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Вариант 3 Выполните следующие задания к тексту.

Задание 1. Просмотрите отрывок из текста MIKHAIL LOMONOSOV - а "whole university" in himself

In geology Lomonosov's famous treatise concerning the strata of the Earth became a starting point for geochemistry, a science that appeared one hundred years later. This new science was founded by the Swiss Schonbein and the Russians Vernadsky and Fersman.

Many geochemical ideas were also expressed by Lornonosov in his work "On the Birth of Metals". He was the first to deduce that metals and minerals migrated, and he formulated new ideas about minerals as products of the complex life of the earth's crust.

Similarly, crystallographers consider Lomonosov a forerunner of the prominent scientist Romais de Lille. That French scientist formulated the theory that the properties of a crystal depend on its shape and especially on its angles.

Lomonosov also did a great deal in metallurgy and mining, glass-making and pyrotechnics. He revived the art of mosaics, which had been forgotten in Russia. Forty mosaic panels and portraits were made in his studio. Twenty-three of them have been preserved. His best work is a portrait of Peter the Great, which is on display at the Hermitage Museum in Leningrad.

In 1748, after a struggle of many years, he organized the first Russian chemical laboratory. It was according to his plans that a university was opened in Moscow, now called the Lomonosov University.

Lomonosov understood science to be not just a description of phenomena, but their explanation. He believed it was necessary to study not bodies in themselves, but their internal structure, the causes of that structure, and the forces operating inside it.

Unfortunately, Lomonosov alone could do little to spread learning in Russia. His Russian contemporaries could appreciate his poetry and his mosaics, but his science remained largely incomprehensible to them. In the West too his work was almost unknown. Only a few scientists of his time, like the mathematician Euler, recognized his genius.

But although Lomonosov was little understood by his contemporaries, new generations were rising, with a new thirst for learning. It was to them that he made this stirring appeal in verse: ".. .show

That Newtons, Platos of our own

And other men of world renown

On Russian soil can also grow!"

Задание 2. Выпишите из текста незнакомые слова, укажите их словарную форму, транскрипцию, словарный и контекстуальный переводы.

(Например, trainedto train – учить, тренировать, подготавливать – подготавливали)

Задание 3. Выпишите из текста семь слов, в которых буква «u» читается как {^}.

Задание 4. Выпишите из текста пять слов, в которых ударение падает на первый слог.

Задание 5. Выпишите из текста три сложных слова и десять интернациональных слова и переведите их на русский язык.

Задание 6. Подберите из текста слова-синонимы к словам to keep, to act, to recognize.

Задание 7. Определите подлежащее, сказуемое, дополнение в предложении:

Mikhail Lomonosov revived the art of mosaics forgotten in Russia.

Задание 8. Составьте к предложению четыре вопроса разного типа (общий, специальный, разделительный, альтернативный).

Lomonosov understood science to be not just a description of phenomena, but their explanation.

Переведите эти вопросы на русский язык.

Задание 9. Перепишите текст и переведите его на русский язык. Отредактируйте перевод в соответствии с принятыми нормами русского языка.

Задание 10. Закончите предложение, используя текст.

Lomonosov’s Russian contemporaries could appreciate his poetry but …

Задание 11. Составьте одно предложение, используя группы слов из текста.

Many, ideas, Lomonosov, geochemical, in his work “On the Birth of Metals", were also, expressed.

Переведите это предложение на русский язык.

Задание 12. Исправьте предложение на основе текста.

Lomonosov could not formulate new ideas about minerals as products of the complex life of the earth’s crust..

Задание 13. Переведите предложение на английский язык, используя текст.

Ломоносов полагал, что было необходимо изучать внутреннюю структуру тел и силы, действующие внутри них.

Задание 14. Ответьте на вопросы на английском языке письменно.

What was Lomonosov’s best mosaic work?

How was the first chemical laboratory organized in Russia?

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