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Unit 8 Theme: Higher school of design Bauhaus (Germany) Grammar: Revision

Objectives: Introduction of new lexical material on theme “Higher school of design Bauhaus” and fixing active vocabulary in speech exercises, development of skills of monological speech.

Discussion: Difference of this school from others.

Revision of the studied grammar themes and fulfilling grammar exercises.

Ex. 1. Read the text about Bauhaus.

Bauhaus was a design school that emerged in Germany in 1919. Bauhaus designers and their students broke from tradition and developed a very modernist style. Their primary intention was to integrate art, technology and craftsmanship by ignoring precedent and generating a new design philosophy. The innovative ideas ranged from architecture to furniture design to typography. They believed that design of any sort ought to be considered a high art as does painting or sculpture.

The Bauhaus school moved from Weimar to Dessau in 1925. In 1932 the school was moved again to Berlin, only to be shut down forever by the Nazi Regime in 1933. The Nazi party had been opposed to Bauhaus for many years because they believed that it was closely related to communism since many members of the school were Russian.

Ex. 2. Name the works they produced and designers that worked there.

Ex. 3. Adjectives to describe architecture.

What adjectives can you use to describe buildings/ architecture? Brainstorm a list and then compare with the list below.

1960s              Ancient Art Nouveau          Bad taste Beautiful/ Gorgeous

Boring/ Dull/ Bland Brick        Brightly coloured Classic               Classical Concrete      Dated Ecologically friendly/ Green         Elegant Famous/ Infamous                Gothic Huge Iconic Impressive Influential Innovative Kitsch Low rise Luxurious Medieval Minimalist Mock Tudor Modern Modernist Multi-storey/ High-rise Old-fashioned Ornate Over-the-top Plain Pebble-dashed Timber Plate glass Post-modern Radical/ Revolutionary Renaissance Residential Romanesque Ruined Rundown Simple Single-storey Spacious Stunning Tall Timeless Traditional Ugly/ Hideous Unexceptional Uninspiring Unique Wooden Timbered

Ex. 4. Choose a building that you think your partner will know and describe it until they guess what you are thinking of. They can only guess once for each sentence you say.

Ex. 5. Choose one of the categories above and discuss which building is “the most…”/ “the … est” with your partner.

Ex. 6. Do the same for the most radical/ revolutionary, influential and/ or innovative buildings.

Ex. 7. What inventions have most changed architecture, do you think? What are the histories of those inventions?

GRAMMAR: Revision

Ex. 8. Combine each of the following parts of sentences using an Infinitive.

1. I am buying bread. I want to feed the bird. 2. He opened the door. He intended to go out. 3. He rushed into the burning house. He wanted to save the child. 4. He rang the bell. He wanted to tell us that the dinner was ready. 5. The farmer shot the rifle. He wanted to frighten the birds. 6. He sent his children to his sister’s house. He wanted them to watch the television program. 7. I am saving up. I want to buy a car. 8. I keep my hens in a field surrounded by wire netting. I want to protect them against the foxes.

Ex. 9. Complete the following sentences by adding the Infinitive to each sentence.

1. The general idea was … 2. His hobby is … 3. The first thing you must do is … 4. The last thing I meant was ... 5. The main thing is … 6. The only thing to do was … 7. Your only chance is … 8. Your job will be … 9. My only wish is … 10. What I want is …

Ex. 10. Reply to the following sentences as in the example:

If Tom meets us at the station we’ll be all right.

But what’ll we do if he doesn’t meet us?

1. If he pays me tonight I’ll have enough money for the tickets. 2. If I get a work permit I’ll stay for another six months. 3. If I pass this exam I’ll go to the university next October. 4. If I can find a cheap room I’ll stay a fortnight. 5. Your parachute should open after ten seconds. 6. Tell the police the truth. I’m sure they’ll believe you. 7. If the baby is a girl we’re going to call her Ann. 8. If London airport is clear of fog we’ll land there. 9. If the ice is thick enough we’ll be able to walk across the river. 10. If we get a lift we’ll be in time.

Ex. 11. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.

