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Глюкова Ю.Н. Пивень Е.И. Английский языкдля асп...doc
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III. Translate in written form 3 paragraphs of the text.

IV. Divide the text into logically connected parts, entitle each part and give a short summary of the text according to your plan.

V. Translate into English.

  1. Город расположен на берегах реки Потомак.

  2. Население Вашингтона около 607 тысяч жителей.

  3. Округ Коламбия – не штат, а федеральная земля, принадлежащая всем штатам США.

  4. Улица Массачусетс разделяет город на две части: на исторический центр и новый город.

  5. Аэропорт Даллас – один из самых напряженных в стране.

  6. Библиотека Конгресса имеет одну из богатейших коллекций книг, манускриптов и документов в мире.

  7. В городе нет крупных фабрик и заводов. Главный бизнес города – политика.

  8. Вашингтон – город студентов. Здесь находятся шесть университетов самый престижный из которых университет имени Джорджа Вашингтона.

  9. Джордж Вашингтон – первый президент в истории США.

  10. Только в 1909 году главный архитектор Вашингтона – Пьер Ленфант, был перезахоронен на Арлигтонском кладбище.

VI. Write t for true and f for false. Correct the false sentences and translate them.

  1. The White House in Capital street is the official home of the Senators and Representatives.

  2. The Library of Congress has only government books.

  3. The Washington Monument was built in honour of the second President of the USA.

  4. Congress meets in the White House in New York City.

  5. A famous German engineer, Pierre L’Enfant, designed a city with the orderly street plan.

  6. The Golden Gate Bridge crosses the Potomac.

  7. Washington’s climate is a combination of the sweaty summers of Louisiana and the wintry cold of the North-West.

  8. At the beginning of the 19th century, the new capital was called ‘Wildness City’ and the ‘City of Streets Without Houses’.

  9. Washington D. C. has no tourist attractions.

VII. Translate the following sentences. State what kind of infinitives are used in them (Active or Passive; Indefinite, Continuous or Perfect).

1. Have you made up your mind what to do? 2. It’s very nice of you to remember me to your sister. 3. There is a wide choice of subjects for the pupils to take as optional courses. 4. Success in work, professional achievements, good progress in sports by young people in our country are always noted as a model to follow. 5. He has not decided yet which department of the Polytechnic Institute to enter: day, evening or correspondence. 6. I want you to consider this question more closely. 7. A lot of experience is required to operate this machine. 8. There is nothing to be done. 9. You’ll have to attend preparatory courses to be able to enter the University. 10. He is said to have left his house forever. 11. Nature is not to be conquered, but rather cherished and cooperated with. 12. To understand the methods of social scientific research we must appreciate that there are multiple methods that give useful information primarily when used in combination. 13. No procedure or method can provide a complete description. 14. The available records do not enable any precise estimates to be made of the size of the population of Great Britain until the beginning of the 19th century. 15. Mike offered to repair my typewriter too, but I refused. 16. We were to have arrived earlier, but we were delayed on the road. 17. He believes it to have been a mistake. 18. She was made to write to the Parkers. 19. He seems to be playing tennis now. 20. This work seems to have been done in haste.