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УЧЕБНИК 2011Spoken English.docx
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  1. Ex. 5 Put the words into suitable forms:

    1. Many people are fond of (0) … art galleries.

    2. They like to walk in (1) … from one picture to another.

    3. Almost everybody has his (2) … artist.

    4. Some people prefer modern artists, others like (3) …

    5. style of (4) … .

    6. There are many world (5) … art galleries in Russia

    7. for example Hermitage, Tretjakov’s gallery and others.

    8. Many tourists from (6) … countries come to Russia to

    9. enjoy these (7) … pictures.

    1. visit

    2. silent

    3. favor

    4. classic

    5. paint

    6. fame

    7. differ

    8. beauty

  2. Ex. 6 Read the text and answer the questions after it. Do you have the similar working day?

  3. My working day

  4. On week-days I usually get up at 7 o’clock. As I am a student of the faculty of Physical Culture and Sport I always try to do my morning exercises. Then I take a shower and have breakfast.

  5. After breakfast I go by bus to the University. It takes me 40 minutes to get there. I’m always in a hurry but sometimes I am late for classes. But usually I try to attend all classes and lectures. According to the time-table I have 4 classes a day. At 12 o’clock I have dinner at the University canteen. I usually have something substantial for dinner. For example soup for the first course, meat or fish with some vegetables for the second. Then I drink a cup of tea.

  6. After classes I go to the library to do my homework or sometimes I do it at home. In the evening I go to the gym or to the swimming pool in order to keep me fit.

  7. Eight o'clock is supper time in our family. We all get together in the kitchen, then go to the sitting room and watch TV, read books or discuss different problems.

  8. At about 11 at night I go to bed.

  1. When does your working day begin?

  2. What do you do when you get up?

  3. Do you do your morning exercises?

  4. Who makes breakfast for you?

  5. What time do you leave for the University?

  6. How much time does it take you to get there?

  7. Do you attend all classes?

  8. When and where do you have dinner?

  9. What do you usually have for dinner?

  10. How long does it take you to prepare your homework?

  11. What do you usually do in the evenings?

  12. What time do you go to bed?

  1. Ex.7 Complete the sentences:

  2. Anne's working day

    1. Anne's alarm clock rings …

    2. She gets up, washes and has …

    3. Anne likes to go to the University by bus, it takes her …

    4. The Sport Faculty where she studies at is situated in …

    5. Every day Anne has 3 or 4 classes but her favorite subject is …

    6. The students go in for indoor and …

    7. After studying Anne has training …

    8. In the evening Anne's friends invite her …

    9. When she comes home she discusses a lot of problems …

    10. At 9.30 p.m. Anne does her homework, listens to the music, watches TV and …

    1. twenty minutes to get there

    2. a great sport complex "Olympia"

    3. goes to bed

    4. outdoor games

    5. at half past six as usual

    6. with her parents

    7. in the gym

    8. breakfast

    9. to walk in the park

    10. track and field athletics

  3. Grammar

  4. Ex.8 Put the verbs into Present Simple:

  5. Steve (be) my brother. He (be) 6. I love him very much and spend a lot of time with him. Usually he (get) up very early when I am sleeping. He (try) to wake me up and (sing) very loudly. Then he (begin) to play with his toys. When it is time to get up I (open) my eyes and (pay) attention to my brother. He (be) very happy that I (be) ready to play with him. We (read) books, (draw) funny pictures and (watch) cartoons together. I am very glad that I (have) a brother and I can't imagine my life without him.

  6. Ex.9 Put the verbs Into Present Continuous:

  1. Look! The girl (dance) so well!

  2. Stop talking, please! Granny (sleep).

  3. While my mom (wash up), I (water) the flowers.

  4. The students (write) compositions now.

  5. Look! The sun (rise).

  6. My father (read) a newspaper and my little brother (play) with his toys.

  1. Ex.10 Choose the right tense:

  1. Water boils/is boiling at 100° C.

  2. When do you get /are you getting up?

  3. We have /are having English classes every day?

  4. "Do you wear / are you wearing a new hat?" "Yes, do you like / are you liking it?"

  5. "Look! She comes /is coming."

  6. "Where is Paul?" "He plays / is playing football with Derek."

