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УЧЕБНИК 2011Spoken English.docx
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  1. To have (to)

  2. Глагол to have (to)употребляется в сочетании с инфинитивом с частицей to для выражения необходимости совершить действие в силу определённых обстоятельств. Соответствует русскому "придётся, пришлось".

  3. It was very dark and we had to stay at home. Было очень темно, и нампришлосьостаться дома.I don't have to stay here.Мнене нужноздесь оставаться.

  4. to be + Infinitive

  5. Сочетание глагола to beс инфинитивом употребляется для выражения необходимости совершения действия в соответствии с предыдущей договорённостью или заранее намеченным планом. Переводится как "должен, должен был" и т.п.

  6. I was to meet her at 3 o'clock.Ядолженбыл встретить её в 3 часа.They are to begin this work at once. Они должны начать работу немедленно.

  7. Should, ought to, need

  8. Модальный глагол shouldиспользуется, как правило, для дачи советов. Советов ненавязчивых, дружеских. При помощиshouldможно выразить свое мнение относительно правильности, целесообразности происходящего.

  9. You should really quit smoking. Вы бы на самом деле бросили курить.

  10. Так как данный глагол should все-таки выражает долженствование, то с его помощью можно выразить и приказ, но в виде настойчивого пожелания. Shouldобычно переводиться как "следует": Вам следует подумать.

  11. Shouldможет переводиться как "должен", но это долженствование гораздо мягче, чем вmust.

  12. You should send this fax as soon as possible. Вы должны (вам следует) отправить этот факс как можно скорее.

  13. Should является самодостаточным модальным глаголом и не нуждается во вспомогательных глаголах при образовании отрицательных и вопросительных предложений.

  14. Модальный глагол ought toочень похож наshould, так как употребляется в аналогичных случаях. Ноshouldупотребляется чаще.Should, а неought toупотребляется в официальных объявлениях / заявлениях:

  15. Candidates should be prepared to answer some questions.

  16. Needпереводиться, как "нужно", "надо".

  17. You need return as soon as possible. Тебе нужно вернуться как можно скорее.

  18. С точки зрения грамматики, need- весьма интересный глагол. Он может выступать как в роли смыслового глагола, так и в роли модального. Модальный глаголneedможно отнести к так называемымнеполным модальным глаголам. То есть он может образовывать отрицательные и вопросительные формы как смысловой глагол (через вспомогательные глаголы), и как модальный (без вспомогательных глаголов)!

  19. Обычный смысловой глагол needупотребляется так же, как и остальные смысловые глаголы - он согласовывается в лице, и употребляется во всех временах:

  20. I need more money. She needs friends.

  21. Модальный глагол needне изменяетсяпо лицам и употребляется тольков неизменной форменастоящего времени, но по смыслу может согласовываться с прошедшим и будущим временем. После него не употребляется частицаto. В форме модального глаголаneedупотребляется только в отрицательных и вопросительных предложениях.

  22. Согласование времен в главном и придаточном предложениях

  23. Правило согласования времен выражается в следующем.

  24. 1.Если глагол-сказуемое главного предложения стоит в настоящем или будущем времени, то глагол-сказуемое придаточного предложения может стоять в любом требуемом по смыслу времени:

  25. Hesaysyouareright. – Он говорит, что ты прав.

  26. He will tell why he was not at school yesterday. – Он скажет, почему он не был в школе вчера.

  27. 2.Если глагол-сказуемое главного предложения стоит в прошедшем времени (обычно-в PastSimple), то и глагол придаточного предложения должен стоять в одном из прошедших времен.

  28. Для обозначения действия одновременного с действием, выраженным сказуемым главного предложения, употребляется Past SimpleилиPast Continuous.

  29. He told me he was preparing for his exams. - Он сказал мне, что готовится к экзамену.

  30. Для обозначения действия, предшествующего действию, выраженному сказуемым главного предложения, обычно употребляется Past Perfect При указании определенного времени (in1995,yesterday) предшествующее время выражается при помощиPast Simple.

  31. I didn’t know he had left for Moscow. - Я не знал, что он уехал в Москву.

  32. I thought he arrived yesterday. – Я думал, что он приехал вчера.

  33. Для выражения будущего времени в придаточном предложении употребляется форма Future in the Past, где вспомогательный глаголwillменяется наwould.

  34. Конец формы

  35. Конец формы

  36. Конец формы

  37. He told me he would meet me in the park. – Он сказал мне, что встретит меня в парке.

  38. Tapescripts

  39. Airport

  40. Airplane Travel: From Plane Reservations to Sightseeing Destinations

  41. If you're planning to travel overseas, the most common form of transportation is by airplane. Knowing the entire procedure from purchasing plane tickets to coping with in-flight emergencies can ensure that you have a pleasurable trip.

  42. First all of, choosing an airline carrier might depend on a number of factors including the company's service record, price of the ticket, length of time to destination, and even in-flight service.