1. If I (wake) up to find the room full of smoke I (have) no idea what to do. 2. If he (go) off with another girl I (pine) away and die. 3. If we (work) all night we (finish) in time. 4. If I (come) across two men fighting with knives I (call) the police. 5. He (be) too horrified to speak at first. But when he’d recovered from the shock, he probably (start) talking about a divorce. 6. If I (throw) my clothes away I (have) to ask my husband for 1.000$ to buy new ones. 7. If I (have) heaps of money I (drink) champagne with every meal. 8. Why don’t you get a cat? If you (keep) a cat the mice (not run) about everywhere. 9. If it (be) summer the people (not sit) round that big fire. 10. If the earth suddenly (stop) spinning we all (fly) off it.

Ex. 12. Rewrite these sentences, using an if construction.

He smokes too much; perhaps that’s why he can’t get rid of his cough.

If he didn’t smoke so much he might get rid of his cough .

1. She is very shy; that’s why she doesn’t enjoy parties. 2. He doesn’t take any exercise; that’s why he is so unhealthy. 3. The shops don’t deliver now, which makes life difficult. 4. We haven’t any matches so we can’t light a fire. 5. He never polishes his shoes, so he never looks smart. 6. I have no dog, so I don’t like being alone in the house at night. 7. My house is guarded by two Alsatian dogs. That’s the only reason it isn’t broken into every night. 8. People drive very fast. That’s why there are so many accidents. 9. The flats are not clearly numbered, so it is very difficult to find anyone. 10. You don’t wipe your feet, so you make muddy marks all over the floor.

Ex. 13. Finish the following sentences.

1. If you had a carpet on the stairs … 2. If you should see a shake … 3. If I lived in the country … 4. He was sleepwalking. When I saw him going towards the window I stopped him. If I hadn’t stopped him … 5. The milk wouldn’t have turned sour if … 6. If you have another puncture … 7. The hijackers threatened to kill the pilot unless he …. 8. If buses and trains were free … 9. If the price of petrol goes up … 10. Unless you isolate people with infectious diseases …

Ex. 14. Paying attention to the expressions used in the following sentences, fill in the blanks with the words and, but also, nor, or, than, then and when, as appropriate.

For example:       We should either walk quickly __ take the bus.       We should either walk quickly or take the bus.       I had scarcely sat down ____ the telephone rang.       I had scarcely sat down when the telephone rang. 1. I have both respect _________ admiration for them. 2. Hardly had I finished reading over the problem, _________ the answer leapt to my mind. 3. It will rain either today _________ tomorrow. 4. He could not decide whether to tell the truth _________ keep silent. 5. It was not only a beautiful day, ___________ the first day of Spring. 6. If you follow the instructions, __________ you should have no difficulty. 7. He is neither proud _________ condescending. 8. What with one thing _________ another, it was very late by the time we left the house. 9. No sooner had I opened my eyes, _________ I remembered where I was. 10. Scarcely had I heard the news, _________ my friend arrived. 11. I do not know whether he has seen the movie before ________ not. 12. I would rather wait here _________ risk missing the bus. 13. She could find the book neither at the Library, _________ at the bookstore. 14. No sooner had I opened the window, _________ a butterfly flew into the room. 15. The crowd was both large _________ enthusiastic.

Ex. 15. Paying attention to the meanings of the sentences, fill in the blanks with the correct subordinate conjunctions or similar expressions chosen from the pairs given in brackets.

For example:       I went for a walk _______ the sun was shining. (because, otherwise)       I went for a walk because the sun was shining.       Do you know _______ the stores are open today? (as if, whether)       Do you know whether the stores are open today? 1. We recognized her at once, ____________ we had not seen her for years. (although, in case) 2. He kept reading ___________ he fell asleep. (for, until) 3. The moon will rise ____________ the sun sets. (as soon as, than) 4. It looks ____________ the train will be late. (while, as though) 5. ____________ she got her degree, she became a teacher. (After, Than) 6. We will not go skiing ____________ the weather is good. (as if, unless) 7. ____________ he left, he made sure he had his keys with him. (Before, For) 8. ____________ I told the truth, you would not believe me. (Even if, So that) 9. They have known her ___________ she was a child. (until, since) 10. I must leave now, ____________ I have a great deal of work to do. (as, than) 11. What shall we do ____________ it rains? (or else, supposing) 12. ____________ you read this book, you would be sure to enjoy it. (If, Until)

Ex. 16. For each of the following sentences, paying attention to the structure of the sentence, fill in the blank with either the conjunction or the preposition given in brackets.