  7. "Where is mum?" "She is in the bathroom. She does/is doing the laundry."

  8. "I go /am going to visit Laura tonight. She leaves/is leaving to New York in the morning." "When does she come / is she coming back?" "I don't know."

  9. We spend/are spending holidays in Spain.

  10. Laura usually goes / is going to school by bus, but today her mum drives /is driving her to school.

  1. Ex.11 Make questions for the following answers:

  1. He gets up at 7 o'clock.

  2. She is having a shower.

  3. I go in for sport.

  4. My mom makes breakfast for me.

  5. No, we are not reading. We are watching TV.

  6. I try to attend classes and lectures.

  1. Ex.12

  2. A. Read about Ann's day:

    1. 7.00 -get up

    2. 7.00 - 7.30 have a shower

    3. 7.30 - 8.00 cook breakfast

    4. 8.00 - 8.30 have breakfast

    5. 8.30 - 9.00 take her son to school

    6. 9.00 - 11.00 do the housework

    7. 11.00 - 11.30 read the newspaper

    8. 11.30 - 12.30 go to the shops

    9. 12.30 -13.30 cook lunch

    10. 13.30 - 14.00 have lunch

    1. 14.00 - 15.30 take the dog for a walk

    2. 15.30 - 16.00 pick up her son from school

    3. 16.00 - 17.30 help her son with his homework

    4. 17.30 - 18.00 pick up her husband at the station

    5. 18.00 -19.00 cook supper

    6. 19.00 - 19.30 have supper

    7. 19.30 - 11.00 talk (read, watch TV)

  3. B. Ask questions about Ann's day using the model:

  4. e. g. 1. – What time does Ann get up? – At 7.

  5. e. g. 2. – It 's 7.10. What's Ann doing at the moment?

  6. – She's having a shower.

  7. e. g. 3. – What does Ann do at 8.30?

  8. – At 8.30 she takes her son to school.

  9. C. Make up statements on Ann's day. Your partner will respond:

  10. e. g. 1. – Ann usually gets up at 7,

  11. – Yes, she does.

  12. e. g. 2. – It's 7.20. Ann is reading the paper at the moment.

  13. – а No, she isn't. She is having a shower.

  14. e. g. 3. – It's 12.30. i wonder what Ann is doing now.

  15. – I think she is cooking lunch.

  16. D. Tell about Ann's daily routine.

  17. Ex.13 This is an example of the work week. Do you have the same one? What is your favorite day of the week? Why? What is the worst day in the week for you? Why?

  18. Ex.14

  19. A. Read the poem and learn it by heart:

  20. Monday's child is fair of face.

  21. Tuesday's child is full of grace.

  22. Wednesday's child is full of woe.

  23. Thursday's child has far to go.

  24. Friday's child is loving and giving.

  25. Saturday's child work hard for it's living,

  26. and a child that's born on the Christmas day

  27. Is fair and wise and good and gay.

  28. A.E. Bray (1838)

  29. B. Do you agree with the author? What day of the week were you born on? What kind of child were you?

  30. Ex.15

  31. A. Read the text and answer the questions after it. Is your day off similar to this one? What are the differences?

  32. My day off

  33. Most people in our country work five days a week but students and pupils work six days. They have only one day off. It is Sunday.

  34. I like this day very much. You needn't hurry anywhere and you may go wherever you like after your week's work. On this day I wake up later than usual. But sometimes I don't get up till nine or ten o'clock.

  35. As soon as I get up I air the room, make my bed and do morning exercises. Then I have breakfast, clear away the dishes and wash up. Two more hours for getting ready with my homework and I am free.

  36. I meet my friends and we discuss our plans together. We may go to the cinema or theatre, to the cafe or park.

  37. In fine weather we also like to be out of town. We find a nice place somewhere in the forest or on the bank of the river. We lie in the sun, play different games and swim. In winter my friends and I often go to the skating-rink. Skating is my favorite kind of sport, but I like to ski too.

  38. When the weather is bad my friends come to my place. We listen to music or go to the cinema. We like action films and films about the life of the youth abroad.

  39. In the evening all the members of our family get together. We have our supper, make plans for tomorrow, watch TV or read books. Reading is my hobby. Sometimes we receive guests at our place or go for a walk. I enjoy my days off very much.

