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Вариант 2 Выполните следующие задания к тексту.

Задание 1. Просмотрите отрывок из текста Necessity is the mother of invention

llya Mechnikov was born in Kharkov on May 15, 1845. While still a student, he read Charles Darwin's great book "Origin of Species" and became a passionate supporter of the theory of evolution. Mechnikov's early work was in this field. He was especially interested in embryology during this period and his findings helped to establish the theory of evolution in science. Another subject he studied intensely during this period of his research work was digestion. In his studies of how sponges and starfish (губки и морские звёзды) digest their food Mechnikov observed that there were certain wandering cells in their bodies. When the scientist introduced tiny particles of the dye carmine (краситель кармин) into the larva (личинка) of a starfish, he noticed that these wandering cells began moving towards the carmine particles and ate them up! It was this observation that led him to his great discovery of phagocytes (фагоциты), cells that devour microbes. In his lecture "The Curative Forces of the Organism", delivered in Odessa in 1883, he painted an exciting picture of the little white blood cells that rash into battle against the murderous microbes that sometimes penetrate our bodies. In the course of his later research he furnished extensive evidence of the correctness of his theory concerning the role of phagocytes in fighting microbes. By dozens of brilliant experiments he forced his opponents to admit that phagocytes do eat up vicious microbes. Finally his theory received general recognition, and in 1908 Mechnikov was awarded the Nobel Prize.

Mechnikov was the founder of a new science, immunology. He showed that the development of an infectious disease depends not only on the microorganism causing it, but also on the macroorganism in which the disease develops. An infectious disease was demon­strated as a complex process of interaction between a pathogenic (патогенный) microbe and the macroorganism. Like many other Russian microbiologists, Mechnikov often displayed supreme heroism. On several occasions he swallowed cultures of cholera microbes to demonstrate the organism's powers of immunity!

Mechnikov also founded another science, to which he gave the name gerontology (геронтология). This is the scientific study of ageing and of old age. He believed that premature ageing may be caused by autointoxication of the organism. The correctness of this view was demonstrated by Mechnikov and his pupils experimentally. When products of protein decomposition were introduced into the blood of dogs and rabbits, they began to exhibit the signs of premature old age. These experiments led Mechnikov to seek a remedy for autointoxication.

Задание 2. Расшифруйте сокращения, используя приложение к англо­-русскому словарю.

Ltd, Dr, ВВС, i.e., oz

Задание 3. Переведите предложения, содержащие отрицание на русский язык

This idea is not improbable.

He made no experiments to understand these facts.

He failed to support this theory.

Задание 4. Переведите предложения на русский язык. Определите предложение, содержащее инверсию.

It was this scientist who understood the ideas of ageing.

The ideas did seem important.

We could not support his idea. Neither could he.

Задание 5. Составьте предложение, используя инфинитив. Переведите его на русский язык.

Не made, the theory, to understand, many experiments.

Задание 6. Перестройте предложение, используя конструкцию «именительный падеж с инфинитивом». Используйте в качестве сказуемого глаголы to say или to think. Переведите предложение на русский язык.

Не painted an exciting picture of premature ageing.

Задание 7. Переведите предложения на английский язык, используя инфинитивные обороты.

Для него было трудно продемонстрировать научные идеи.

Я хочу, чтобы ты получил всеобщее признание.

Он, как полагают, продолжит эксперименты.

Задание 8. Переведите текст на русский язык.

Задание 9. 0заглавьте текст на английском языке, используя имя ученого, о котором идет речь.

Задание 10. Составьте два вопроса по содержанию текста на английском языке. Переведите вопросы на русский язык.

Задание 11. Напишите краткое изложение текста на английском языке (6-8 предложений).


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