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Chapters 19 and 20

Vocabulary work

I. Learn the following words and expressions:

- to blackmail (into smth.)

- headmistress

- to make a complaint

- to beg

- sulky

- scruffy

- under one’s breath

- bleached hair

- cheeky

- frustrated

- to play truant

- tramp

- drug addict

- to be fed up with smth.

- to keep one’s foot down

- conscience

- to arouse suspicion

- to ask smb. a favour

- to score a goal

- to draw nil-nil

- to skive

- adult

- to cope with

II. Answer the questions:

  1. How does Marcus get to know Ellie McCrae? Is their first conversation a success?

  2. Why did Marcus play truant? Who saw him out in the street?

  3. What happened when Marcus came to Will’s house in the afternoon? What did they talk about?

III. State who these words belong to. Translate and reproduce the situations in which they are used:

  1. “I’m famous because I’m always in trouble.”

  2. “I’ve finished with you.”

  3. “Maybe you haven’t tried hard enough.”

  4. “You’ve got to stop thinking I know the answer to anything, because I don’t.”

  5. “I have to say, it didn’t look as though you were nipping. It looked like you were skiving.”

IV. Translate into English:

- обеденный перерыв / большая перемена;

- в одиночестве;

- придерживаться чего-л.;

- школьная эмблема;

- стратегии выживания;

- бесцельно слоняться;

- перекрывать звук;

- тридцать с чем-то минут;

- справиться с чем-л.

Oral practice

V. Comment on the following:

1. He wondered whether all truants started like that, whether there was always a Mrs Morrison moment which made them blow their top and leave. (p. 140)

2. ‘He’d love to show his mum what happened when you tried to talk to another kid at school, especially an older kid, especially a girl. He wouldn’t bother trying again.’ (p. 136)

3. It was then, for the first time, that Will saw the kind of help Marcus needed. Fiona had given him the idea that Marcus was after a father figure, someone to guide him gently towards male adulthood, but that wasn’t it at all: Marcus needed help to be a kid, not an adult. (p. 147)

VI. Give a good literary translation of the following:

1. “Marcus had to go and see the headmistress about his trainers. His mum had made a complaint to the school, even though Marcus had told her, begged her, not to. They’d spent so long arguing about it that he ended up having to go days after the event. So now he had a choice: he could lie to the headmistress, tell her that he had no idea who had stolen his shoes, and make himself look stupid; or he could tell her and lose his shoes, jacket, shirt, trousers, underpants and probably an eye or a piece of ear on the way home. He couldn’t see that he’d lose much sleep worrying about what to do.” (p. 135)

2. “He’d always presumed that truants were different sort of people entirely, not like him at all, that they’d been born truants, sort of thing, but he was obviously wrong. In May, before they moved to London, when he was in his last term at his old school, he wasn’t a truant kind of person in any way whatsoever. He turned up at school, listened to what people said, did his homework, took part. But six months later that had all changed, bit by bit.” (p. 140)

3. “Will loved driving around London. He loved the traffic, which allowed him to believe he was a man in a hurry and offered him rare opportunities for frustration and anger (other people did things to let off steam, but Will had to do things to build it up); he loved knowing his way around; he loved being swallowed up in the flow of the city’s life.” (p. 142)

VII. Agree or disagree with the following statements:

  1. Fiona told Marcus that Will won’t open the door even if he goes there.

  2. Marcus asked Fiona to make a complaint about Adidas trainers.

  3. Marcus knew Ellie’s name because she was the best student at school.

  4. Ellie lied about the man on her sweatshirt.

  5. The headmistress told Marcus to get out of her office.

  6. Marcus played truant because he wanted to go and see Will.

  7. Will saw Marcus while driving through the city.

  8. Will promised to talk to Marcus’s headmistress.

VIII. Retell the 19th and 20th Chapters as if you were:

  1. Marcus

  2. Will

  3. Ellie.


IX. Write a one-page summary of the Chapters 19,20.

X. Make up your own story (8-10 sentences) using your active vocabulary.