  1. Which day of the week do you like best and why?

  2. What time do you get up on Sunday?

  3. What do you do in the morning?

  4. How do you usually spend your days off?

  5. How did you spend your last Sunday?

  6. Do you often go to the country on your days off?

  7. What are the best places around Tyumen?

  8. Do you go in for sports on Sunday?

  9. Do you often go to see your friends?

  10. How often do you spend the week-end with your parents?

  11. With whom do you like to spend your days off better: with your friends or with your parents?

  12. Do you sometimes go to the theatre on Sundays?

  13. Which do you like best, the cinema or the theatre?

  14. Do you like music?

  15. What is your hobby?

  16. How do you usually spend the evenings on your days off?

  17. Do you sometimes receive guests on Sunday?

  18. How do you plan to spend your next Sunday?

  1. Ex.16 Make sentences using the underlined words and phrases:

  1. Sunday is my day off.

  2. On my days off I get up later than usual.

  3. We make plans for the week-end.

  4. My friends often come to my place.

  5. I like to spend time out of town.

  6. Reading is my hobby.

  1. Ex.17 Read the text and answer the questions after it. What is the boy's hobby? What is his brother's? sister's? father's hobby?

  2. My hobby is collecting stamps. At first, I collected the stamps of all countries, but there are too many, so now I collect only Greek and Indian ones, because I have friends in Greece and I live in India. Some of my stamps are very pretty, and they are all interesting. When you look at the stamps carefully, they teach you a lot about the history of their country.

  3. My small brother's hobby is watching trains. He goes to our station and watches them there. When an engine goes through the station, he writes down its name and number. He likes train watching very much, but I don't. I went to the station with him one day but it wasn't interesting, I thought.

  4. My big sister's hobby is sewing. She makes most of her clothes and when I tear my shirt or my trousers, I take them to her and she mends them.

  5. My father has a hobby, too. It is gardening. Every Saturday and Sunday afternoon and sometimes on other summer evenings, too, he digs, or cuts the thick grass, or plants flowers.

  1. Do you collect stamps? Do you think it's an interesting hobby?

  2. Are you fond of gardening?

  3. What is your hobby? Do you spend much time on your hobbies?

  4. What hobbies do the members of your family have? Do you think it's good when all the members of the family have the same hobby?

  5. What hobbies do your friends have?

  6. What is the most unusual hobby you know?

  7. What do you think is the most popular hobby nowadays?

  1. Ex.18

  2. A. Read the opinions of 5 young people about sport. Choose from the list A-F what each one says about it. Use each letter only once. There is one extra letter which you do not need to use:

  3. Speaker 1. What reason can I give for sport? I play in our school football team. It is a good way to meet people and to make new friends.

  4. Speaker 2. In my opinion sport takes a lot of energy. It causes a lot of injuries. Sport makes you unhappy when you lose. And after all, it turns you off studying.

  5. Speaker 3. Sport helps me to relax and to keep fit after a hard working day. It helps to work off my extra energy. To have a healthy mind you must have a healthy body.

  6. Speaker 4. Sport builds character. It teaches you to be disciplined and organised in daily activities. It teaches you handle losing and winning. Sport makes men out of boys.

  7. Speaker 5. I prefer to watch sports competition rather than take part in sports. To be healthy it is not necessary to become a professional sportsman. I go in for sports just for pleasure, when I have free time.

  1. It teaches you about life.

  2. It helps you to meet people.

  3. It is not necessary to become a professional sportsman.

  4. It makes people into rivals.

  5. It makes you unhappy and causes a lot of injuries.

  6. It helps you to relax.

    1. Speaker 1

    1. Speaker 2

    1. Speaker 3

    1. Speaker 4

    1. Speaker 5

  1. B. Whom do you agree with? What is sport for you – hobby, work or something else?

  2. Ex.19

    1. Imagine that you are:

    1. a world famous sportsman

    2. a coach

    3. a teacher of Physical education at school

    1. Tell us about:

      1. your working day

      2. your day off

      3. your hobby

  3. Unit V


  5. Learn the new vocabulary:

    1. higher education – высшее образование

    2. secondaryeducation– среднее образование

    3. primaryeducation– начальное образование

    4. science – наука

    5. scientist – ученый

    6. faculty – факультет

    7. department – факультет, кафедра

    8. full-time department – дневное отделение

    9. correspondence department – заочное отделение

    10. subjects – предметы

    11. essay project – курсовая работа

    12. term, semester – семестр

    13. sessional exams – сессионные

    14. entrance exams – вступительные экзамены

    15. final exams – выпускные экзамены

    16. holidays, vacations – каникулы

    17. record book – зачетка

    18. to enter the University – поступить в университет

    19. to graduate from the University – закончить университет

    1. to sit for an exam – готовиться к экзамену

    2. to take an exam – сдавать экзамен

    3. to pass an exam – сдать экзамен

    4. to fail an exam – провалить экзамен

    5. Rector– ректор

    6. Dean– декан

    7. lecturer– преподаватель

    8. post-graduate student – аспирант

    9. to study free of charge – учиться бесплатно

    10. to study fee paying – учиться платно

    11. according to the timetable – по расписанию

    12. to attend classes, lectures – посещать занятия, лекции

    13. to learn by heart – учить наизусть

    14. groupmates – одногруппники

    15. a truant – прогульщик

    16. to get a scholarship – получать стипендию

    17. a first-year student – первокурсник

    18. canteen – столовая

    19. monitor – староста

  6. Ex. 1 Match the words with their definitions:

      1. monitor

      2. dean

      3. scholarship

      4. canteen

      5. truant

      6. groupmates

      7. lecturer

      8. record book

      1. the place where students can have their dinner

      2. a student who often misses classes

      3. the head of the group

      4. a teacher at the University

      5. the head of the faculty

      6. a book where the passed tests and exams are indicated

      7. the students who study in the same group

      8. a monthly sun of money which is given to students who study well

  7. Ex. 2 Find the synonyms:

    1. holidays

    2. term

    3. faculty

    4. scholarship

    5. canteen

    6. to sit for an exam

    7. lecturer

    8. classes

      1. to revise for an exam

      2. grant

      3. lectures

      4. semester

      5. vacations

      6. snack-bar

      7. teacher

      8. department

  8. Ex. 3 Cross out the wrong word:

  1. English, Psychology, Anatomy, Dean, Biology

  2. higher, sessional, secondary, primary

  3. gym, library, canteen, laboratory, education

  4. Rector, Dean, artist, lecturer

  5. truant, test, exam, essay project

  1. Ex. 4 Put the words into a suitable forms:

    1. My friend is a (0) … year student. He has to

    2. do a lot of homework. He studies many

    3. subjects and his (1) … are rather strict. Now

    4. he is sitting for his (2) … exams. But I’m sure

    5. that he will pass them (3) … because he is a

    6. (4) … student. In his record book he has only

    7. good and excellent marls. Besides he is

    8. going to participate in students (5) …

    9. conference. He is also very good at sport –

    10. he is a hockey – (6) … . He plays for our

    11. University team. He has many (7) ... . I’m very

    12. proud of such a (8) … friend.

    1. one

    2. lecture

    3. session

    4. success

    5. gift

    6. science

    7. play

    8. achieve

    9. fame

  2. Ex.5 Choose the most suitable word or phrase to complete each sentence:

  1. The Tyumen State University ... in 1973, (was opened, was founded, was set)

  2. There are fifteen ... at the University, (branches, departments, faculties)

  3. On graduation from the University a student gets ... (a certificate, a paper, a diploma).

  4. The students of my group study at the ... department, (day-time, correspondence, part time)

  5. The academic year... two terms, (makes, continues, consists of)

  6. The Heads of the groups are called ... (leaders, monitors, seniors).

  7. Every year the Students Scientific Society ... (organizes, performs, carries out) a conference.

  8. The students of our University ... exams twice a year, (take, fail, sit)

  9. It is the ... who can solve all students problems, (monitor, lecturer, Dean)

  10. The students write their diplomas under the guidance of ... (lecturers, Dean, scientific supervisors).

  11. My favorite ... at the University is psychology, (item, topic, subject)

  12. If you want to pass an exam perfectly, you must study ... (enough, thoroughly, hardly)