For example:

_______ my warning, they went ahead with their plan. (Although, Despite) Despite my warning, they went ahead with their plan. ________ the sun was shining, the water was cold. (Although, Despite)  Although the sun was shining, the water was cold.

The price of oranges is high, __________ frost damage. (because, because of) The price of oranges is high, because of frost damage. (because, because of) I went to see the play, _______ it had good reviews. (because, because of) I went to see the play, because it had good reviews. (because, because of) 1. We stayed up late, ____________ we were tired. (although, despite) 2. They went swimming, ____________ the coldness of the water. (although, despite) 3. I enjoy the course, ____________ the professor is a good teacher. (because, because of) 4. She looks ___________ your sister. (as if, like) 5. Please wait ___________ I make a phone call. (during, while) 6. Did you hear any noises ____________ the night? (during, while) 7. It looked ____________ we would not be able to leave until the next day. (as if, like) 8. We all felt tired ____________ the hot weather. (because, because of) 9. I read a book ___________ I was waiting. (during, while) 10. Her eyes shone _____________ stars. (as if, like) 11. They managed to work together, ___________ their differences of opinion. (although, despite) 12. I left home early, ____________ I had to do several errands. (because, because of)

Ex. 17. Paying attention to the meanings of the sentences, fill in the blanks with the correct connecting adverbs chosen from the pairs given in brackets.

For Example:

Will you come with me? _________ I shall have to go alone. (Also, Otherwise) Will you come with me? Otherwise I shall have to go alone.

She is kind. _______, she is rather forgetful. (However, Consequently)  She is kind. However, she is rather forgetful. 1. The work was new to me. ____________, it did not seem difficult. (Consequently, Nevertheless) 2. Continue along Queen Street. ____________ turn left. (Then, Therefore) 3. It was very misty. ______________, we could not get a clear view of the mountain. (Hence, However) 4. We had walked several miles. ____________, we did not feel tired. (Accordingly, Still) 5. She is a talented actress. ____________, she is very beautiful. (Moreover, Thus) 6. We take the bus every day. __________, we are familiar with the bus route. (Nevertheless, Thus) 7. The child was sleepy. ______________, we went home early. (Otherwise, Therefore) 8. The food was delicious. _____________, the service was excellent. (Likewise, Nevertheless) 9. We looked everywhere. _____________, we could not find the keys. (However, Thus) 10. The book is long. _____________, the vocabulary is difficult. (Consequently, Furthermore) 11. Luckily, the moon was bright. ______________, we could not have seen the path. (Accordingly, Otherwise) 12. He is old. _____________, his mind is still active. (Nonetheless, Therefore)

Ex. 18. Paying attention to the structure of the sentences, fill in the blanks with the conjunctions or connecting adverbs given in brackets. Make sure that the sentences conform to the rules of correct formal English.

For example:

It was very hot. ____________, we decided to go swimming. (Consequently, So) It was very hot. Consequently, we decided to go swimming.

It was very hot, __ we decided to go swimming. (Consequently, So) It was very hot, so we decided to go swimming.

1. I have invited him. ____________, I have invited his sister. (Also, And) 2. He walked up to the door ____________ knocked. (and, likewise) 3. The bus fare is expensive; ____________, I prefer to walk. (so, therefore) 4. She is well-educated. ____________, she has very good manners. (And, Besides) 5. I would rather travel by train, ___________ the bus leaves earlier. (but, however) 6. We were born in this village; ____________, we know everyone here. (hence, so that) 7. Put less wood on the fire, ___________ it will be too smoky. (or, otherwise) 8. They got off the train. __________ they began to search for a hotel. (And, Then) 9. She studied for many months; ____________, she knew the material thoroughly. (consequently, so that) 10. The weather was hot; ____________, the air was humid. (and, moreover) 11. Please come with us, ____________ I can introduce you to my friends. (thus, so that) 12. The sun was warm, ____________ a cool breeze blew in from the sea. (but, however) Ex.19. The following sentences are incorrect, because they contain correlative conjunctions, but do not use parallel construction. Rewrite the sentences correctly, using parallel construction. For example:

