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ККР 2012-2013 1.doc
2.83 Mб
  1. Put the verb to the required form

  1. He would rather Mr.Peters …to the office and …a copy of this agreement. (to go, to make)

  2. I wish the inspection …to our company this month (to come)

  3. Mary will never forget …her first presentation. (to make)

  4. …the agreement about shipping was sent to the main office (to sign).

  5. She can’t help …extra hours as she wants everything to be done in the best way (to work).

  1. Continue sentences

  1. A tax levied on imports (and, sometimes, on exports) by the customs authorities of a country to raise state revenue is called…

  2. The rate at which total cost changes as the amount produced changes is called…

  3. …is an economic law that states that consumers buy more of a good when its price decreases and less when its price increases

  4. Money paid by the divorced people to support the former wife is called…

  5. Money paid to authors or investors according to the sales of their work is called…

  1. Writing assignment

You are the vice head of the international department of English Bank. You invite Olga Petrova – the junior student of Kiev National Economic University for internship programme from May 5th to June 10th 2012. Write down the invitation for her visit.


Чорноморський державний університет імені Петра Могили

Факультет економічних наук

Комплексна контрольна робота з англійської мови

Варіант 6

  1. Correct mistakes

1. He was driving to Atlanta in way of Baton Rouge.

  1. Your request for an extension of the credit is out of question.

  2. The profit made by the company this year is twice more than the previous year.

  3. Unfortunately Mr.Smith did a mistake investing his money into this project.

  4. Are you capable in working with Excel programme?