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1. Who are you? 2. What are you? 3. What language do

you study? 4. Do you know any other foreign languages?

5. Do you like to read books? 5. What books do you like best

of all? 6. Do you have any English books in your library?

7. Who is your favourite writer? 8. Where do you live? 9. Do

you live together with your parents? 10. Is your family large?

] 1. Do you have any sisters or brothers? 12. What are they?

13. How old are you? 14. And what about your sisters or

brothers? 15. Do you go in for sports? 16. Do you work?

17. Do you study? 18. Where do you study? 19. What year

student are you? 20. What do you usually do in the evening?

21. Have you grandparents? 22. Are they pensioners?

23. Do they live with you? 24. Have you been living in Rostov

since your birth? 25. Have you ever been abroad? 26. Wher

have you been? 27. Do you often visit your relatives? 28. D

you like to travel? 29. And what about your hobby? 30. Ar

you fond of music? What music do you prefer?

Задание 18. Составьте письменно вопросы к выделенным словам.

l.The delegation may arrive on Tuesday. 2. We saw Ann in the library. 3. The machine works well. 4. My daughter is invited to the theatre. 5. They often walk in the park. 6. Nobody.

has answered his letter. 1. There was a beautiful picture on the wall. 8. This problem can be solved in some ways. 9. You should consult your teacher. 10. There will be 2 lectures on Monday.

Задание 19. Ознакомьтесь с моделью построения альтер­нативных вопросов.Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. Our family lives in a 3-room flat.

—Does our family live in a 3-room flat or in a house?

— It lives in a 3-room flat.

2. They studied at the same school.

—Did they study at the same school or in different schools? —They studied at the same school.

3. She will go to the cinema soon.

  • Will she go to the cinema or to the theatre soon?

  • She will go to the cinema soon.

4. He is playing football now.

  • Is he playing football or chess now?

  • He is playing football now.

5. We have just written tests .

— Have we just written tests or exercises?

— We have just written tests.

6. There are 7 days in a week.

  • Are there 7 or 8 days in a week?

  • There are 7 days in a week.

7. He had been teaching English for many years.

  • Had he been teaching English or French for many years?

  • He had been teaching English for many years.

Задание 20. Составьте письменно альтернативные вопро­сы к данным предложениям. А.

1. My friend knows several foreign languages. 2. They graduated from our Academy. 3. Next week we shall go to



the South. 4. The boys are playing chess now. 5. She has already passed her exams. 6. Everybody knew this man well. 7. I like detective stories. 8. There will be some seminars on History next week. 9. We were watching TV the whole evening. 10. His sister has many relatives abroad. 11. Ann has been translating the article since the morning. 12. Russia is the largest country in the world. 13. You will have written the report by Monday.


1. The British Parliament consists of 2 (3) Houses. 2. Our team was the first (the last). 3.You are a teacher (a student). 4. Today is Monday (Tuesday). 5. The children went to the cinema (the theatre). 6. There were many (few) books on the shelf. 7. She has written an article (a book). 8. They will leave next week (tomorrow) 9. The boys are playing football (hockey). 10.Rostov-on-Don was founded in 1749 (1849).

Задание 21. Переведите предложения на английский язык.

1. Его семья живет в Москве или Ростове? 2. Что вам нравится больше: футбол или хоккей? 3. Это ее старшая или младшая сестра? 4. Студенты уже сдали экзамены или нет? 5. Петровы поедут к морю завтра или на следующей неделе? 6. Ваш друг учится в академии или в университете? 7. Вы живете в нашем городе 5 или 10 лет? 8. В России 11 или 12 временных поясов? 9. Он знает его лучше или вы? 10. Ты напишешь статью к понедельнику или нет? 11. Книга — на столе или на пол­ке? 12. Мне читать эту книгу или нет? 13. Столица США — Вашингтон или Нью-Йорк? 14. Он - студент 1 или 2 курса?

Задание 22. Ознакомьтесь с моделью построения разделительных вопросов. Переведите пред­ложения на русский язык.

1. You are happy.

  • You are happy, aren't you?

  • Yes, you are.

2. There are many large cities in our country.

  • There are many large cities in our country, aren't there?

  • Yes, there are.

3. His father doesn't work now.

  • His father doesn't work now, does he?

  • No, he doesn't.

4. She visited them yesterday.

  • She visited them yesterday, didn't she?

  • Yes, she did.

5. We shall go to the cinema.

  • We shall go to the cinema, shan't we?

  • Yes, we shall.

6. You haven't been to Italy.

  • You haven't been to Italy, have you?

  • No, you have not.

7. He is not reading now.

  • He is not reading now, is he?

  • No, he is not.

Задание 23. Составьте письменно разделительные вопро­сы к данным предложениям и дайте на них ответы. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. It is very cold today. 2. We know him well. 3. Your brother has a new car. 4. You are all right. 5. Our teacher speaks French very well. 6. You will not help me. 7. They have never been here. 8. He is your best friend. 9. His sister has recently got a new flat. 10. The children are watching TV



now. 11. The Ivanovs have been living in France for 2 years. 12. You have many friends. 13. There are many rivers and lakes in Russia. 14. Your mother was born in Moscow. 15. They haven't met before. 16. There will be a large hotel in our city. 17. You are twins. 18. She has never been abroad. 19 The weather is cold today. 20. Your daughter likes poems. 21. They will go to Moscow by plane. 22. He didn't read this book. 23. I am your son. 24. The students couldn't translate this text. 25. As a rule they work in the first shift. 26. They are going to the South. 27. Ann has nothing to read. 28. We shall attend this conference tomorrow. 29. There was nobody in the classroom. 30. His father should consult the doctor.

Задание 24. Переведите предложения на английский язык.

1. Ваш сын хорошо играет на фортепиано, не так ли? 2. Сегодня прекрасная погода, не правда ли? 3. Ро­стов был основан в 1749 году, не так ли? 4. Вы еще не были в Москве, не правда ли? 5. Москва — столица Рос­сийской Федерации, не так ли? 6. Он знает вас хорошо, не правда ли? 7. В вашем вузе 5 факультетов, не так ли? 8. Дети уже спят два часа, не правда ли? 9. Она не умеет плавать, не так ли? 10. Студенты уже сдали зачеты, не так ли? 11. Все прочли эту книгу, не правда ли? 12. Они будут на лекции, не так ли?

Задание 25. Определите тип вопроса.

  1. общий

  2. специаль­ный

  3. альтерна­тивный

  1. Who can answer my question?

  2. Do you know his sister?

  3. He was right, wasn't he?

  4. Do you work or study?

  5. How many children have you?

  6. What are you doing here?

  7. Shall we go to the cinema together?

  1. Didn't your brother see him yesterday?

  2. You don't like him, do you? 4. разде-

  1. When and where was he born? литель

  2. Are your teams playing football at the ный moment?

  3. She has never met this man, has she?

  4. How can we get to the station?

  5. What have they been doing in the lab since the morning?

  6. It's very hot today, isn't it?

  7. Are there 10 or 11 time zones in Russia?

  8. Doesn't your father work at the Rostselmash?

  9. Children were watching TV, were not they?

  10. Who is her best friend?

  11. Is this your native city?

  12. The Ivanovs moved to Moscow, didn't they?

  13. Are they pupils or students?

  14. Will she have written her article by the end of the next week?

  15. What's your hobby?

  16. How much time does it take you to get to your work?

  17. He is our new teacher, isn't he?

Задание 26. Укажите порядок слов, соответствующий: