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ККР 2012-2013 1.doc
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  1. Put the verb to the required form

  1. Excuse me for… your beautiful vase. (to break)

  2. How long ..you .. before Mary came and brought you the letter.(to wait)

  3. How many people ….to the party? Do we need extra waiters?(to invite)

  4. You never mentioned …to Greece (to be)

  5. Was it the second time the police .. him for careless driving?(to arrest)

  1. Continue sentences

  1. ….is a certificate of debt (usually interest-bearing or discounted) that is issued by a government or corporation in order to raise money

  2. ….is a payment by the government to producers or distributors in an industry to prevent the decline of that industry

  3. …is the rate at which total cost changes as the amount produced changes

  4. …are expenses that change in proportion to the activity of a business

  5. …..is a type of homeowners insurance policy written to have no term, or date, when the policy expires

  1. Writing assignment

You are the vice head of the international department of Plymouth University, UK. You are inviting doctor Igor P. Ivanov from Kiev State University to visit your university to discuss further cooperation. Terms of visit October 25-November 3, 2012. Write down the invitation for the embassy for professor Ivanov

Міністерство освіти і науки, молоді та спорту україни Чорноморський державний університет імені Петра Могили

Факультет економічних наук

Комплексна контрольна робота з англійської мови

Варіант 3

  1. Correct mistakes

1. This year Mary applying for the grant programmes sent twice more applications than she did last year.

2. The danger of being robbed in the streets sometimes make people use taxi instead of walking.

3. I wish your secretary will start to be more attentive dealing with documents.

4. Have you filled the visa application online?

5. She has got used to working on night – as she said it’s easier to work on reports when it’s quite all around.

  1. Complete sentences

  1. Which phrase does not refer to a computer?

A) All reports must be filed electronically.

B) Minor complaints do not have to be reported to the director.

C) All requests must be forwarded to the personnel department.

  1. Workplace safety data might contain information about:

А) Worker sick leave causes  В) Worker compensation rates  С) Worker satisfaction

  1. Public administration, health and education are:

 А) in the private sector  В) in the public sector  С) in the construction sector

  1. Which phrase prohibits someone from doing something?

 А) Staff mustn't use the company lounge.  В) Staff don't have to file holiday requests before they leave.  С) Staff shouldn't expect a response before next week.

  1. Which form is used for advice?

 А) You mustn't finish this report late.  В) You don't have to worry about your sick leave.

 С) You should forward your request to personnel.

  1. Which phrase is not correct?

 А) He chose to continue his holiday.  В) He demanded to see the supervisor.  С) She doesn't mind to help you with your inquiry.

  1. Which phrase does not mean 'I will give him the message.'?

 А) I'll pass this on.  В) I'll bring this up when I see him.  С) I'll look into this.

  1. Which expresses the greatest growth?

 А) Steady growth  В) Dramatic growth  С) Minor growth

  1. A job at town hall is:

 А) in the private sector  В) in the public sector  С) in manufacturing

  1. Which heading from a report includes ideas for improvement?

 А) Procedure  В) Findings  С) Recommendations

  1. Finish the phrase: I suggest

 А) to postpone our meeting until Wednesday.  В) postpone our meeting until Wednesday.  С) postponing our meeting until Wednesday

  1. Which type does not refer to time spent away from work?

 А) Sick leave  В) Client complaint  С) Holiday request.

  1. E-mails are generally:

 А) Shorter and more direct than letters  В) Longer and more formal than letters

 С) Not used for business communication

  1. 'I didn't catch that' means:

 А) My connection is not good.  В) The extension is busy.  С) I didn't understand.

  1. An extension is:

 А) An internal telephone number  В) An external telephone number  С) A telephone call