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Глюкова Ю.Н. Пивень Е.И. Английский языкдля асп...doc
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III. Translate in written form 3 paragraphs of the text.

IV. Divide text into logically connected parts, entitle each part and give a short summary of the text according to your plan.

V. Translate the following words, make up the word combinations with some of them.

Intelligent, injury, pleadings, to testify, to object, law, prison, punishment, to protect, witness-box, objection, accomplice, to execute, to release, to suspect, to arrest, description, society, thieves, to steal, shoplifter, to pick up, to accuse, hearing, prosecutor, to assassinate, adviser, dangerous, temptation, stolen, to face, violence, to rob, to kill, murderer, burglary, juvenile, honest, to convict, inquest, to supervise, indictment.

VI. Match the definitions with the appropriate words given in the right-left column.

1) to show publicly for some purpose

a) identifications

2) statement of dislike, disapproval or opposition

b) to testify

3) to feel doubt about something or somebody

c) to release

4) to give evidence

d) to execute

5) carry out punishment by death on somebody

e) to exhibit

6) to find the answer or a way out of a difficult case

f) to care

7) to set free

g) objection

8) to feel interest, anxiety or sorrow about something

h) to suspect

9) not guilty

i) to solve

10) documents that help to establish the identity of a person

j) innocent

11) formal decision made by a jury

k) crime

12) person who testifies under oath, before a court to what he has seen or heard

l) witness

13) seeming to be true

m) verdict

14) an act or the commission of an act that is forbidden or the omission of a duty that is commanded by a public law

n) plausible

VII. Translate into English.

  1. Он признал себя виновным.

  2. Будет ли сообщник освобожден, еще не ясно.

  3. Их судили по обвинению в краже со взломом.

  4. Он был первым свидетелем, кто дал показания.

  5. Завещание было составлено под давлением со стороны обвиняемого.

  6. Они встретились лицом к лицу на перекрестном допросе.

  7. Последний свидетель представил только косвенные улики преступления.

  8. Когда коллеги узнали, что Джек обвинен в убийстве, они не поверили.

  9. У убийцы не было возможности скрыться.

  10. С заключенным обращались очень сурово.

  11. Вы не можете обвинять его в этом преступлении.

  12. Дерзкое ограбление произошло всего час назад.

VIII. Join the following pairs of simple sentences to make them clauses of a compound sentence.

        1. In the morning Henry cooked the breakfast. Bill was still sleeping.

        2. It is getting dark and windy. We had better return home.

        3. Be careful. You may sleep and injure yourself.

        4. I looked in all directions. No house was to be seen.

        5. Your arguments are strong. They do not convince me.

        6. Take a lantern. We shall not be able to find our way.

        7. Take your raincoat with you. It may rain.

        8. The nurse drew the curtains down. The bright light might hurt the sore eyes of the sick man.

        9. The man started. Something seemed to have frightened him.