  43. Now, once you've purchased your ticket, you still need to make the long journey through the airport. Once you arrive, you usually check your bags at the main ticket counter. Then, you have to pass through the security checkpoint, where you will have to walk through an X-ray machine, and they will check your carry-on bags for any prohibited items, including firearms, explosives, and knives. Of course, this is for everyone's safety. You might also be asked to open your bags to be manually checked.

  44. Once you pass through this checkpoint, then you will go to the designated boarding area and gate to wait for your plane. Just wait there until they announce your flight.

  45. Of course, once aboard the plane, no one ever wants to experience any emergencies, but the plane is equipped with emergency exits in case you have to leave the plane. There are also life jackets under the seats, and oxygen masks in case the plane's cabin unexpectedly loses pressure. Be sure to read the safety instruction card located in the pocket of the seat in front of you.

  46. Airplane travel can be exciting, and knowing what to expect before you go can make this experience even better.

  47. Train Station

  48. I always take the train to work. At the station, I walk up to a ticket machine, select my destination by pressing a button on the machine, insert the correct change, and press another button to purchase a ticket. When the ticket comes out, I take it and go through the gate to the train platform. At some stations, there is a ticket window where I can buy a ticket and then pass through a wicket machine. While I'm waiting for the train, I sometimes buy a newspaper at a kiosk (newstand), and I might grab something to drink. Smoking is prohibited on the platform to protect everyone's health. When the train approaches, people start lining up behind the yellow line. If the train is very crowded, I sometimes wait for the next train. When the train arrives, I get on and find a seat. Often, the train is packed with passengers, so I just have to stand.

  49. Asking directions

  50. Where’s the movie theatre?

  51. Listening exercises

  52. 1. Saturday

  53. 2. 12

  54. 3. 11

  55. 4. 12:00 AM

  56. 5. 10

  57. Script

  58. Steve: Hey, Ranae. Do you happen to know where the movie theater is downtown? The one near the hospital.

  59. Ranae: Yeah. Why do you want to know?

  60. Steve: Well, on Monday, I asked Jennifer out on a date for this coming Saturday night.

  61. Ranae: Wow. You've really been seeing a lot of her lately. Sounds great. Okay, write down these directions so you don't get lost.

  62. Steve: Okay, go ahead.

  63. Ranae: First, drive down 1st street going west, cross the river, and keep going straight until Pine Street.

  64. Steve: Until Pine Street, right?

  65. Ranae: Right. Then turn left, and the movie theater is the second building on the right. It's next to the church.

  66. Steve: Second building on the right. Got it. Now, can you recommend any nice restaurants?

  67. Ranae: Yeah. The Pink Flamingo serves excellent Spanish food.

  68. Steve: Well where's that?

  69. Ranae: Well, starting from the movie theater, go south on Pine Street, cross 2nd Street, and drive to 3rd Street. You'll see a parking lot on the left side of the street. Okay so far?

  70. Steve: A parking lot on the left. Okay. Then what?

  71. Ranae: Okay, then turn left on 3rd Street and drive east. The Pink Flamingo is the building just before the river on the left side. I think it's open weekdays from 10:30 in the morning to 11:30 at night, but it stays open until midnight on the weekends.

  72. Steve: Okay, I think I've driven by there before. Oh, last thing. Where can I buy some flowers? We're going out to celebrate Jennifer's birthday.

  73. Ranae: Well the only florist I know is in front of the stadium on 2nd Street. Try that one.

  74. Steve: Great. Thanks a lot.

  75. Interview

  76. Business Communications

  77. Listening exercises

  78. 1. She’s out of the office.

  79. 2. information on after-sales service

  80. 3. 3:30 PM

  81. 4. Kordell

  82. 5. 560-1287

  83. Script

  84. Secretary: Hello, Ultimate Computers. May I help you?

  85. Caller: Yes, this is Jack Kordell from Hunter's Office Supplies. May I speak to Elaine Strong, please?

  86. Secretary: I'm sorry, but she's not in right now.

  87. Caller: Okay, do you know when she'll be back?

  88. Secretary: Uh, yes, she should be here later on this afternoon maybe about 4:30. May I take a message?

  89. Caller: Yes. Ms. Strong sent me a brochure detailing your newest line of laptop computers with a description of other software products, but there wasn't any information about after-sales service.

  90. Secretary: Oh, I'm sorry. Would you like me to fax that to you?

  91. Caller: Yes, but our fax is being repaired at the moment, and it won't be working until around 2:30. Hum . . . could you try sending that information around 3:30? That's should give me time to look over the material before I call Ms. Strong, say, around 5:00.

