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ККР 2012-2013 1.doc
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  1. Complete sentences

    1. In view of the excessive workload you have at the moment I won't expect you to keep ......... during the next few days.

    (a)  on line

    (b)  on road

    (c)  on track

    (d)  on path

    1. The contract was signed by the three partners who thus agreed to ......... by terms and conditions contained in it.

      (a)  follow

      (b)  adhere

      (c)  abide

      (d)  stick

    2. There was nothing in the contract that ......... who would be responsible in the event that one of the partners became seriously ill.

    (a)  pointed

    (b)  specified

    (c)  printed

    (d)  developed

    4.An independent adviser was called in after the collapse of the company to .........some of the issues that were not clear.

    (a)  result

    (b)  retake

    (c)  restrain

    (d)  resolve

    5.One of the ......... mentioned in the original agreement has decided that she does not want to continue with the profit-sharing scheme.

    (a)  partakers

    (b)  participants

    (c)  particles

    (d)  parties

    6.In view of the serious problems associated with the takeover the newspaper company has decided to ......... its offer of financial help.

    (a)  throw

    (b)  reject

    (c)  cancel

    (d)  deter

    7.The main problem was that the newly formed organisation was not attracting enough work and so they decided to ......... the services of a public relations expert.

    (a)  call

    (b)  engage

    (c)  enter

    (d)  register

    8.That company has been in business for over 100 years and in fact was ......... in 1899.

    (a)  grounded

    (b)  established

    (c)  found

    (d)  invented

    9.After the complaint had been received from the customer about poor service, she was given a written ......... that the matter would be put right.

    (a)  paper

    (b)  insurance

    (c)  assurance

    (d)  conviction

    10.They were very careful to make sure in the original agreement that ......... would be made to pay for staff redundancies.

    (a)  foresight

    (b)  forecast

    (c)  providing

    (d)  provision

    11.We decided to employ a solicitor who would be able to ......... the extent of our liability in this matter.

    (a)  decipher

    (b)  decide

    (c)  defer

    (d)  determine

    12.That company has been in business for over 100 years and in fact was ......... in 1899.

    (a)  grounded

    (b)  established

    (c)  found

    (d)  invented

    13.After the complaint had been received from the customer about poor service, she was given a written ......... that the matter would be put right.

    (a)  paper

    (b)  insurance

    (c)  assurance

    (d)  conviction

    14.They were very careful to make sure in the original agreement that ......... would be made to pay for staff redundancies.

    (a)  foresight

    (b)  forecast

    (c)  providing

    (d)  provision

    15.We decided to employ a solicitor who would be able to ......... the extent of our liability in this matter.

    (a)  decipher

    (b)  decide

    (c)  defer

    (d)  determine

  2. Put the verb to the required form

  1. How many copies…..with the order? (to send)

  2. I asked him on the phone whether the goods ….on time (to arrive).

  3. Their product….more imaginatively this season (to mark).

  4. The level of discount….the size of the order that is placed (to depend)

  5. We are looking forward to....you at next year's conference. (to see)

4. Continue sentences

1. …..refers to the ability of an economic unit to produce more of any given goods at a lower cost of production than another economic unit

2. …. include real property, personal property, and enforceable claims against others

3. …is the total value of the goods and services produced in a country, plus the value of imported goods less the value of exports

4. The difference in value over a period of time between a country's imports and exports is called….

5. The highest price an investor is willing to pay for a stock is called …

5. Writing assignment.

You are the manager of the international department of Plymouth University, UK. You are inviting Senior Lecturer Olena Orlova from Petro Mohyla Black Sea State University to visit your university to participate in the international conference “Higher Education in Modern World” from September 10th to September 14th, 2012. Write down the invitation for the embassy for Mrs. Orlova


Чорноморський державний університет імені Петра Могили

Факультет економічних наук

Комплексна контрольна робота з англійської мови

Варіант 8

  1. Correct mistakes

  1. He was driving to Atlanta in way of Baton Rouge.

  2. Your request for an extension of the credit is out of question.

  3. The profit made by the company this year is twice more than the previous year.

  4. Unfortunately Mr.Smith did a mistake investing his money into this project.

  5. Are you capable in working with Excel programme?

  1. Complete sentences

  1. If you ask someone for their ......... on supermarkets as opposed to the small corner shop, you will get varying replies.

    (a)  standing

    (b)  stand

    (c)  stance

    (d)  status

  2. The first question you have to ask is who are the customers that they are each trying to ..........

    (a)  target

    (b)  hit

    (c)  aim

    (d)  deliver

  3. When you tell the inhabitants of a small village that the little local store is going to close, many will express ..........

    (a)  dispute

    (b)  disdain

    (c)  dislike

    (d)  dismay

  4. There will naturally be ......... in the various sections of the community as to the benefits or disadvantages of losing the little store.

    (a)  cuts

    (b)  splits

    (c)  slices

    (d)  pieces

  5. Of course we all get ......... with endless leaflets through the door telling us of bargains at the local supermarket.

    (a)  plagued

    (b)  attacked

    (c)  stormed

    (d)  bothered

  6. Big discussions take place in the area as to whether a supermarket will come to the area and waiting for the outcome can be quite ......... for the small shop owner.

    (a)  nerve killing

    (b)  nerve hurting

    (c)  nerve racking

    (d)  nerve splitting

  7. Inquiries are held which seem to go on forever and you only wish that the procedure could be ..........

(a)  speeded through

(b)  speeded along

(c)  speeded up

(d)  speeded in

  1. Protest meetings are held but invariably they end in a ......... because they are not organized properly.

    (a)  disgrace

    (b)  shambles

    (c)  chaos

    (d)  fall

  2. Then the final result is announced that there is to be a ......... between EASISHOP and GOSHOP, which will then become a super supermarket.

    (a)  joiner

    (b)  combine

    (c)  link

    (d)  merger

  3. The confused customer is now in a terrible ......... because in the old days there was just one brand of butter to buy and now there is a choice of 24.

    (a)  distress

    (b)  disturb

    (c)  dilemma

    (d)  disturbance

  4. There is a popular demand for the system that allows credit companies to offer unlimited credit to young people to be ..........

    (a)  overhauled

    (b)  overseen

    (c)  overlooked

    (d)  overtaken

  5. It has been ......... by a government agency that the percentage of under 25 year olds owing large sums to companies is on the increase.

    (a)  distinguished

    (b)  deciphered

    (c)  dissolved

    (d)  disclosed

  6. One director of a major credit company has already been forced to ......... because of the bad publicity his company has attracted.

    (a)  step over

    (b)  step through

    (c)  step down

    (d)  step out

  7. One solution that has been suggested to control credit is to ......... the regulations to make it more difficult to get credit in the first place.

    (a)  step under

    (b)  step up

    (c)  step by

    (d)  step across

  8. Recent reports have ......... that being in debt is not now looked upon as a disgrace but rather as an attractive way of life.

(a)  revealed

(b)  restored

(c)  replied

(d)  responded