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УЧЕБНИК 2011Spoken English.docx
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  1. Idioms

  2. in the black - in good financial condition with no debt

  3. The company has been in the black for the past six months.

  4. see eye-to-eye - to agree or feel the same way

  5. Most of the employees see eye-to-eye on the future of the company.

  6. Answer the questions

  7. 1. Why can't Elaine Strong answer the phone?

  8. a. She's in a meeting.

  9. b. She's out of the office.

  10. c. She's talking with another customer. 2. What does caller want the secretary to send?

  11. a. information on after-sales service b. a picture of the newest computers

  12. c. a list of software products

  13. 3. What time should the secretary send the material?

  14. a. 2:30 PM

  15. b. 3:30 PM

  16. c. 5:00 PM

  17. 4. What is the caller's name?

  18. a. Cordell

  19. b. Kordel

  20. c. Kordell 5. What is the caller's telephone number?

  21. a. 560-1287

  22. b. 560-1828

  23. c. 560-2187

  24. 3. Vocabulary activities

  25. Complete the Text Completion Quiz

  26. Secretary: Hello, Ultimate Computers. May I help you?

  27. Caller: Yes, this is Jack Kordell from Hunter's Office Supplies. May I (1) … to Elaine Strong, please?

  28. Secretary: I'm sorry, but she's not in right now.

  29. Caller: Okay, do you know when she'll be (2) ...?

  30. Secretary: Uh, yes, she should be here later on this afternoon maybe about 4:30. May I take a message?

  31. Caller: Yes. Ms. Strong sent me a brochure detailing your (3) … line of laptop computers with a (4) … of other software products, but there wasn't any information about after-sales (5)

  32. Secretary: Oh, I'm sorry. Would you like me to fax that to you?

  33. Caller: Yes, but our fax is being (6) … at the moment, and it won't be working until around 2:30. Hum . . . could you try sending that information around 3:30? That's should give me time to look over the (7) … before I call Ms. Strong, say, around 5:00.

  34. Secretary: Sure. Could I have your name, telephone number, and fax number, please?

  35. Caller: Yes. Jack Kordell and the phone number is 560-1287. And the fax number is 560-1288.

  36. Secretary: Okay. Jack Kordell. Is your name (8) … C-o-r-d-e-l?

  37. Caller: No. It's Kordell with a "K" and two "l's." K-o-r-d-e-l-l."

  38. Secretary: All right, Mr. Kordell. And your phone number is 560-1287, and the fax number is 560-1288. Is that (9) ...?

  39. Caller: Yes it is.

  40. Secretary: All right. I'll be (10) … to send you the fax this afternoon.

  41. Caller: Okay, bye.

  42. 4. Post-listening exercises

  43. Imagine that you are opening your own clothing store or some other business. What kinds of office equipment and supplies do you think you will need to run your business? How much will this equipment cost? Will you rent the equipment or buy it? Do you create a Website for your business? Discuss your ideas.

  44. Ex. 7 Listen to the recording “Job Interviews Tips”.

  45. Discussion

  46. Suppose you are the owner of an English school, and you are hiring a new English teacher for a new position. What questions would you ask the person to see if he or she is a qualifed candidate for the job?

  47. Online Investigation

  48. Check online for other good interview tips that could help people find a new job. What suggestions do you find not mentioned on this page? Can you find any questions specific to your particular field of interest or major?

  49. Ex. 8 Listen to the recording “Job Promotion”.

  50. Discussion

  51. What factors and personal qualities do you think companies consider when giving an employee a promotion? On the other hand, what behaviors and personality traits work against a employee who is seeking a promotion?

  52. Online Investigation

  53. Knowing what to do and say on the job is critical to getting a promotion. Search the Internet for specific tips and advice on improving your chances of getting a promotion at your current or future job. Do these suggestions vary depending on your field of work? What is the perception of the "ideal" worker in your country and how does this differ from similar jobs overseas? You might want to interview people to prepare your ideas.

  54. Telephone talk

  55. Ex. 9 Read the information and act out your own dialog.



    1. Introducing yourself. Phrases to use when you place the call.

    1. - May I speak with Marina Smith? - Hello, this is John Block calling for Marina Smith. - Is Marina Smith in? (informal)

    2. When the person answers the call directly: - Hi Marina, it’s John calling. - GooWhen calling a general number:d afternoon, Marina. This is John Block from ABC company calling.

