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Глюкова Ю.Н. Пивень Е.И. Английский языкдля асп...doc
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XII. Translate what is given in brackets with the help of nominative absolute constructions.

    1. (Так как не было никаких возражений) the plan was adopted.

    2. (Поскольку дело обстоит так) we have nothing to wait for.

    3. (День был солнечный) a pair of glass doors leading to the garden were thrown open.

    4. (Когда гости разъехались) the house became solitary again.

    5. He sat lost in thought (перед ним стоял нетронутый обед).

    6. He rushed into the room (шапка в руках, пальто нараспашку).

    7. (Было уже холодно) the summer residents began to leave their country houses.

    8. (Не было никакого смысла все объяснять ему) I made up my mind to act on my own.

    9. Blank silence followed (никто не произнес ни слова).

    10. Long she sat half-dressed (опустив голову и сжав руки).

XIII. Use the correct form (Infinitive with or without to, Gerund or Participle) of the verbs in brackets.

      1. I hate (borrow) money, I prefer (lend) money.

      2. We were all disappointed at the performance (be postponed).

      3. Chalmers avoided (lend) money to Tripp.

      4. Every morning he used (sit) in the parlour (read) his newspaper.

      5. Chalmers couldn’t help (feel) awkward when he was introduced to Ada.

      6. It’s no use (try) (persuade) him.

      7. You ought to be ashamed of (behave) like this.

      8. You had better (fix) some other day for your visit.

      9. Would you mind (make) inquiries for me about the time of the train to Leningrad?

      10. The landlady insisted on Ada (pay) a dollar for (stay) a few hours in the boarding-house.

      11. To Tripp’s disappointment the reporter said the stuff was not worth (put) in a story.

      12. His sense of duty made him (help) Ada (get) back home.

      13. Can you manage (finish) (pack) the suitcases alone?

      14. I love (watch) people (play) basket-ball.

      15. I am looking forward to (see) you next week.

      16. I tried (amuse) the baby to keep it from (cry).

      17. I am amazed at you (refuse) to help us. What made you (do) it?

      18. He offered (lend) me the money. I didn’t like (take) it but I had no other way out.

      19. What was in the letter? I don’t know. I did not want (open) it as it wasn’t addressed to me.

      20. Try (avoid) (be) late. He hates (be) kept (wait).

      21. He heard the clock striking seven and knew it was time for him (get) up.

      22. I can hear the bell (ring) but nobody seems (be coming) (open) the door.

      23. Did you advise him (go) to the police? – No, I didn’t like (give) any advice on such a difficult matter.

      24. I’m not used to (drive) on the left.

      25. It’s pleasant (sit) by the fire at night and (hear) the (blow) outside.

XIV. Put each verb in brackets into the correct tense form paying particular attention to the sequence of tenses.

  1. The French utopian Saint-Simon believed that the ideal state of the future (to have) to be run by scientists and “industrialists”.

  2. He thought that this (to enable) large-scale industry to develop on a scientific basis.

  3. Thomas More, the great English humanist, understood that the development of wool mills in England (to lead) to the expulsion (изгнание) of peasants from their lands.

  4. For millennia people believed that some day all people (to be) equal and free, that no one ever (suffer).

  5. People thought that many years ago there (to be) neither rich, nor poor.

  6. The rebels considered that private ownership (to be) unfair and fought for common ownership of land and property.

  7. I knew he (to be) in the country on Sunday.

  8. My only fear was that Tom (to forget) his promise.

  9. Nobody knew what he (to mean).

  10. I was in the garden when a car (to drive) up to the gate.

  11. You said you (to come) in a taxi.

  12. I knew that he (to ring) me up all day.

  13. I came to see how your health (to be).

  14. I came to tell you that I (to vote) against you.

  15. I knew that he (to say) that he (to think) about what he (to do) next year.