He owns both a typewriter and he has a word processor. Corrected: He owns both a typewriter and a word processor. I prefer either to read or going hiking. Corrected: I prefer either to read or to go hiking. 1. The train proceeded neither quickly nor was it smooth. 2. They will leave either today or they will go tomorrow. 3. The child hates both getting up in the morning and to go to bed at night. 4. She is neither kind nor has patience. 5. He is not only talented, but also he has charm. 6. The street is lined with both oak trees and there are elm trees. 7. The lecture was not only very long but also it was very dull. 8. You should either eat less, or should exercise more. 9. I am not only proud to be here, but also feel happy to meet you. 10. The town is both historical and it is picturesque. Ex.20. The following sentences are incorrect, because they present lists of ideas, but do not use parallel construction. Rewrite the sentences correctly, using parallel construction.

For example: The air was cool, dry, and was clear. Corrected: The air was cool, dry, and clear.

He has started making kites and to fly them. Corrected: He has started making kites and flying them. 1. We walked out of the door, down the steps and went across the street. 2. She loves singing, dancing and to play the piano. 3. The wind moaned, shrieked and was howling. 4. The music was fast, brilliant and sounded exciting. 5. He proposes to borrow money, open a store and going into business. 6. The town boasts four libraries, two theaters and there are many schools. 7. The clouds were thick, black and looked threatening. 8. He likes running, jumping and to ride a bicycle. 9. They worked carefully, quickly and were quiet. 10. The vegetables were fresh, tender and tasted delicious.

Unit 9

Theme: School of design ‘ВХУТЕМАС’ (Russian constructivism)

Grammar: Non-finite form of the verb – Gerund

Objectives: Introduction of new lexical material on theme “School of design ВХУТЕМАС (Russian constructivism)” and fixing active vocabulary in speech exercises, development of skills of monological speech.

Discussion: Works of this school.

Introduction of new grammar theme “Gerund” and fulfilling grammar exercises.

Ex. 1. Read the text and translate.

Параллельные миры: Баухауз и ВХУТЕМАС

Что для каждого значит школа? Та, в которой сидишь за партой, та, благодаря которой набиваешь шишки и называешь «школой жизни», та, которая дает уроки мастерства, помогающие сориентироваться в миллионе профессий и выбрать свою.

Из миллиона мы выбрали одну — дизайн, и очевидным стало то, что до нас эта профессия еще много кому приглянулась.

«Кто же нас опередил?» — спросили работники «Хорошей компании» друг друга, пожимая плечами.

Все дело в том, что профессия «дизайнер» зародилась еще в начале прошлого века. Именно тогда сформировались первые школы, в которых ему, дизайну, обучали.

Самые яркие из них и, пожалуй, единственные — Баухауз в Германии (1919-1933 гг.) и ВХУТЕМАС (Высшие государственные художественно-технические мастерские) в Советской России (1920-1930 гг.).

В чем же заключалась уникальность этих школ дизайна, кроме того, что они были первыми? «Пахли нафталином?» — скажет кто-то из несведующих читателей. А мы ответим: «Как Вам такие работы?»

Задание на соотношение светлого и темного.

Анализ построения композиции Джотто «Благовещение святой Анны». Коллаж. М.Тери-Адлер, Вена. 1918

Задание выполнено в процессе изучения темы «Текстура», студенты, придумывали новые сочетания форм, которые образуют текстуру.

Глядя на него, начинаешь понимать, откуда растут ноги соверменных ультрамодных дизайнерских плакатов.

В огромный перечень упражнений, которые давались в школе дизайна Браунхауз, входят ритмические — на рисование обеими руками; упражнения в рисовании тушью четырех спичек, в процессе которого композиция создается сразу, без исправлений; упражнение в изображении древесины, папоротников, различных текстур по памяти.

Иоханнес Иттен, руководитель и основатель школы искусств, архитектуры и дизайна в Баухаузе считал главной задачей необходимость развить в будущих художниках, дизайнерах чувство формы и материала, научить образности и творческому мышлению.