    1.  Answering the phone. There are many different ways to answer your phone

    1. For calls to your direct line: - Good morning, this is Marina. - Good afternoon, XYZ firm. How may I help you? - Marina speaking. - XYZ firm, Marina speaking.

    2. For calls to your direct line, when the person asks for you by name: - Speaking (caller says: “Is Marina there?” and Marina replies: “speaking”). - This is she / this is he (caller says: “Is Marina in?” and Marina replies “This is she”).

    3. For calls to a general number: - Thank you for calling XYZ. How may I direct your call?

    1.  Connecting someone. When you answer the phone and it is for somebody else.

    1. - One minute, I’ll transfer you now. - Please hold and I’ll put you through. - Let me see if Jim is available. - One moment, please. - Hang on a minute. (informal)

    1. Ending a conversation

    • It’s been great talking with you. I’ve got a meeting now so I better run. - Thanks for calling. I’ll speak with you again soon. - I’ve got another call coming in. Good talking to you. - I better let you go. - It’s 5 o’clock already. I better let you go. - Let’s touch base on this again in a few days.

    1. When you need to put somebody on hold

    1. - Jim is on another line at the moment. Would you like to hold?

    2. - I’m sorry, I have a call on my other line. Can you please hold?

    3. For customer service calls - All of our operators are currently busy. Please stand by for the next available operator.

    1. When you don’t understand the caller

    1. - Could you please repeat that? - I’m sorry, I didn’t catch what you just said. - Can you please speak a little more slowly? - Can you please speak a little louder?

    1.  Clarifying what your caller says

    1. - Can you please spell that for me? - How do you spell your last name? - And that company name again was, JAQ Industries? - Let me repeat your information to make sure I got it right.

    1. Taking a message for someone

    1. - I'm sorry, John’s not here at the moment. Can I take a message? - John is in a meeting at the moment. May I ask who’s calling? - John is at lunch. Would you like to leave a message? - John has left for the day. Would you like to be put through to his voice mail?

    1.  Leaving a message for someone

    1. - Please tell him that Susan called and ask him to call me back. My number is 999-343-3423. - Please ask him to call Susan when he gets in. - He already has my number. - He’s not in? Please put me through to his voice mail. - When do you expect him back in the office? - I need to speak with him on an urgent matter. Please have him call me as soon as he gets in.

  56. Ex. 10 Listen to the recording “A Free Cell Phone!”

  57. 1. Pre-listening exercises

  58. Cell phones, or mobile phones, are becoming more popular around the world as a preferred form of communication, but can you find a cheap calling plan that will fit your budget? What do you look for when deciding on a cell phone or a phone carrier (e.g., cost of phone, number of minutes a month, cancellation fees, etc.)?

  59. 2. Listening exercises

  60. Listen to the conversation and read along with the conversation. Review the Key Vocabulary and the sample sentences.

  61. Key Vocabulary

  • rebate (noun): a refund of part of all of the amount paid - The company offers a fifty-dollar rebate on the purchase of a new cellphone.

  • catch (noun): a hidden drawback or disadvantage

  1. - So, there must be a catch to buying this cellphone. I mean, why would the company offer it for free?

  • in case (adverb): in the event that - Bring your phone in case we need to call for help.

  • fee (noun): cost, the amount of money you have to pay for something - There are always a number of fees you have to pay when buying a car.

  • charge (noun, also a verb): fee, the amount of money you have to pay for something or (as a verb), require someont to pay money for a product or service

  1. - The store charged me too much for the cell phone, so I'm going to return it.

  • nationwide (adverb and adjective): happening around the nation or country - The cell phone company is promoting their services nationwide. - That company offers nationwide cell phone coverage.

  • roll over (phrasal verb): transfer or carry over

  1. - This is one of the few companies that allows you to roll over your minutes to the next month without losing them.

  • term (noun): period of time - Over the long term, buying a high-quality phone might make the most financial sense.

  • lemon (noun): a defective automobile - I bought a used car at a really good price, but it turned out to be a lemon.