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Практическая грамматика.doc
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  1. Тема 7 глагол «have» Задание 1. Определите функцию глагола «to have» . 1. Вспомо­гательный 2. Модальный 3. СмысловойWe have done our task.

  2. My sister has 2 children.

  3. I have to get up very early.

  4. Have you a car?

  5. The test has been written in time.

  6. She had many friends at school.

  7. Have you ever been to Great Britain?

  8. We have many apple trees in our garden.

  9. His children had to leave for Moscow.

  10. Who has no English books at home?

  11. Have you read this book?

  12. He will have to do this difficult work himself.

  13. The students had translated the text before the teacher came.

  14. This term your son has many good marks.

  15. Who has met him?

Задание 2. Поставьте предложения в Past и Future Indefinite, употребив соответствующий инди­катор времени.

1. Now our parents have a little house. 2. Usually I have my breakfast at 9 o'clock. 3. She has many good friends. 4. They have a good rest every summer. 5. We have no vacant

rooms in our hotel. 6. Do you have dinner at home?

7. I have four lessons a day. 8. At present we have no car'

9. My friend has a good idea. 10. Do they have any plans forfuture? 11. She has many relatives abroad. 12. Our Academyhas many laboratories. 13. Who has any pets at home?14. Have they three or four exams? 15. Does your son have a car?

Задание З. Поставьте предложения в вопросительную и отрицательную формы.

1. Не will have no free time. 2. We have 4 lessons a day. 3. I had many friends at school. 4. We have dinner at home. 5. My grandmother has some pets. 6. They had a good time last week end. 7. The students will have vacations in summer. 8.1 shall have coffee in the morning. 9. We had fish for supper.

10. He has many beautiful pictures in his collection.

Задание 4. Устно ответьте на предложенные вопросы.

1. You have a family, haven't you? 2. Do you have a large or a small family? 3. What about any sisters or brothers? Do you have any? 4. How many children have your parents? 5. When do you have your breakfast? 6. What do you usually have for breakfast? 7. Have you got any cousins?

8. Have they families of their own? 9. And what about theirchildren? 10. Have you got any relatives abroad? 11. Do theyhave large families? 12. And what about grandparents?13. Have your grandparents any pets at home? 14. Do youhave much or little free time? 15. How many lessons a day doyou usually have? 16. And what about your days-off?

Задание 5. Заполните пропуски нужной формой глагола «Have».

1. As a rule we ... 4 lessons a day. 2. Who ... any English books at home? 3. Last week my father ... a lot of work. 4. I...



many exams next term. 5. Tomorrow the tourists will ... to leave. 6. ... you got grandparents? 7. His daughter ...a lot of good friends at school. 8. I... never been to Italy. 9. Our family ... a comfortable flat in the center of the city. 10. It was late and I ... to take a bus. 11. The text ... been translated by the end of the lesson. 12. ...you seen this man before? 13. Do your parents ... a car? 14. ... you ... any seminars next week? 15. In summer my children ... a lot of free time. 16. ... you ... this book tomorrow?

Задание 6. Найдите и исправьте ошибки.

1. Usually my mother have much work about the house. 2. Will have they classes on Sunday? 3. She have two brothers. 4. They shall have little spare time on week — days. 5. Did you had a seminar on History yesterday? 6. This is my room, it have 2 large windows. 7. Will you have any lectures tomorrow? Yes, I have. 8. How many days-off do you have next week? 9. Some years ago the Smiths have a small house in the village. 10. The students had re — write the tests. 11. Who have done the task? 12. You has great plans for this summer, hasn't you?

Задание 7. Переведите предложения на английский язык.

1. Вчера у нас было много работы. 2. У кого есть дома компьютер? 3. У Петровых трое детей. 4. Есть ли у вас хобби? 5. Что будет у тебя на завтрак? 6. У его роди­телей была новая машина, не так — ли? 7. У Петра все­гда много друзей. 8. На прошлой неделе ему пришлось уехать в командировку. 9. Вы когда-нибудь были в Авст­ралии? 10. У нас было счастливое детство. 11. Завтра у нашего инженера будет встреча с рабочими. 12. Сколь­ко сестер у твоего друга? 13. В следующем семестре у меня будет много экзаменов.