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ККР 2012-2013 1.doc
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  1. Put the verb to the required form

  1. How many copies…..with the order? (to send)

  2. I asked him on the phone whether the goods ….on time (to arrive).

  3. Their product….more imaginatively this season (to mark).

  4. The level of discount….the size of the order that is placed (to depend)

  5. We are looking forward to....you at next year's conference. (to see)

  1. Continue sentences

1. …..refers to the ability of an economic unit to produce more of any given goods at a lower cost of production than another economic unit

2. …. include real property, personal property, and enforceable claims against others

3. …is the total value of the goods and services produced in a country, plus the value of imported goods less the value of exports

4. …. structure is defined as a type of management system in which workers report to more than one person, effectively having two or more supervisors at the same time

  1. The highest price an investor is willing to pay for a stock is called…

5. Writing assignment.

You are the head the international department of Petro Mohyla Black Sea State University. You are inviting Professor John Smith from Richmond University in London, UK to take part in the international conference which will be held at the university from May 10 to May 14, 2012. Write down the invitation to Professor John Smith


Чорноморський державний університет імені Петра Могили

Факультет економічних наук

Комплексна контрольна робота з англійської мови

Варіант 9

  1. Correct mistakes

1. He will be admitted the university despite her bad grades.

  1. It’s necessary that he finds the documents.

  2. She stopped to buy sandwiches in the way to the airport.

  3. I will give you the key to the house so you will have it in case if I arrive a little late

  4. He wouldn’t allow you to join the project if you hadn’t enough qualification.

  1. Complete sentences

  1. What concerns people most are the mounting ......... among governments that it will take at least a generation for us to be rid of excessive debt.

    (a)  frights

    (b)  fearful

    (c)  fears

    (d)  afraid

  2. If you go to an unauthorized garage to have your car serviced, the ......... is that your warranty will be invalid.

    (a)  consequence

    (b)  conduct

    (c)  convenience

    (d)  consideration

  3. The guarantee, as I understood it, ......... that everything was covered.

    (a)  inferred

    (b)  implied

    (c)  imputed

    (d)  involved

  4. I regret to inform you that as your guarantee ......... last week, we can't help you.

    (a)  died

    (b)  deceased

    (c)  expired

    (d)  extinguished

  5. A warranty is to be looked on as a sort of ......... between the manufacturer and you.

    (a)  privilege

    (b)  practice

    (c)  printout

    (d)  promise

  6. Sometimes people don't bother about guarantees because the ......... of the manufacturer is enough for them.

    (a)  repute

    (b)  reputed

    (c)  reputedly

    (d)  reputation

  7. Certain warranties ......... the purchaser to have the item serviced at regular intervals.

(a)  remand

(b)  repeat

(c)  require

(d)  retain

  1. You will find that such warranties are not worth buying because the cover provided is ......... not worth the extra expense.

    (a)  famously

    (b)  frequently

    (c)  fervently

    (d)  freely

  2. This kind of legislation is in existence to ......... the customer from worthless warranties.

    (a)  provide

    (b)  protect

    (c)  please

    (d)  pacify

  3. You sometimes have to ......... very seriously whether to buy a second hand car which has no guarantee.

    (a)  consider

    (b)  contend

    (c)  contain

    (d)  convince

  4. Sometimes you get a one year warranty, a two year one or even a six month one - they all ..........

    (a)  various

    (b)  variable

    (c)  variety

    (d)  vary

  5. Concern was expressed by the office manager that the company would buy an......... financial package.

    (a)  agreeable

    (b)  affordable

    (c)  absolute

    (d)  actual

  6. The main ......... of stationery for the office suddenly announced there would be an overall increase in their prices.

    (a)  provision

    (b)  producer

    (c)  provisional

    (d)  provider

  7. The chief administrative officer disliked lack of attention to detail and insisted that such mistakes should never ..........

    (a)  recur

    (b)  repeat

    (c)  retake

    (d)  refer

  8. Once again the company has had to make a ......... in the number of office staff to try and recoup their losses.

(a)  reducing

(b)  reduction

(c)  reduce

(d)  reduces