. fellow citizens

  2. evidence

  3. to decide the law

  4. to decide the facts

  5. courtroom

  6. common sense

  7. prejudice

  8. to be impartial

VII. Translate into English:

Формирование скамьи (состава) присяжных заседателей включает:

  • составление списков присяжных заседателей;

  • приглашение их на судебное заседание;

  • выявление судьями объективности и непредвзятости при рассмотрении данного дела у приглашенных в суд присяжных заседателей;

  • использование сторонами права на мотивированный и немотивированный отвод присяжных заседателей.

В результате остаются 12 основных и 2 запасных присяжных заседателя. После того, как коллегия присяжных заседателей сформирована и избран их старшина, председательствующий судья приводит присяжных заседателей к присяге.

VIII. Use the appropriate forms of the verbs:

  1. It (1. to rain) when I (2. to wake) up last Saturday. It always (3. to rain) when I am not working. We (4. to plan) to go to the seaside but in the end we (5. to decide) to go to the theatre instead. We (6. to miss) the bus and (7. to arrive) late. We (8. to arrange) to meet Joe outside the theatre and he (9. to wait) for twenty minutes when we (10. to get) there. The play (11. already to start) when we (12. to get) in.

It’s Monday again today, and I (13. to work) as usual. I (14. to sit) here in the office for the last two hours, but I (15. not to do) much work yet – I (16. to feel) too fed up with work. I (17. already to have) my holiday this year. I (18. to go) to Scotland in July and, of course, it (19. to rain) every day. Tomorrow I (20. to book) a holiday for next April in Spain.

  1. Someone has broken a big window in the classroom. The broken glass was inside the room, so it (1. may/must/can’t; break) from the outside. It was probably broken by a ball, but of course it (2. may/couldn’t/must; be) a stone.

I did some marking in the room after school yesterday and it (3. may/must/can’t; be) at least 5 o’clock when I left. The window was all right then, so it (4. must/mustn’t/couldn’t; break) after 5 o’clock last night or before 8.30 this morning. There were at least six boys playing football outside when I left and it (5. must/may/mustn’t; be) any of them.