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Important: You must supply a descriptive label for each capsule-style toolbar control you place in a toolbar so that users can customize the toolbar to display both images and text. This is the external label users see when they select the Icon & Text and Text Only display options in the Customize Toolbar dialog.

Capsule-Style Toolbar Control Specifications

Control sizes: Capsule-style toolbar controls are available in regular, small, and mini sizes. You should use regular-size capsule-style toolbar controls by default, but you should also provide small versions of the controls so users can customize the toolbar.

If you use system-provided images in a capsule-style toolbar control, you don’t have to worry about changing the width of the control to accommodate its contents. If you provide a custom icon, be sure to avoid extending it into the end-cap space of the control.

Label spacing and fonts: Labels for capsule-style toolbar controls should be in the system font appropriate for the size of the control (these fonts are automatically supplied by Interface Builder):

Regular size: System font.

Small: Small system font.

Mini: Mini system font.

Control spacing: There should be 8 pixels between separate capsule-style toolbar controls. Note that this happens automatically, and that this spacing can change depending on the length of the external label.

Capsule-Style Toolbar Control Implementation

Capsule-style toolbar controls are available in Interface Builder. Drag a segmented control object into your window and specify how many segments you want it to have. To create a standalone button (like the Get Mail button in the Mail toolbar), specify one segment. To create one using Application Kit programming interfaces, use the NSSegmentedControl class.

Legacy Toolbar Controls

In versions of Mac OS X prior to v10.5, if your application used a brushed metal window, it also used metal buttons. In Interface Builder and the Application Kit, this button type was referred to as “textured.“ As discussed in “Window Appearance” (page 188), however, Mac OS X v10.5 and later does not include the brushed-metal look for windows. If you designed an application to run in versions of Mac OS X prior to v10.5, you will probably receive the Leopard window look automatically when the application runs in Mac OS X v10.5 and later, but you may need to update the buttons you used.

As discussed in “Window-Frame Controls” (page 249), there are only three standard window-body controls that can be used in a toolbar, in addition to the rectangular-style and capsule-style toolbar controls introduced in Mac OS X v10.5. These three controls are:

Icon buttons (including icon buttons that contain a pop-up menu)

Action menus

Search fields

Window-Frame Controls


2008-06-09 | © 1992, 2001-2003, 2008 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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