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Профилактическая стоматология.doc
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1. Fill in the necessary words from the box to complete the text about Preventive Care

preventive effect affected deep harm

neglect survey dental comfort health

Possibly the most important benefit of 1 ________ dental care is the fulfilment of the moral commitment to the Hippocratic oath, which is taken by 2 _____ providers upon graduation: “To render help to those in need, and to do no 3 ____.” Dental providers should derive a 4 ______ sense of satisfaction by helping individuals maintain their oral structures in a state of maximum function, 5 _____ and esthetics.

Many studies document prevalence of 6 ______ diseases, which is the number of people in a population 7 ______ with a dental disease at the time of an epidemiology 8 ______. But behind these numbers there is little mention of the adverse 9 _____ on human caused by dental 10 ______.

2. Match the opposites Make up sentences with five of these words.

1- disease

2 - reduction

3 - apply

4 - supplemental

5 - host

6 - help

7 - preventive

8 - counselling

9 - onset

10 - different

      1. similar

      2. use

      3. neglect

      4. perspective

      5. end

      6. health

      7. increasing

      8. health

      9. advising

      10. enemy


1. Read the text and complete the table.

The terminology preventive dentistry has different meanings to different people. Primary preventive care focuses on the preventive aspects of the dental hygiene sciences and emphasizes the use of diagnostic and therapeutic modalities to prevent disease. Preventive care may be defined and classified into three different levels.

Primary prevention uses strategies and agents to prevent the onset of the disease, or arrest the disease process before secondary preventive treatment becomes necessary. This level is sometimes thought of as a dental hygiene.

Secondary prevention uses routine treatment methods to terminate the disease process and/ or restore tissues to as near normal as possible. This level can be termed restorative care.

Tertiary prevention uses measures necessary to replace lost tissue sand rehabilitate to as near normal as possible. This level can be termed reconstructive care.

Levels of prevention

Therapies and services

Primary prevention


    1. _____________________

    2. ______________________

    3. ______________________

    4. ______________________

    5. ______________________

Secondary prevention

  1. _______________________

  2. ______________________

  3. _______________________

  4. _______________________

  5. ________________________

  6. ________________________

Tertiary prevention

  1. _______________________

  2. _______________________

  3. _______________________


Implants, oral evaluation, dental prophylaxis, oromaxillofacial surgery, health promotion, periodontal debridement, prosthodontics, endodontics, dental sealants, dental sealants on incipient caries (ART), health education, fluoride as a preventive agent, fluoride use on incipient caries, dental restoration, ART – alternative restorative treatment.

Speaking. Study the table and say what the preventive strategies for the reduction of dental caries and periodontal disease are, what the dental practitioners’ and patients’ responsibilities are.

Preventive Strategy

Dental provider


Mechanical reduction of plaque biofilm

Periodontal debridement

Tooth brush, dental floss, supplemental aids

Chemical reduction of plaque biofilm

Antibiotic therapies

Antimicrobial mouthrinses

Demineralization and remineralisation of dental caries

Professionally applied fluoride, prescription fluoride, fluoride custom trays

Toothpaste with fluoride, mouthrinse with fluoride, fluoridated water, products with ACP*

Prevention of a host surface

Dental sealants

Chewing gums and lozenges (пастилка, таблетка для рассасывания) with xylitol


Nutritional counselling

Sugar discipline


Dental health education and promotion

Seeking information and care

* ACP – amorphous calcium phosphate

Grammar. Present Simple/ Present Continuous

    1. We use Present Simple to speak about routine actions or permanent states. We often use the adverbs of frequency with this grammar tense: often, always, usually, rarely, sometimes, never.

ex. I study at the Medical University.

Patients have regular check-ups twice a year.

    1. We use Present Continuous to speak about the activity at/ around the moment of speaking, fixed arrangements in the future. We use the following time expressions with this grammar tense:

at the moment, now, this week.

Ex. A dentist is examining the patients at the moment.

We are preparing for the test this week.

They are participating in the conference on the problems of gum diseases next Monday.

  1. Use adverbs of frequency to say how often you do the following activities:

  • brush your teeth

  • go to the dentist for regular check-ups

  • use dental floss

  • do professional cleaning of your oral cavity

  • use antimicrobial mouthrinse

  1. Look at the prompts and make sentences as in the example.

have a shower, work out at the gym, take a taxi to work, cycle to work, have breakfast, wash the car



1. Kim usually has breakfast at 8.00 on Sunday morning but today she __________

2. Paul usually ____________ after breakfast but today he ____________

3. Karen usually ____________ in the morning but today she ______________

  1. Tick the correct sentence.

  1. a) Anna is painting pictures in her free time.

b) Anna paints pictures in her free time.

2. a) I am driving to the university every day.

b) I drive to the university every day.

3. a) Steve is watching TV at the moment.

b) Steve watches TV at the moment.

4. a) Mum cooks dinner at the moment.

b) Mum is cooking dinner at the moment.

5. a) He is preparing for his test at the moment.

b) he prepares for his test at the moment.

  1. Use the prompts to say what are your plans for the nearest future (next week, next month so on).

Ex. I am going shopping with my friend tomorrow

  • go shopping

  • visit friends

  • clean the house

  • do the washing up

  • get some exercises

  • go on holiday

  • take the History test

  • go to the theatre

  • join a gym

Across the Curriculum

Categories of Oral Diseases

  1. Read the text and fill in the gaps (1-5) with the parts of the sentences (a-e):

      1. … pathogenic dental plaque on the surfaces of the teeth and therefore are known as plaque diseases.

      2. … are acquired conditions.

c) … in the acquired and craniofacial category.

d) … which would include a wide variety of conditions ranging from heredity to accidents.

e) … the host’s resistance is impaired

Oral diseases and abnormalities can be conveniently grouped into three categories:

1. Dental caries and periodontal disease, both of which (1) ….

2. Acquired oral conditions other than dental caries and periodontal diseases such as oral cancer, HIV/ AIDS, and opportunistic infections, which are infections caused by a usually harmless microorganism that can become capable of causing disease when (2) … .

3. Craniofacial disorders, or disorders that involve both the cranium (portion of the skull that encases the brain) and the face, (3) ….

The treatment of caries and periodontal diseases, and their sequelae account the most of the estimated $60 billion U.S. dental bill for the year 2000*. Both caries and periodontal diseases are caused by the presence of (4) …. Any major reduction in the incidence of caries and periodontal disease will release resources for the investigation and treatment of conditions included (5) … .

*Health Care Financing Administration (HCFA), National Health Expenditures Projections: 1998 – 2000

2. Explain underlined words in Russian.

3. Say what the main categories of oral diseases are.