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Video. Abscess

While watching video “ABSCESS”

1. Fill in the gaps.

1) An abscess is a … infection.

2) It arises when bacteria gain access to the … tissues of the tooth.

3) The body response to foreign invaders like bacteria is increasing blood … .

4) The increasing blood flow delivers specialised … that can fight the infection.

5) The increasing blood flow is known as …

6) It produces intense … inside.

7) The problems simply change location. The infection than spreads into the … .

  1. Use your notes to speak about abscess.

Grammar. Future Tenses

In English we use

will + bare infinitive to speak about predictions, on-the-spot decision, advice, promise;

be (am/ is/ are) going to to speak about our plans, intentions;

Present Continuous to speak about fixed arrangements, plans.

Ex. I will help you with your English (promise).

He is going to visit his parents tomorrow (plans).

They are leaving at night (fixed arrangement).

  1. Here is the list of Diana’s plans for tomorrow. Say what is and isn’t she going to do.

 meet my friends in the evening

 do the shopping

 prepare the dinner for two days

 buy a present for Bill

 book a ticket for the business trip

 make an appointment to the dentist

2. Use the prompts to say what you think about it.

1 (Diana/ pass/ the exams) - I think Diana will pass the exam.

2 (Jack/ win/ the game) –

3 (Sue/ like/ her present) –

4 (the weather/ be/ nice tomorrow) –

5 (they/ meet/ new friends) –

6 (you/ drive/ more carefully) –

3. Choose the correct variant.

1. We’ll go/ We are going to the concert tonight.

2. “What will you do/ Are you doing tomorrow evening?” “Nothing, I’m free”

3. I’ll go/ I’m going away tomorrow morning, my train is at 8.40.

4. I’m sure he will lend/ he is lending you some money. He’s very rich.

5. “Why are you putting on your coat?” “I’ll go out/ I’m going out

6. Do you think Claire will phone/ is phoning us tonight?

7. She can’t meet us on Saturday. She’ll work/ She’s working.


Classification of Periodontal Diseases

1. Read the text and answer the question “What are two main categories of gingival diseases?”

The most current classification system for periodontal diseases was developed in 1998. Classification systems aid in studying the etiology, pathogenesis, and treatment of diseases; provide a way to organize the health care needs of patients; serve to classify periodontal diseases for insurance reporting purposes.

There are two main categories of gingival diseases: plaque-induced and non-plaque-induced. Gingivitis that is initiated by plaque biofilm (i.e., plaque-induced) can be modified by systemic factors, medications, and malnutrition. Non-plaque-induced gingival lesions include diseases of bacterial, viral or fungal origin, genetic manifestations of systemic conditions, traumatic lesions, or foreign body reactions.

There are seven categories of periodontitis: chronic; aggressive and systemic periodontitis; necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis (NUP); abscesses; endodontic lesions; developmental and acquired deformities and conditions.

2. Use the words in bold to complete definitions.

    1. … the most commonly diagnosed diseased category. It is usually treatable and can be controlled; responsive to appropriate treatment.

    2. … highly destructive form of periodontal disease that can be localized or generalized; characterised by microbial deposit accumulation, advancement of loss of attachment or bone loss that can be self-arresting (stop on its own).

    3. … relates to gingival or periodontal lesions, which require special diagnostic and treatment approaches.

  1. Use the information from the text to fill in the table.

Category of disease


Across the curriculum

Risk Factors

A risk factor is behaviour, inherent characteristic, or environmental exposure associated with a disease. Risk factors are associated with incidence, extent and progression of periodontal diseases, and are usually identified through longitudinal studies (research studies in which the subjects are followed for a long period of time to study the natural course of the disease).

Risk assessment can help dental professionals assess a patient’s risk of developing periodontal disease and also helps to improve clinical decision making related to oral health care and prognosis. Risk assessment has the potential to reduce the need for complex periodontal therapy, and to improve patient outcomes that will lead to reduce cost for oral health care.

Specific examples of risk factors for periodontal diseases are age, gender, socioeconomic status, genetics, plaque biofilm, self-care, tobacco, stress and diabetes. Some risk factors cannot be changed or modified (non-modifiable or determinant), such as age and gender, whereas others are modifiable, such as smoking and plaque biofilm. The difference between these two types of risk factors is important in educating patients about risk factors that can be changed in the future.

Explain the highlighted words

True or False

    1. Risk factors are usually identified through surveys.

    2. Risk factors are identified through short-term studies.

    3. Risk assessment helps to improve clinical decision making related to oral health care and prognosis.

    4. Risk factors cannot be changed or modified.

    5. The difference between two types of risk factors is important in educating patients.

Give your opinion about the fact if it is important to educate patients about risk factors.