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IV. Translate into English:

- что-то вроде того;

- средняя школа;

- частный репетитор / учитель;

- недалекие люди;

- запеть во весь голос;

- его первым желанием было остаться в классе;

- тратить чье-то бесценное время;

- да, я догадался;

- решающий момент.

Oral practice

V. Comment on the following:

1. … not being right for school was a big problem. Everyone went to school. There was no way round it. (p. 11)

2. …he usually lost, and she was so good at arguing that he felt good about losing. (p. 13)

3. He knew what she was doing and why, and he hated her. (p. 16)

4. Maybe children democratized beautiful single women. (p. 20)

5. In the end, the thing that swung it for him in his affair with Angie was that he was not Someone Else. (p. 21)

VI. Give a good literary translation of the following:

1. “Unfortunately, that was exactly the kind of person most kids were, in his experience. They patrolled up and down school corridors like sharks, except that what they were on the lookout for wasn’t flesh but the wrong trousers, or the wrong haircut, or the wrong shoes, any or all of which sent them wild with excitement.” (p. 13)

2. “The kids were harder and meaner and less understanding, and it seemed to him that if his mum had made him change schools just because she had found a better job, then she should at least have the decency to stop all that let’s-talk-about-this stuff.” (p. 14)

3. “She was trying to be jolly, but Will had learnt to his cost that jollity was frowned upon in Championship Vinyl. She was, as he knew she would be, met with a withering look of contempt and a mumble which indicated that she was wasting the assistant’s valuable time.” (p. 17)

4. “This was the million-dollar question, the one he had never been able to answer about anything. Maybe he would be good at children, even though he hated them and everyone responsible for bringing them into the world. Maybe he had written John and Christine and baby Imogen off too hastily. Maybe this was it! Uncle Will!” (p. 19)

5. “Single mothers—bright, attractive, available women, thousands of them, all over London – were the best invention Will had ever heard of. His career as a serial nice guy had begun.” (p. 24)

VII. Find Russian equivalents of the following:

1. To get something hands down.

2. To grasp the bull by the horns.

VIII. Find extra information on Joni Mitchell and Bob Marley (biography, songs, etc.), Julie Christie and ‘One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest’ (book and film).

IX. Describe Will and Angie’s first meeting as if you were:

  1. Will

  2. Angie


X. Write a one-page summary of the Chapters 3,4.

XI. Make up your own story (8-10 sentences) using your active vocabulary.

Chapters 5 and 6

Vocabulary work

I. Learn the following words and expressions:

- to vanish В нуль

- advantage - преимущество

- handicapped инвалидам

- to get rid of smth. / smb. - Чтобы избавиться от чего-л. / Л.


- screen- экраном

- to tiptoe- На цыпочках

- timid- робкий

- spectacles (specs) - Очки (ТУ)

- ginger (hair) - Имбирь (волосы)

- freckles- веснушки

- hilarious- веселый

- chocolate bar- Шоколад

- to hang out with / around smb. - Болтаться с / вокруг кого-л.

- insult- оскорбления

- missile- ракета

- target- целевые

- single-father- Одного отца

- selfish- эгоисты

- to run out of smth. - Бежать из чего-л.

- supply - Поставка

- acquaintance- знакомство

- dearth of prey- Недостаток добычи

- to indulge a whim- Потакать прихоти

- remorse- угрызения совести


- no big deal- Не большая проблема

- fraud- мошенничества

- to be frogmarched off the premises- будет раскрыт и изгнан под всеобщее улюлюканье

- worth a try- Стоит попробовать

- bucket- ковш

- prompt- подскажите

- to give oneself away- уже практически выдал себя

- in their thirties- В тридцатые годы

- to start an affair- Начать дело

- pregnant- беременных

- nutritionist- диетолог

- ingenious- гениальная

- treachery- предательство

- deceit- обман

- to dump smb. / get dumped by smb. - Свалить кого-л. / Получить бросил л.

- astonishment- удивленно