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Memorize the pronunciation of the following words:

bench [bentj] —верстачный/волочильныйстанок

marking-out ['ma: kit], aut] —разметка

chiselling [' tfizlirjj —рубка

straightening [' streitniij] —правка,рихтовка

bending ['bendiij] —гибка

cutting [' kAtiq] —резка

shears [ 'Jiaz] —ножницы

filing [' failig] —опиловка

riveting [' rivitir)] — клепка (крепление болтами)

scraping ['skreipir)] — соскабливание, шабрение, обтеска

lapping [' laepii)] — притирка

soldering [' soldsrig] —пайка

tinning [' tiniq] —лужение

dimensions [di' menfn] — размеры, величина

finishing ['finiJirj] — окончательная отделка, чистовая обработка, чистовая затирка

fixture ['fikst/э] — зажимное приспособление, неподвижная (закрепленная) деталь to match [' maetj] — подгонять, подбирать, крепить to assemble [э' sembl] — собирать

Word combinations for connected reading:

hack saw —ножовка

tool maker —слесарь-инструментальщикrepair mechanic —слесарь-ремонтник


Metals are the fundamental materials used in the metal working and machine-building industries.

Bench work consists of various technological operations, which includemarking-out, chiselling, straightening, bending metals,cutting them with thehack saw orshears, filing, drilling,riveting, scraping, lapping, soldering, tinning, etc. The aim of all operations is to give a piece of metal the required shape,dimensions and surface quality. There are jobs requiring additional operations, such as scraping, grinding, lapping andfinishing when thin layers of metals are removed from the detail being produced.

Mechanics (or bench workers) of machine-building enterprises perform many types of jobs. They make special tools, fixtures and some parts of machines,match one part to another andassemble the whole mechanism. When necessary, they do soldering jobs and machine repair work.

The operators fulfil one or several definite operations, while the skilled workers distributed in groups or teams and sometimes concentrated in special shops (depending on the nature of the work) perform mostly manual work, as, for instance, assembling. Groups or teams and special shops usually consist of tool makers, assembly, set­up,repair mechanics and other grades of workers.

In any industry possessing machines, mechanisms, fixtures and various devices made of metal, mechanics are absolutely necessary.

Exercise 1.1. Find the Russian equivalents for the following word combinations:

fundamental materials; consists of various technological operations; cutting metals with the hack saw; to give metal the required shape; layers of metals; to remove from the workpiece; to match one part to another; to fulfil definite operations; to perform manual work.

состоит из различных технологических операций; удалять с детали; основные материалы; придавать металлу необходимую (требуемую) форму; выполнять ручную работу; выполнять законченные операции; слои металла; резка металла ножовкой; крепить одну деталь к другой.

Exercise 1.2. Answer the questions:

  1. What operations does bench work consist of?

  2. What is the aim of all operations?

  3. What jobs require additional operations?

  4. What are the operations to remove the layers of metal from the detail being produced?

  5. What do mechanics make and match?

  6. What work do the operators fulfil?

  7. What is assembling?

  8. Where are mechanics needed?

Exercise 1.3. Find the wrong statements and correct them:

  1. With the help of such additional operations as scraping, grinding, lapping and finishing metal is removed from the detail.

  2. The operators perform manual work.

  3. The aim of all technological operations is to give a piece of metal the required shape, dimensions and layers of metals.

  4. Special shops consist of operators.

Exercise 1.4. Translate into English:

  1. Металлы используются в металлообрабатывающей и машиностроительной промышленности.

  2. Такие операции как гибка, рубка, опиловка, сверление и т. д. придают металлу необходимую форму и размеры.

  3. Шабрение, шлифовка, притирка и чистовая обработка снимают слои металла с детали.

  4. Слесари изготавливают инструменты, зажимные приспо­собления и детали станков.

  5. Высококвалифицированные рабочие выполняют ручную работу.

  6. Они скрепляют детали и собирают целый механизм.

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