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If you are not sure about the meaning of the expressions, look them up in a dictionary.

    1. Types of conferences and differences between them


  1. Problem based task

Differences between the different types of conferences


There are different types of conferences. The objective of any conference is to improve the flow of information among people. There are specific guidelines concerning format and size of events, eligible research fields, submission of proposals, programme, expenses, etc.


To find out different types of conferences and problems connected with their delivery.

Guidelines to the quest

  1. Look through the sites recommended and try to find new Internet sites representing the information concerning the problem under consideration.

  2. Acquaint yourself with the information to answer the following questions:

  1. What is the main purpose of a conference?

  2. What is a conference?

  3. What are the differences between the different types of Conferences?

  4. Are there specific guidelines concerning format and size of event?

  5. What research fields are eligible?

  6. Is it possible to submit proposals for the support of several events?

  7. How long in advance should one submit a proposal?

  8. Where should the events be organized?

  9. Who evaluates the proposal?

  10. Where can you find up-to-date information?

  1. Investigate the differences between the following types of conferences

business conference

scientific conference

video conference

on-line conference

  • Characterize each type and speak about the features that differ or unite these types of conferences. Describe one of them in great detail.

  • Do you agree with this classification? Are there other types of conferences?

  • Describe specific guidelines concerning format and size of events, agenda, the electronic submission, etc.

Recommended sites:

http://cordis.europa.eu/improving/conferences/faq.htm (High-level Scientific Conferences)

http://port.igrs.sas.ac.uk/conferenceprogramme.htm (Programme)

http://ec.europa.eu/research/fp6/mariecurie-actions/pdf/hls_en.pdf (Training researches)

http://port.igrs.sas.ac.uk/index.htm (Postgraduate online research training)

http://www.alleventsadviser.com/business/How-to-Organize-a-Business-Conference-108.php (Business conferences)

http://www.webtvwire.com/organizing-a-video-conference/ (Video conferences)

http://www2.csd.org/newlinks/stepsinorg.htm (Video conferences)

http://www.rosatom.ru/en/review/on-line/ (On-line conferences)

http://www.avs.vub.ac.be/old/events/Conference_WSC6_2001.txt (On-line conferences)

  1. Recommend the best sites you have found to your group mates in the form of e-mail, describing their advantages and drawbacks.

  2. Submit the results of the work for your teacher consideration in written form.

In class

  1. Give an oral presentation upon the subject, considering the advantages and disadvantages of each presented type of a conference.

  2. Give feedback to your group mates. Use the following expressions. What expressions can be used for negative feedback?

Asking for feedback:

Please don’t hesitate to interrupt.

Please feel free to ask questions

We would like to know what you think

Phrases for giving feedback:

This is one of the best ideas I've heard in a while

I think it's great that you…

When you said…,

…..I wonder if you had tried

….perhaps you could have…..

…sometimes I find…..helpful….

have you thought of

You picked up most of the key points… but you did not…

Overall, I very much enjoyed…"

What did you learn from this…?

What you said sounded judgmental.

What I admire about your…

I'm impressed with the way you…

I really liked how you…

That was very impressive how you…

There may have been a missed opportunity…

It's a small thing, but be aware of….

The one thing you might look for is…

That’s interesting.

How do you think…what makes you think that?

  1. Listen to the feedback of your group mates, and answer their questions.

  1. It is very important to be able to present your company or institution to other people at a conference. It is also very important to speak briefly and concisely on the topic. Read the extract below which represents an ‘elevator pitch’ (a quick presentation of a company that can be understood in the time it takes to ride up an elevator).

The elevator pitch

Present your institution/company/business in 60 seconds or less. Use the scheme suggested

  1. What exactly do you do?

  2. What is your previous experience?

  3. What is your competitive advantage?

  4. What are your future potentials?

  5. How successful are you?

  6. How much money do you need?

Listen to presentations of your group mates and be ready to give your evaluation. Be critical but objective.

  1. Work with your partner. Below are the most Frequently Asked Questions. One of you should act as an experienced person and the others should ask for your opinion and advice. Try to answer them as fully as possible.

  1. How do I register for a conference?

  2. Can I register for the conference by telephone?

  3. Will I receive a confirmation?

  4. What is included in my registration fee?

  5. Do I have to make my own hotel reservation?

  6. Can I attend only one day of a three day meeting?

  7. Are there discounts on multiple registrations?

  8. Will the information material provided at the conference be posted on the website?

  9. Can the information materials provided at the conference be purchased?

  10. Do I have to register in advance or can I register on-site?

  11. Are there options for my strict dietary requirements?

  12. What is the conference dress attire?

  13. How do I know if my registration submitted on-line was received?

  14. Will I receive a receipt for my credit card charge?

  15. May I make a cancellation request?

  16. How can I make cancellation?

  17. What is the price for early bird delegates?

  18. Do cancelations receive a full refund?

  19. Is registration refundable?

  20. Are substitutions permitted?

You may base your answers on the phrases given below.

Conference attendees




Registration form

To register for the conference, please call…

Participants of the (name of the conference) Conference need to register.

Online registration is now open

On-line registration is closed.

After (date), please register on-site for…

All registrants will receive a registration confirmation.

Fax and mail registration is no longer available.

You can register online or register onsite when you arrive.

The Registration office will e-mail or mail a registration confirmation to all registered attendees.

Late registration

Standard registration

Early bird registration

Early bird price

Early bird delegates registered before July 31st will receive a free…

Registration rate

Please note that after Monday, August 25, 2008 the early registration rate will increase to $275.

However, the student registration rate will remain the same.

One-day Attendance Rate

(Non)member Rate

Registration (conference) fee(s)…

…will cover refreshment breaks, luncheon, and conference materials.

…does not include hotel accommodations.

…includes admittance to all conference sessions including short courses, conference meals, breaks, opening reception and conference banquet.

…includes all conference sessions, conference materials and refreshment breaks.

All conference attendees are expected to pay the registration fee with the exception of…

If you register online and pay by credit card, you will receive immediate confirmation via our server.

Fees are quoted in…(currency)

There is no charge to attend this conference.

However, special hotel accommodation rates and pre-conference tour packages will be available for conference participants.

Registration cancellation

Registration cancellations must be made in writing.

No phone cancellations will be accepted.

Cancellations received by (date) will receive a full refund. No refunds will be issued after (date).

All cancellation requests need to be made in writing (via email or regular mail).

Cancellation requests made by that date are eligible for a full refund of the registration fees (minus a $100 administrative fee).

You must send a written cancellation and refund request … by mail, fax or e-mail prior to…


…will be mailed after the conference and will not be given to no-shows.

No refunds will be issued after that date.

Requests for refunds after the cancellation cut-off date will not be granted, however substitutions may be allowed.

You may cancel your registration no later than (date) and receive a refund of your total conference registration fee, minus $... administrative fee.

No refund request will be accepted or honored after February 29, 2008, regardless of the reason for the cancellation (including medical and other emergencies).

Registrations are non-refundable


…are permitted.

…will gladly be accepted at any time.


Once you’ve registered for the conference, you may reserve your room online or download the housing form to reserve your room via phone, fax, or mail.

Conference participants can now secure hotel accommodation in advance by booking online through the … conference website.

Dress code

All delegates at the Conference must adhere to the following dress code.

As a general rule, delegates must be dressed in Western business attire.

Delegates who are not dressed appropriately will be sent home.

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