  92. Secretary: Sure. Could I have your name, telephone number, and fax number, please?

  93. Caller: Yes. Jack Kordell and the phone number is 560-1287. And the fax number is 560-1288.

  94. Secretary: Okay. Jack Kordell. Is your name spelled C-o-r-d-e-l?

  95. Caller: No. It's Kordell with a "K" and two "l's." K-o-r-d-e-l-l."

  96. Secretary: All right, Mr. Kordell. And your phone number is 560-1287, and the fax number is 560-1288. Is that correct?

  97. Caller: Yes it is.

  98. Secretary: All right. I'll be sure to send you the fax this afternoon.

  99. Caller: Okay, bye.

  100. Job interviews tips

  101. Script

  102. If you are looking for a new job, here are some job interview tips you should keep in mind when meeting with a potential employer. First, be sure to dress appropriately for the situation. If you are interviewing for a teaching job, then you might want to consider wearing nice pants and a dress shirt. However, you don't want to overdress for the interview either. Next, be sure to do some research on the company for which you are interviewing. This will help you know if you have the needed skills or experience to work for that company. Finding out something about the company will also help you ask intelligent questions about their business to show them you are interested in their company. Finally, be prepared to tell them why you would be their best choice for the position. You don't have to boast about your accomplishments, but you can tell them in a confident and direct way why you can help their company better than other applicants.

  103. Job promotion

  104. Script

  105. I have great news to report. I just got a promotion and a raise! I've been working for my company for the past three years, and things have gone extremely well. First, I helped my department increase sales by 200% during that time. We have advertised and promoted our products at trade shows, in the newspaper, and on TV, and customers have really enjoyed our products. As a result, our company's reputation and image have expanded beyond our area. Now, more and more customers are learning about us by word of mouth; when you have satisfied customers, the news gets around. In addition to increased sales, I've established a good working relationship with my colleagues. We recognize each person's strengths and respect other's opinions. I think my coworkers feel I can lead the department in the right direction. Therefore, I humbly accepted the promotion and raise, and I'll strive to do my best for my company and my customers in the future.

  106. Travelling

  107. Tour of Kyoto, Japan

  108. Listening exercises

  109. 1. 9:15

  110. 2. in 1397

  111. 3. its rock garden

  112. 4. Tourists should visit the theaters.

  113. 5. 60 minutes

  114. Script

  115. Well, good morning everyone. My name is Craig Stone, and I'll be your guide for today's tour of Kyoto. First, I want to go over the itinerary for the tour, so everyone can enjoy the trip without being worried about being left behind along the way. And no one has gotten lost so far.

  116. First of all, we'll be leaving at 9:15 outside the main train station exit. That's in thirty minutes. Be sure to board the bus by 9:00 sharp.

  117. We'll be visiting some of the most famous historical spots in Kyoto. Our first stop will be at the Golden Pavilion, a temple constructed in 1397. We'll be leaving there at 10:30. You'll have about forty-five minutes to stroll around the temple and its gardens.

  118. Our next destination will be Ryoanji Temple. That's always a difficult one to pronounce. This temple is famous for its beautiful rock garden. We'll depart from the temple at 11:45.

  119. Next, we'll have lunch from 12:00 to 12:45.

  120. In the afternoon, we'll be making a brief stop at Heian Jingu Shrine, which was constructed in 1895 to commemorate the 1,100th anniversary of the founding of the city of Kyoto.

  121. After that, we'll head downtown and stop in Gion. Many people asked me about different traditional shopping areas, and this is a place we don't want to miss. You'll have about an hour to look around, and I'm sure you'll enjoy the atmosphere of the entire area. The shops, the homes, and the restaurants. A very traditional flavor of Kyoto. We'll be leaving Gion at 2:30.

  122. Finally, we'll visit Nijojo Castle, which was the residence of the first Tokugawa Shogun. You'll have about an hour to tour the castle, and we'll meet at the bus at 4:00.

  123. Any questions?

  124. HOTELS

  125. Making Hotel Reservations

  126. Script

  127. Before I go on vacation, I always make hotel reservations in advance so I have a place to stay. I usually look online for cheap hotels or other accommodations. Sometimes, I book a nice hotel that has a number of amenities like a swimming pool, exercise room, or kitchenette. These rooms often come furnished with a microwave oven and a small refrigerator. If I eat at a restaurant at the hotel, I just have the meal billed to the room and pay for the room charge and meals at the same time. Other times, I just look for cheap hotels or motels that provide the basic necessities. If I really want to save money, I reserve a bed at a youth hostel. The price is cheaper, but I have to share a room with other patrons, which doesn't bother me at all.

  128. Telephone

  129. A Free Cell Phone!

  130. Listening exercises

  131. 1. She can call family in case of an emergency.

  132. 2. 1000 free weekday minutes

  133. 3. 6 months

  134. 4. Their current car is in bad shape, and it doesn't look good.

  135. 5. money back for buying the phone

  136. Multiple-choice and short-answer questions

  1. a

  2. a

  3. b

  4. c

  5. c