Что же касается советской школы, то она тоже не отставала от передовой немецкой. На производственных факультетах ВХУТЕМАСа работали такие мастера графического дизайна как А. Родченко, Л. Лисицкий, В. Татлин. На занятиях студенты занимались фотомонтажем, шрифтовыми композициями, коллажированием, рекламной и плакатной графикой, книжными конструкциями, знакомились с культурой материала.

Л. Лисицкий «Четыре (арифметических) действия». 1928 г.

А. Родченко (на фото Лиля Брик)

В этих двух знаменитых школах дизайна зарождается мода на авангард, футуризм, и все дальше мировой дизайн отходит от классицизма с симметричными формами и пространствами. Появляются диагонали, сетки. Дизайнеры упорядычивают и выстраивают по новым осям то, что было в готовом виде представлено в предшествующем историческом опыте художественного творчества. Новое строится из умения разбивать любую сложную форму на геометрические первоэлементы, в цветовых гаммах преобладают лаконичные, контрастные сочетания.

И как ни странно, в параллель началу двадцатого века, сейчас, в начале двадцать первого, курс в дизайне взят на минимализм и гармонию, белый цвет говорит уже не о пустоте, а об объединении всех цветов спектра, а малогарнитурный шрифт становится признаком хорошего тона — история дизайна повторяет виток.

Оптические эффекты, коллажи, сетчатые конструкции, калейдоскоп и т.д. — все эти приемы очень широко используются и по сей день. Дизайнеры современности не перестают обращаться к опыту передовых дизайнерских школ прошлого века, таких как Баухауз и ВХУТЕМАС, возникшим параллельно в 1919 году в Германии и в России.

Ex. 2. Discussion. Describe the world-known pictures of this school and say if you like them and why.

Ex. 3. Architectural crises Telephoning and teleconference roleplays. Choose one of the situations below and hold a teleconference or phone people until you decide on what the action plan will be.

There are public protests about a project that your company is involved in

A blogger writes negative things about your company

A journalist writes negative things about your company or a project you are working on

There are negative things about your company on an online discussion board

One of your suppliers goes bankrupt

One of your clients go bankrupt

The politician who supported the project you are working on is voted out of office

Your company can’t find any qualified architects to employ

The land where your project should be built is found to be polluted

The construction company building a project that you designed is found to have not included the right amount of earthquake protection

Someone working for a foreign branch of your company is arrested for bribing public servants

A building that you designed fails a health and safety inspection

The building site of a project you are working on fails a health and safety inspection

The roof of a building that your company was involved in starts leaking only a few weeks after it is opened

Cracks appear in a building you were involved in

Ex. 4. Numbers practice for architects

What numbers could you use to describe a building or infrastructure project?

What numbers could you use to describe the job of architect?

What questions would you ask to get the numbers you discussed above in response?

How would the questions which got the following answers start?

 eight thousand seven hundred and seven

 three hundred and thirteen litres

 twelve foot three (inches)

 seventy three point five two kilometres

 two and three quarter hours

 nineteen seventy six

 eighty three dollars ninety nine/ eighty three dollars and ninety nine cents

 a hundred and twenty two percent

 three hundred and fifty grams

 a magnitude of seven point three on the Richter scale

 seventeen square metres

 once a week

Ex. 5. Write the numbers above (except the last one) as figures.

Ex. 6. Renovating a hotel. You are going to take part in a competition for the best hotel renovation.

Draw and/ or make notes about the hotel before renovation here.

Draw and/ or make notes about the hotel after renovation here. Make sure that it is just renovated, not just totally rebuilt!

