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Figure 11-2 Two icon genres: User application icons in top row; utility icons in bottom row

The graphic flexibility of Aqua icons can also help users identify files associated with an application. In iTunes, for example, a visual cue provided in the application icon is carried over into icons for other files associated with iTunes, forming an icon family, as shown in Figure 11-3.

Figure 11-3 An icon family: The iTunes application icon and its associated icons

iTunes application icon

Device icon

Playlist icon

Application Icons

Application icons are the most visible to users. Since they are seen in the Finder and the Dock even when your application is not running, they form a significant part of a user’s first impressions.

User Application Icons

Mac OS X user application icons should be vibrant and inviting, and should immediately convey the application’s purpose. The TextEdit icon, for example, indicates clearly that this application is for creating text documents.


Application Icons

2008-06-09 | © 1992, 2001-2003, 2008 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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Figure 11-4 The TextEdit application icon makes it obvious what this application is for

If the primary function of your application is creating or handling media, its icon should display the media the application creates or views. If appropriate, the icon should also contain a tool that communicates the type of task the application allows the user to accomplish. The Preview icon, for example, uses a magnification tool to help convey that the application can be used to view pictures. If you include a supportive tool element, it should closely relate to the base object that it rests upon.

Figure 11-5 The Preview application icon: An example of a tool element

In the Stickies application icon, however, the yellow rectangles are easily identifiable as sticky notes; the icon doesn’t include a tool because it isn’t necessary to tell the icon’s story.

Figure 11-6 The Stickies application icon: Effective without the addition of a tool

Notice that the text in the Stickies icon is actual text, not simply wavy lines representing text. If you want to “greek” text in an icon, use actual text and make it unreadable by shrinking it or doubling the layers.

Generally, Mac OS X user application icons are designed to appear as if they’re sitting on a desk in front of you. They have a slightly diminishing perspective (they are wider at the bottom). For more information, see “Icon Perspectives and Materials” (page 141).

Application Icons


2008-06-09 | © 1992, 2001-2003, 2008 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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