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Типовик_Ноябрь 2008 English.doc
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Тема 4. Многофункциональные словаbut, for


  1. But – но, лишь, кроме, всего лишь, как, что касается;

But for – если бы не.

  1. For – для, за, на, в (предлог);

For = during (наречие);

For – так как (союз).

Task. Translate the following sentences into Russian


  1. We must provide all necessary conditions for the experiment.

  2. Appliances for converting energy from one form to another are called engines.

  3. It’s easy for him to measure the current in the circuit by the ammeter.

  4. Some effects of radiation have been known for some time.

  5. We value this scientist for he has solved several important problems.

  6. Chemical methods can be very effective but expensive.

  7. This little country contains but about two million inhabitants.

  8. But for your help I should fail the exam.

  9. All the students but that one went to the laboratory.

  10. We cannot but carry out the experiment.


      1. It’s necessary to know this method for solving a number of problems.

      2. It was important for the scientist to carry out the experiment.

      3. It’s possible for people to achieve some progress in environment protection.

      4. That was the answer the physicist had been looking for.

      5. The Shatura power station is famous for being built after the Great October Socialist revolution about 90 years ago.

      6. The stream engine drove all sorts of machines, for example, steam ships and steam locomotives.

      7. These countries have been developing large hydroelectric power stations for the past 40 years for they lack a sufficient fuel supply.

      8. New powerful stations must be built for electricity offers improved standards of life and work.

      9. The resultant of the couple and another force cannot be zero, for the resultant of the couple is zero.

      10. But all these sources of energy are not equally useful to mankind.

      11. An electric current is but a procession of minute charges-electrons.

      12. But for brakes it would be impossible to stop a moving train in case of emergency.

      13. But for tungsten the electrical lamp filament would burn out in no time.

      14. This was but the first step in designing the floating atomic power plant.

      15. Air pollution brings nothing but further damage to the environment.

      16. None but this researcher could solve the problem.

      17. We cannot but accept the information.

      18. But for the fuse a short circuit might cause fire.

      19. There is but one proper method for investigating the properties of the substance under test.

      20. It would be correct to call the 20th century the age of laser, for it can be used everywhere.

Тема 5. Многофункциональные слова:

союз provided; глагол provide во 2ой и 3ей форме – provided; причастие в функции определения – provided; союз as; парный союз asas; наречие as well


1. Aircraft could develop a higher speed provided some special cooling measures were used. − Самолет мог бы развивать большую скорость, если бы были предприняты специальные меры по охлаждению.

2. The experiment carried out provided us with new data. − Выполненный эксперимент дал нам новые данные.

3. Our plant is provided with modern equipment. – Наш завод оснащен современным оборудованием.

4. The laboratory provided with new equipment is very productive. – Лаборатория, оснащенная новым оборудованием, работает очень продуктивно.

5. Electricity is a source of light as well as of heat. − Электричество является источником света, а также и тепла.

6. As early as in 1877 the first telephone line was built in Germany. − Еще в 1847 в Германии была построена первая телефонная линия.

Task. Translate the following sentences into Russian


  1. Our Institute has been provided with the latest equipment.

  2. As the speed of the air increases, the pressure decreases.

  3. The test done provided very good results.

  4. Glass becomes a conductor provided it is heated very much.

  5. As early as the second part of the 20th century, T. Edison developed the first electric lamp.

  6. Iron as well as steel are magnetic materials.

  7. As you know higher education in Russia is free of charge at some state Institutes.

  8. Provided the new materials are used, it will be possible to reduce the overall rocket weight.

  9. Your laboratory staff must know about this apparatus disadvantages as well.

  10. As for our top manager he prefers to spend his vacation in the Moscow region.


  1. Current starts flowing provided a voltage source is applied to the circuit.

  2. The new equipment can be utilized provided a protection fuse is applied to it.

  3. As the satellite moves forward its path is curved by the pull of gravity.

  4. As the velocity of the air increases, the pressure decreases.

  5. As propellant is expanded, the weight of the space vehicle becomes less.

  6. This box is three times as heavy as that.

  7. Today we have loaded three times as much iron ore as yesterday.

  8. The exploration of the Moon provided a great deal of scientific knowledge.

  9. They would have done the work provided they had obtained the necessary equipment.

  10. A cosmonaut can get all the information he needs provided he contacts a radio navigation station.

  11. Provided one knows the speed of the emission one can determine the range of particles.

  12. Electrical engineering is as difficult as physics, chemistry and informatics as well.

  13. As it was reported considerable attention was focused on super-conductivity theory.

  14. A wattmeter is used as a device to measure the value of power.

  15. Copper has been used as a conductor since the beginning of its industrial usage and no proper substitute has been found.

  16. Dynamo, a dc generator, is used as a common device for converting mechanical energy into electrical energy.