Useful language to describe bad hotels

Not enough/ Problems with/ Inadequate/ Broken/ Cracked/ Dingy/ Peeling/ Musty/ Damp/ Crumbling/ Run down/ A lack of/ Old fashioned/ Unsafe/ Unsanitary/ Leaking/ Cramped/ Sagging/ Squeaky/ Creaking/ Draughty/ Very few/ Hardly any/ Too much/ Too many/ Excess/ Not sufficient(ly)/ Crooked/ Dusty/ Filthy/ Sticky/ Uneven/ Shaky/ Gloomy/ Tacky/ Drab/ Tiny/ Miniscule/ Noisy/ Steep/ Narrow/ Fleas/ Bed bugs/ Bunk beds/ Lumpy mattress/ Unsafe/ Bare light bulbs/ Stains/ Holes/ Claustrophobic/ Low ceilings

Useful language to describe good hotels

Chandelier/ Spa/ (Indoor/ outdoor) pool/ Poolside bar/ Easy access to…/ Complementary…/ Chandeliers/ Ballroom/ Spiral staircase/ Lobby/ Hot springs/ Jacuzzi/ Four poster bed/ Gold plated taps/ Mist shower/ Helicopter landing pad/ Balcony/ Private beach/ Wine cooler/ Tennis courts/ Silk sheets/ Golf course/ Full English breakfast/ Room service/ Eat all you like buffet/ Panoramic views/ Plenty of/ Spacious/ Luxurious/ Coal fires/ Glass elevators/ Rooftop garden/ Abundant/ Numerous/ Gleaming/ Magnificent/ Fabulous/ Brand (spanking) new/ Suite/ Elegant/ Spotless/ Vast/ Natural light/ Key cards/ Bell boy/ Door man/ Shuttle bus/ Trouser press/ Shoe shine service

Ex. 7. Discussion questions

- How would you feel about living (rather than just staying) in a luxury hotel? Why do you feel that way?

- What about living on a cruise ship?

- What things would a cruise ship need to make it a permanently liveable place?

Grammar: Non-finite form of the verb: Gerund.





Being written


Having written

Having been written

The Indefinite Gerund denotes an action simultaneous with that of the predicate: He avoided making the same mistake again.

The Perfect Gerund denotes an action prior to that of the predicate: He admitted having made the mistake.

The Gerund is always used after:

 Verbs followed by prepositions: accuse of, apologize for, forgive for, result in, thank for, insist on, depend on, hear of, etc.

 Nouns used with prepositions: chance of, difficulty of, plan for, purpose of, way of, skill in, opportunity of, idea of, interest in, mistake of, experience in.

 Phrasal verbs: leave off, keep on, put off, go on, give up, and burst out.

 Such verbs as: avoid, consider, escape, excuse, finish, forgive, miss, risk, include, practice, mind, justify.

 Word combinations: be afraid of, be angry for, be busy, be capable of, be disappointed at, be fond of, be grateful for, be worried about, be responsible for, have difficulty in.

 Prepositions: after, before, besides, instead of, in spite of, on, without, by.

Ex. 8. Translate the sentences.

1. Could you please stop making so much noise? 2. I don’t enjoy writing letters. 3. Does your work involve meeting a lot of people? 4. I considered taking the job but in the end I decided against it. 5. If you work into the road without looking around, you risk being knocked down by a car. 6. I don’t fancy going out this evening. 7. Do you think the grass needs cutting? 8. I wonder what prevented him from coming to the party. 9. The arrested man was suspected of breaking into the house.

Ex. 9. Fill in the blanks with prepositions where necessary.

1. She only succeeded … blocking the way.2. She showed no intention ... leaving.3. There is no point … staying.4. He did not object … being examined.5. I was not used … driving a big car through crowded streets.6. She was surprisingly clever … finding out things.7. They positively insisted … visiting all the rooms.8. Everything depends ... being on the spot.9. I thanked him again ... lending me the car.10. After all I’m personally responsible … bringing you back safe and sound.

Ex. 10. Replace the parts in bold type by gerund.

1. When she saw him she stopped reading at once and put the letter away and even did not explain anything. 2. In this thick fog she was afraid that she might be knocked down. 3. He preferred to keep silent for fear that he might say something inopportune. 4. He felt much better after he had been operated on. 5. He was not only the author of brilliant short stories, but he was also a talented playwright. 6. While he was writing his report, he remembered that he had forgotten to mention some facts. 7. When the girl entered the room, she glanced a little wonderingly at the faces of the three men. 8. The whole neighborhood was so dearly and run-down that he hated the thought that he would have to live there.

Ex. 11. Visit the following link and do the given tasks. (http://www.sonnerct.com/english_rules/LR10_Gerunds_Infinitives.htm)